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This is awesome. There's several different sections that all expand on the original tune (which I really like) greatly, but don't really change the progression to where it's unrecognizable. The last section does sound very much like the original, but it seems appropriate after everything else that's gone on in the mix. The samples are great, the sequencing is stellar...not much else to say here. Outstanding work, aluminum!


A great piece, even moreso since I enjoyed it without even being familiar with the source piece. The Monty Python sound bites were a wonderful touch too, and well timed. I'm sure there's some out there that won't like it, and those will be the ones that haven't seen the movie. For the rest of us, this is a great remix, to me- a subdued techno piece that travels well into another genre, all while improving on the sound quality of FFVII. (God that game had some harsh MIDI...)


Took me a while to try and figure out the original piece... is it the fanfare played after winning battles? @_@

Whichever it is, aluminium has done a great job upon creating a remix based on a track that's under 30 seconds long without loops. :P And it seems that it's been built up as the piece went on, from the steady section at the start, to a hint of jazz near the middle, and as stated, the Monty Python clip. :) For those that are lacking a few brain cells (like me :lol: ), the last section - which sounds a lot like the original piece itself - will instantly get you familiarised with the original.

The instruments have been mixed together tightly, keeping things at a soothing pace and has shown as a pleasing sight to the ears. And the wide range of sounds and how they've been put together have also given him a good range of marks.

Overall, you've got great potential and an impressive start rookie. ^_^


It's funny how I take so few trips into the WIP forum, but almost everytime I do, I find a mix that eventually ends up on the site. Anyway, I loved this back when it was a WIP, and I'm glad to see it up. It's such a great little piece, with all the transitions and expansion of the source material. I still don't know why anyone would look at that tiny snippet (that eventually became annoying) at the end of battles and think "I could remix that" but aluminum pulled it off. With flying colors I might add. :nicework:


hey I recognise a certain drumloop in there. I have that drumloop. Well made I have to say. Can't say I'm a fan of the jazz, but it fits.

I like the way he's got a groove feeling going to this piece, it certainly makes me move around a bit and shuffle my feet. I also remember this one as a WIP, I have the original on here. The only thing I think that could have made this better, would have been some reverb on that synth at the end. Otherwise it's great. I still think the beginning strayed a little far from the original, but if the judges didn't think so, then who am I to judge. ;)

Great work, looking forward to more from aluminum.


I had some difficulty figuring out just what song this was from the game...but I got it about half way through...I don't really like the audio clip from Monty Python...I just don't think it fit with the song...Good work on the rest of the song...


This remix was pretty cool. It seemed a bit staticky at times, but I'm not sure if that was an intentional sound or not. I loved the opening. I was just waiting for it to build to the tune and the drums to come in.

When it did, it was slower than I expected, but that was still pretty cool. It became somewhat jazzy after that, and was a fairly calm remix. It builds into a few different instruments, and nicely builds up to a climax with a piano, some organ, some synth, and Monty Python sounds effects - which I found comical, and enjoyable.

That could've either made or ruined the remix for someone else, though. Not a bad remix, but I had trouble keeping interest in it at points. The opening and builds are fantastic, but the regular tune, although nicely mixed, grows a little slow. I'm not a huge fan of that sort of thing, but for anyone who enjoys a somewhat ambient track, this should probably be on the playlist.


Yup i agree with Rexy, sounds like a good ol mix of the fanfare :lol: . It sounds kinda like part of the hearts anxiety (from ceracyst) but i dunno.

Good job. Hope to see more.

Workin on my own remiz but don't rilli have much time XD

  • 2 weeks later...

the begining is kinda like sumtin creepin around the corner ready to spook you....but over all i thought it a very well done mix(even though i can't quite recall where in the game this was from)but hey?whose complaining?

  • 4 weeks later...

This is a very well put together mix. <more latter, im in class right now>

OK. I'm back.

Well I liked the mix because of the song he chose to remix. I mean, victory themes are hard to remix because they are so short (with the exeption of FFX-2, of which I'd like to hear a remix of, but that's beside the point). Aluminum really made it sound good without making it obscenely long.

