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Might wanna change the thread title to Zone of the Enders 3.

This guy has a pretty convincing argument.

I thought it was pretty arbitrary at first: E3S becoming ZE3, with e becoming 9 (What's the significance of the "9"? Why not do it with a "4" or some other symbol?) But then I realized that if you flip the characters vertically, you get the same results: SE3 becoming ZE3, with e becoming 6 (also a valid number). Well, the timer will count down again soon, so we shall soon find out!


Okay, so I don't usually fanboy over-analyze teaser pictures, but tonight I am. I'm taking a look at the Famitsu scans... the one with Raiden and Big Boss on it.

Raiden's eyes are blue in MGS4, but they're brown in the scans. Maybe its the lighting. Maybe its a retcon.

Just saying. Maybe it's not Raiden? Maybe its Frank Jaeger.

Probably too far of a stretch, but it'd be kind of cool if Raiden was some kind of derivative of Gray Fox/Null/Frank Jaeger.

Maybe Kojima's dividing chapters by distinct passages of time rather than just locations this time...

... oh who the hell knows. All I know is that I'm officially excited.


Ooo, Big Boss. Just lookin at the Kotaku scans, I hope it isn't another Raiden game - not cuz I dislike the guy as a lead but more cuz I thought his story wrapped up really well in MGS4 and should be left at that. I remember when I first saw the teaser site I thought to myself - not Raiden but his son, tough chance of that happening though.

Just saying. Maybe it's not Raiden? Maybe its Frank Jaeger.

this is what I was implying earlier and it makes sense for two reasons

a) raiden is neither old enough nor a cyborg ninja during big boss' time

B) raiden has blue eyes and blonde hair, frank jaeger has brown eyes and white hair

Maybe this is MGS5 and ZOE3, and they'll connect the series by having the Metal Gears evolve into Orbital Frames.

Best ...Sequel ...Ever.

On another note, anyone here excited about the last news from the long-running Metal Gear Philantropy?

For those who do not know, they're a bunch of nice italians fellas, making a low-budget fan-made MGS movie.

Movie that already made hollywood look like a bunch of sissies. You can see evidence of that here.

So now they're in the middle of post-production, chillin' and editing the titles.

While out of the blue, they got Aoife Ferry, singer of "The Best is yet to Come" from MGS1 to actually sing their ending theme.

Fan-Made-Project get the singer from the real game ...How fucking awesome is that? :shock:

a) raiden is neither old enough nor a cyborg ninja during big boss' time

B) raiden has blue eyes and blonde hair, frank jaeger has brown eyes and white hair

Yeah, definitely. I'm completely cool with that. Solidarity.

<3 Gray Fox.

Raiden's parents are killed by Solidus in the 1980s, and I didn't really think about it, but Raiden is adopted by Solidus, very similarly to the way that Frank Jaeger adopted Naomi after killing her parents. I think there are a lot of parallels that can bolster the Raiden/Gray Fox connection (I mean, while leaving out the obvious "they're both tech enhanced ninjas DUH" argument). I wonder if there are more parallels to these two characters...

So if Raiden is a kid in the 1980s. Null is a teenager in the 1970s. Frank would be... in his late 20s/early 30s by the time Raiden was born, which means he could lineup by either being a direct child of Gray Fox (which is probably unlikely) or being some kind of clone, which is probably what went down. Makes sense, and keeps that series' theme of cloning alive.

Cool. Color me excited.

That pic of Raiden/whoever with the black bandana over his eye makes the character look even more bad ass. Anyway, I like this Gray Fox/Raiden connection. If that's not how it is, I will be sad.



I think that being Gray Fox is grasping for straws. It's Raiden without a doubt.

Here's my guess. It's a two time period parallel story. One takes place in the present (either pre-MGS4 or post...though latter makes less sense.) with Raiden, and the other takes place in the 70s and 80s with Big Boss in his prime. And somehow the two different stories will connect with eachother.

I figure if Raiden spent the time between 2 and 4 going deep to uncover the Patriots (and save Sunny...which is the last loading symbol too.) to the point he even starts working with Eva, that's probably as good a time as any to flash back to BB's time to actually see how the real Patriots rolled...along with everything Eva talks about in 4.

That's my guess for now. I gotta say if it is that, between seeing the Patriots/Fox Unit's falling out...and Raiden's eventual fate to be mutilated into a cybernetic body, that's gonna be a very depressing game.

And yeah, I wanted ZOE3 more too. I dunno, I love Metal Gear but I feel like it's just too soon. But yeah, Raiden does look pretty awesome with the bandage over his eye.


I dunno about that, Snake never needed an eyepatch right up to the end. I guess anything's possible but that'd be kind of strange.

Plus I think BB and Snake have very subtle differences, even if they look similar.

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