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Rozovian has taken over leadership of the soundtrack portion of this project. Any assignments in this post are outdated, and currently listed for archival reasons, later to be removed.


First, the project:

I'm writing a freeware platformer called Holonic. It's a bit of a dystopian future/last hope to save humanity theme with cyberpunk undertones, where you play an artificial construct made of nothing but raw energy. The idea is that most of your enemies are drones or other robots, which you can jump in and blow shit up with.

I'm planning to release it as freeware. It's written to and runs on Windows XP/vista/7 (Maybe older versions), Mac OS X, and Linux.

Shiny pictures:



The soundtrack:

I'd like to build a soundtrack for this with nothing but OCR members, for cross advertising as well as because I <3 you guys. :<

Each area track should also include a secondary, more aggressive theme for the boss.

(Assignments may change)

The track list I have in my mind would be:

- Menu track ( the prophet of mephisto )

- Wartorn City. ( Gario )

Quiet and abandoned save occasional cries of people fleeing and hiding from the droning hum of blimps. Spotlights scour the streets. Dogs bark in the night against the sounds of distant car alarms, left to fend for themselves. Aluminum cans clatter past the few televisions never broken or turned off.

- Frozen Facility ( Skrypnyk )

Whistling arctic gusts sliced by the sharp fingers of broken glass, a groaning and settling superstructure yielding a hollow and metallic ghostly wail. Cracking ice punctuates the sullen lifeless cacophony, echoing down the slick frosted corridors like gunshots. Snow shifts and falls into the deep crevasse.

- Spaceship ( Rozovian )

Shining metal, the sound of a billion hearts beating in near-perfect unison, and a billion breaths taken in slumber. The ever distant hum and cadre of machinery working away, muffled by soundless space and carried only by a thin lattice of steel to the air inside the ship- what would seem deafening otherwise.

- Sand City ( Willrock )

Millennia dead, a once great city consumed by desert, chewed to pieces by violent flurries of biting sand. The soft patter of grains settling and flowing from the precarious heights of the city that tremble under the weight. Desert life has hold, the sounds of snakes and scorpions watching from the shadows.

- Sinking Facility ( Monobrow )

Fighting the waves, the old rust structure floats alone. Roughly encrusted by coral and brilliant fish where once there was only frozen steel. A thing alive, cascades of sea water breach the walls and periodic gushes vitalize the halls, popping mollusks clustering over the walls stealing momentary breaths.

- Warzone Spaceship ( The Vagrance)

Arcing lightning, blasts of steam. The unnervingly close clamor of machine guns, screaming and wailing. The deep pounding of marching feet and the shouting of angry voices in a hateful chant of death. The scratching of steel on steel, and the quick, desperate hiss of vital air succumbing to the vacuum beyond.

- Level Clear short ( Zephyr )

Doesn't need to be long, doesn't need to loop, doesn't even have to smell good.

- 'Game Over' jingle thing.


- Final boss theme

Should be full of epic

Optional tracks (These aren't needed, but if we have extra manpower I know I could put them to use)

- Training/Demonstration Area theme ( DJ Mokram )

This can just be a short 1 minute craptastic loop that will drive you insane if you spend more than a minute learning the two concepts that actually might need to be taught.

- Credits/finale ( Abadoss )

I'm uncomfortable listing this since I'm still not sure what we're going to do for the finale anyway. But it's there, if someone wants to spawn camp it

Each area track will be used for around 3 levels. Possibly more depending on how our mapping routines scale once we start getting past our simple 3 layer test builds :sleepdepriv:

I don't have a deadline set, The development is generally run pretty loose between myself and the graphic artist, we're doing this as a fun hobby. Audio is currently being handled via Ogg Vorbis, but I could probably add support for a different format if you needed something specific. The game is freeware so I'm not offering any compensation, but you'll get a spot in the credits. If you want. If not, I can just say it was composed by my cat.

Interested with no track claimed

- DarkeSword - Claimed a track in IRC at gunpoint, not sure which one

- Hemophiliac

- Geoffrey Taucer

- Cerrax

- Red9


I'll be the first to admit I don't know jack about making music. With that in mind, I'm pretty open to style. I envision the level tracks sort of progressing, say for example Area 1 might be a pretty innocent ambient track, area 4 would be an aggressive "urgent" track with the two in the middle falling between those two styles respectively.

The boss track would ideally be something aggressive as well perhaps with a "doomed" feel, and the menu track can really be about anything.

But again, I'm pretty open to suggestions here. I code shit. I'm asking for help here because if I were in charge of music, every track would be a schala remix. :<

EDIT: Right now I'd like to keep most of the organization inside this thread, but if it becomes an issue, or hard to organize, I have a forum over at the development site ( http://www.idle-minds.org/ ) that can be used. Also, anyone working on a track who wants to register there will get access to the development builds as they arrive.

EDIT2: More info, for those who've asked

The length isn't critical, but I'd like to see them falling in around 2.5 minutes or so, since the levels will be fairly expansive (Depending on how awesome my optimization skills are), and they'll be recycled for a few levels. You could probably squeak by with as little as 1.5 though. The tracks should loop in some way that isn't going to stand out and rape your ear.


An unclaimed track (track 3)?

Hey, if no one else is doing it, I'll do a WIP for ya :P

Were you looking for a cohesive style amongst the whole score? If so, what were you looking for?
He makes a good point about this, so unless you want a variety score you should probably address this :P

Gimme a day or two to whip something up. It'll be electronic, as that seems fitting for the game right now, but if you come up with something different for the cohesive style I'll be flexible.

Edit: Alright, Industrial it is :P.


Game looks sweet, and I know you're awesome at coding so I'm excited to see it. I'd love to be a playtester too if you're interested in getting some public opinions and critique. I'd love to help but I don't have the self discipline or skillz yet. If the game isn't out in 2 years, let me know.


