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I'm sure this movie will be another notch in the "why games != movies" belt.


It's Shadow of the Colossus.

gameplay = narrative.

uh not really

using the sword to reflect light and find colossus /= using the sword to reflect light and then spend forty minutes looking for it

walking around looking for lizards to shoot /= narrative

time attack mode /= narrative

Maybe if they frame the movie as a story of the girl telling a story to the horned child about his "father", and how he ended up in the forbidden land with the girl, bartered with a god, and saved her life. That way, you could keep a consistent dialouge and narration throughout, while keeping the protagonist mostly silent.

This could actually work pretty well. In fact, it's about the only way I can imagine this movie not sucking.

In all fairness, though, there have been movies before with very little dialogue that still worked well. Castaway, for instance.


I actually never got around to finishing this game. But i don't think they could convey the same sense of awe that i experienced while playing. If they are really planning to present this movie in a LOTR-type atmosphere, i think that would convey a sense of "epic" rather than a sense of "awe". Epic meaning large conflicts, over-the-top manuevers, etc. and "awe" i thought was brought on by the large expansive plains and serenity of the game.


I actually had hopes that this could actually work

then I found out that Justin Marks is writing the script

aka the guy who wrote the most recent Street Fighter movie



One thing I know about the game is the sense of achievement I got figuring out each Colossus, the first time I jumped out of the way of the 1st Colossus' hammer, when "Counter-Attack" played when you managed to race along on the horse and make a leap of faith to just merely hang onto the side of the beast as it raised into the air...

How tired I was to reach the final battle, holding R1 so tightly as to not fall off, smashing down the Square button with full force to communicate my dislike of these creatures.

All those things on the first playthrough just don't seem possible in the movie. A lot of the experience I received was based on my sole interaction with the game. If anything this is a movie to view alone or in limited company.

Talking about, 'well it -could- be done well' stands in the face of the people so far working on it. Did they actually get actors? Might this wind up a CGI project? Saying that SotC might be good if it followed Wall-E might make sense if it was the same Pixar team to do it. Thats the one hope I have.

My second hope: Kow Otani gets brought back for the soundtrack. At least even if the movie is lukewarm and doesn't blow we'll at least be assured a nice soundtrack.

I actually had hopes that this could actually work

then I found out that Justin Marks is writing the script

aka the guy who wrote the most recent Street Fighter movie


Ouch... this is not good news. Enter Samuel L. Jackson as Wander.


I'm gonna tell all of you right now: Forget everything you know about the game, as I have a bad feeling that 90% this movie will be completely different from it. Justin Marks is gonna transform the IP to fit his needs and desires, and won't even bother appealing to the fans nor being true to the source materiel. I can't back up my suspicions with evidence, but you know that past experience proves that I'm right...

There'll be little to no reference to: Lizard killing, fruit consumption, the bond between a man and his his trusty steed, sprawling, empty environments, or horned babies. This really isn't the game that should be made into a movie. Seriously.


I haven't played the game yet (been meaning to for a long time), but a Shadow of the Collosus movie written by the guy who wrote the Chun Li movie sounds like a scary April Fools joke, because it's probably actually true :?

The guy who wrote this article is excited about the movie... and IMO his suggestion and reasoning that Guillermo del Toro should direct it is a good one:


Is... is there some kind of petition somewhere to get this movie NOT made? Or to get no one but del Toro to direct it? With the economy as bad as it is, incredible wastes of money like this make me a little sick...


Guys, instead of worrying about how bad it's going be, let's start coming up with actual examples of how bad it'll be! I'll start us off:

Wander will be given a supporting cast of the tired old fantasy-party archetypes; gruff dwarven fighter, lithe elven archer, noble knight/mentor human, and a mysterious wizard. Momo was a princess who was killed by the evil DARK LORD COLOSSUS.


One thing I know about the game is the sense of achievement I got figuring out each Colossus, the first time I jumped out of the way of the 1st Colossus' hammer, when "Counter-Attack" played when you managed to race along on the horse and make a leap of faith to just merely hang onto the side of the beast as it raised into the air...

How tired I was to reach the final battle, holding R1 so tightly as to not fall off, smashing down the Square button with full force to communicate my dislike of these creatures.

All those things on the first playthrough just don't seem possible in the movie. A lot of the experience I received was based on my sole interaction with the game. If anything this is a movie to view alone or in limited company.

I'd have to say the story of SotC really didn't impact me as much as playing the game. I loved the story, but what really affected me was things like the sheer terror I felt upon finding the first colossus, and the thrill of riding along side the one flying serpent and jumping from Agro onto it's "wings". Those are moments I know a movie will never recreate for me.

i agree with this. sometimes movies with little dialogue work out really well.

Agree, but remember they say they want to make this into some LotR style epic, which doesn't lend itself little dialogue.

Also, it was Pixar who made Wall-E. Pixar can do whatever they want because they are Pixar and no studio on the planet can match their track record or box office consistency since Toy Story. They are in the unique position to bend boundaries and do it with a big budget.

Now if only Pixar was making SotC as their first PG-13 flick... Otherwise, don't hold your breath.

Kow Otani gets brought back for the soundtrack. At least even if the movie is lukewarm and doesn't blow we'll at least be assured a nice soundtrack.

^ THIS... he must be involved. Absolutely. Not bringing him in is a slap in the face to game's overall style. Dead Serious.

See this.


that's a serious face. Dead. Serious.

How tired I was to reach the final battle, holding R1 so tightly as to not fall off, smashing down the Square button with full force to communicate my dislike of these creatures.

If pushing buttons is such an emotional experience for you, I guess you could always bring a PS2 controller into the theater with you and pretend that you're controlling the screen while you're watching the movie?

If pushing buttons is such an emotional experience for you, I guess you could always bring a PS2 controller into the theater with you and pretend that you're controlling the screen while you're watching the movie?

once. when SSBM first came out I was going to a friends house for his birthday. well we went to a movie, and he took my Wavebird along with him and "played" the Hulk (the first one) the entire movie.

once. when SSBM first came out I was going to a friends house for his birthday. well we went to a movie, and he took my Wavebird along with him and "played" the Hulk (the first one) the entire movie.

Haha, that's awesome. But probably frustrating when you couldn't skip some of those cut scenes.

Also, I'd want to hit reset, once the lighting monster thing happened...

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