Good Job. Although you realy don't need the opinion of a non-mixer like me. :lol:

  • 4 months later...

Well, to be honest, I had to listen to it about seven times before I was sure this was based on the victory theme. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it. Definitely different, and the concept is attention grabbing (for me, anyway).

I believe it was Toxic Soul who mentioned it sometimes sounds taticky, and I have to agree with him on that, but I found that added to the unique effect.

I'm really impressed with what you did with such a short piece to work from. Good on you, Mate. ^_~

  • 6 months later...

Huurrrrmmmm eh... I have mixed feelings about this. First impressions seem to work best for me so I guess I'll poop out the first things that come to mind.

The first thing I thought was "this reminds me of the Mortal Kombat soundtrack" but... better.

The second thing I thought was... I hate jazz. Although there're plenty of jazzy bits in FF7 so I forgive it readily. :)

And the last thing I thought was whyyyy does Mister Pretzel not like the end? I mean I'm not exactly fond of voices cutting into the tune but it was actually done non-annoyingly and didn't cut... just... poked. And it's when what it's a remix of becomes the most obvious. It's a good finality to seal the deal with so you know what ya' just heard.

Different strokes for different folks in the end, I guess. My stroke? Thumbs up. Not something I'd put on repeat forever obviously but she's a keeper; good work. The intro is $$$. Crunchy and smooth at the same time. Nice transition. A bit too varying of styles all in one piece for me but that's the art of it. Abstractionism is yay.

  • 4 months later...

Okay, I won't lie: I really, really hate the Monty Python thing. It's funny, and I love the movie, and I think it's mildly appropriate given that it's the victory fanfare and I've had my fair share of moments coming out of a boss battle with so little HP left I'm surprised I have limbs. But I like the actual music in this song so much that the MP bit makes me go "Wait, wtf?"

As for the actual music, it's really--weird. It's weird and different, but very interesting throughout, especially with the bizarre combination of synthesizing and jazz awesomeness. It makes me think of someone doing a fanfare in slow motion, really.

I'm not big on fadeouts, but that's kind of how the real fanfare can go, you know, so it works. :o

  • 5 months later...

Let me get this straight. Is this a remix on a track that has a length on 10 seconds before it begins on the next loop, and that those who has played the game probably heard it 1003649,83 times? Now that´s impressive. I read this forum before I heard this remix, and I must agree, the melody IS hard to hear, but only actually in the beginning, then it gets better. Nice combination of jazz and funkish techno, did not see that coming.

And the voice that says "I´M INVINCIBLE!", I´m gonna agree with him too. Climhazzard is a very cool limitbreak with a cool name. Omnislash would maybe be a better number one at power, but coolest name...err?

Great stuff aluminum, liked the combination between the flute and piano, very real sounding.

  • 3 weeks later...

i couldnt help but notice the monty python tribute in there with the vocals. "I'm Invincable"-the black knight followed by king arthur-"You're a looney" i just cant help but smile every time i hear it. cudos, woot, and so on and so forth :D

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Wow it was difficult for me to place the source until the last say, 20 seconds. Repeat listens made it easier to connect it to the source.

I wasn't feeling the vocal samples. Nice production, cool synthage, and a lot of new ideas make this a really developed arrangement, but there really isn't a ton of melodic content in the original, so it works well as a hip background track, but needs a bit more of a hook for active listening.

Grab it if you need some generic strutting music or something really cool to do homework too. :-)


This was actually one of the first songs I downloaded (and saved, not just listened to) off of this site. I love this song so damn much! It has such a good atmosphere and the limited amount of melody is actually what makes me really like this song. Very well-done and I even like the Monty Python bit; it gives the song a different feel. I want to hear more from this guy!

  • 7 months later...

This is one of my favorites. The atmosphere is incredibly intoxicating and the beat is very well done. I used to just put this on before I went to bed and have real strange but enjoyable dreams about living in sector 7... Yeah...

EDIT: Wow, I forgot I reviewed this already... That tells you how much I enjoy it.

  • 6 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01078 - Final Fantasy VII "Climhazzard Rush"

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