Not gonna share the whole thing, but here's a cool little segment from it.

If someone actually working on this project is interested in incorporating some rhythm, chord progression or melody from my track, I've got a midi for you. PM/IM me and I'll give you the link.

Also, it would be cool if the boss track for each level would sound a bit more like the level. I imagine it wouldn't be hard for someone to make a boss track midi, then let the area musicians use the area sound for it. That's if everyone's on board, it'll otherwise sound a little inconsistent.


Also, it would be cool if the boss track for each level would sound a bit more like the level. I imagine it wouldn't be hard for someone to make a boss track midi, then let the area musicians use the area sound for it. That's if everyone's on board, it'll otherwise sound a little inconsistent.

True. On another hand, the person in charge of the level music, could also do the level boss theme in the continuity.

That's called non-linear music, and it has become the trend in modern games.

The music generally accelerate when there's more action on screen, then slow-down when you switch to some exploring.

All without having a blank in the song, and while keeping the same melody core in substance.

I dunno if it's hard to incorporate that kind of feature though.


Here's another thought for the sake of continuity - How does everyone feel about putting up a general theme to the game, that it - Just a few simple motifs that we all let run throughout our songs so the soundtrack sounds more like a whole. Just a thought, it would add consistency to the game's soundtrack.

Just tossing that idea out.

Thanks for letting me know about level 3, Fireslash, btw :)

True. On another hand, the person in charge of the level music, could also do the level boss theme in the continuity.

That's called non-linear music, and it has become the trend in modern games.

The music generally accelerate when there's more action on screen, then slow-down when you switch to some exploring.

All without having a blank in the song, and while keeping the same melody core in substance.

I dunno if it's hard to incorporate that kind of feature though.

It's easy to do wrong, and hard to do right.

It's doable, but I don't feel that it would be worth the time investment. Also, there are some pretty annoying rules you have to follow to create songs that work there, and I don't expect that level of commitment for a freeware project.

Maybe next time, if it's commercial :nicework:


I wrote up some zone descriptions, since it might help you get ideas for music (and because I think it's silly that you guys are claiming numbers instead of concepts ;) )

Like FireSlash said, zone music should be pretty long before it loops to avoid driving people crazy- two minutes is probably alright.

Zones/levels as currently planned / that I'm planning to make tile sets for:

BODY { FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-SIZE:10pt } P { FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-SIZE:10pt } DIV { FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-SIZE:10pt } TD { FONT-FAMILY:Verdana; FONT-SIZE:10pt }

1. Wartorn City.

Quiet and abandoned save occasional cries of people fleeing and hiding from the droning hum of blimps. Spotlights scour the streets. Dogs bark in the night against the sounds of distant car alarms, left to fend for themselves. Aluminum cans clatter past the few televisions never broken or turned off.

2. Frozen Facility.

Whistling arctic gusts sliced by the sharp fingers of broken glass, a groaning and settling superstructure yielding a hollow and metallic ghostly wail. Cracking ice punctuates the sullen lifeless cacophony, echoing down the slick frosted corridors like gunshots. Snow shifts and falls into the deep crevasse.

3. Spaceship

Shining metal, the sound of a billion hearts beating in near-perfect unison, and a billion breaths taken in slumber. The ever distant hum and cadre of machinery working away, muffled by soundless space and carried only by a thin lattice of steel to the air inside the ship- what would seem deafening otherwise.

4. Sand City

Millennia dead, a once great city consumed by desert, chewed to pieces by violent flurries of biting sand. The soft patter of grains settling and flowing from the precarious heights of the city that tremble under the weight. Desert life has hold, the sounds of snakes and scorpions watching from the shadows.

5. Sinking Facility

Fighting the waves, the old rust structure floats alone. Roughly encrusted by coral and brilliant fish where once there was only frozen steel. A thing alive, cascades of sea water breach the walls and periodic gushes vitalize the halls, popping mollusks clustering over the walls stealing momentary breaths.

6. Warzone Spaceship

Arcing lightning, blasts of steam. The unnervingly close clamor of machine guns, screaming and wailing. The deep pounding of marching feet and the shouting of angry voices in a hateful chant of death. The scratching of steel on steel, and the quick, desperate hiss of vital air succumbing to the vacuum beyond.

Other things:

Battle music

Boss music

Compliment the zone- maybe a more dramatic or hard-core version of the melody (the boss music more so than the battle music). This can be shorter than the general zone music.


Kind of tron-like area that's inside a computer network. This is accessed inside each of the zones (1, 2, and 3), so like boss music, should somewhat compliment the zone it is in. I could see the Network music being made by a different musician than the Zone/battle music (which should be the same musician within each zone for consistency) as long as it matched in 'feel'. Possibly a more digital/techno remix of the zone music.

Viral Network

What it sounds like- network gone bad, damaged and infested by computer viruses. This is accessed in each zone (4, 5, 6), and like the regular network, some compliment the zone in theme.


As stated- it's the main menu/ title screen. This should be exceptionally awesome, but need not be very long.

End of game

Something for the credits, maybe? One minute or less should be sufficient.

Game over music

Something to make the player feel like a failure at life for dying? Probably something short. Twenty or thirty seconds, maybe.

Scene music.

There are a couple important scenes in the game that could use specific music, but this can be addressed later.

Aaand... I think that's it.

Like FireSlash said, generally kind of industrial in many parts. Flavours of high tech in some areas- though for a couple of the zones the feel will be a mix of environment and machine (4 and 5 in particular- probably good to bring in a few eclectic instruments specific to each zone).

Thanks guys!

I may not check this for a while. If you have any questions (or music to share), feel free to e-mail...

Longest first post ever?

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