ContinueTheEnd Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Garian, I have a question: I'm still in college right now and finals are coming up in two weeks. I'd love to sign up for this tournament, but there's no way I'll be able to play any matches until about three weeks from today. I'm going to be studying like mad, plus I'm taking a one-week trip right after college lets out. If you expect players to start playing next week, then I can't join...however, if there's still several weeks until the tournament actually starts, then I will definitely join. Please answer as soon as possible - the signup deadline's almost here. Thanks. -ContinueTheEnd Quote
Garian Posted May 31, 2009 Author Posted May 31, 2009 ContinueTheEnd: Hm, I'd like to see what some other folks think, but from what I gather there is a lot of anticipation to see how folks stack up against one-another. I won't say that there is a definite "Not possible" until we get a bit more feedback, I'm not too inflexible! And if you have to sit this one out, there's always the next Also: I'm thinking, after our first "OCR Community" tourney, I'd like to host one that's a bit more open to some of the other communities I'm in and taking signups by email or something. What do you guys think? Quote
Lord Obsidious Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Just measured my APM (Actions per minute). 107 average, bitches! Yes I know this isn't even close to average O.o I don't think I'm quite capable of doing that just yet. I'd need to get myself rather organized. Also, how does one measure their APM? On another note, having very little real-time fighting experience, I decided to try out the maps while duking it out with the computers before tackling real players; just to get myself a bit warmed-up. I mostly just did ZvP games, and before, the only way for me to win was Lurker rushing (Although I accidently Zergling rushed one successfully). I later decided to try a different build knowing it wasn't good to rely on tha strategy; a burrow defense build, and while it hadn't gone as successfully as I hoped, I did managed to win in the long run by containing the bugger. It was a struggle since I had to micromanage so many units, but it was a good starting experiance for me nonetheless. Now I just need to have a game with an actual player for good experiance. Oh, and I got up around 5 AM to watch the next Classic series of GOMTV. I was skeptical at waking up at such a time, but it was well worth it with the fun games. I especially enjoyed the ZvZ bloodfest and Efforts play. Quote
Tensei Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 O.o I don't think I'm quite capable of doing that just yet. I'd need to get myself rather organized. Also, how does one measure their APM?On another note, having very little real-time fighting experience, I decided to try out the maps while duking it out with the computers before tackling real players; just to get myself a bit warmed-up. I mostly just did ZvP games, and before, the only way for me to win was Lurker rushing (Although I accidently Zergling rushed one successfully). I later decided to try a different build knowing it wasn't good to rely on tha strategy; a burrow defense build, and while it hadn't gone as successfully as I hoped, I did managed to win in the long run by containing the bugger. It was a struggle since I had to micromanage so many units, but it was a good starting experiance for me nonetheless. Now I just need to have a game with an actual player for good experiance. Oh, and I got up around 5 AM to watch the next Classic series of GOMTV. I was skeptical at waking up at such a time, but it was well worth it with the fun games. I especially enjoyed the ZvZ bloodfest and Efforts play. Just run the executable, then run starcraft and press alt+z at the start of the match to start up the counter. I'm not a zerg player at all, but I think hydras are generally a favorable matchup against goons. Most of the pro ZvP matches seem to go with a combination of lots of hydras and lurkers against goons, zealots and templars. I guess it mostly comes down to whoever has the better micro/macro at that point. The comp plays completely differently from a human player though, 9 out of 10 times he'll go for a 2gateway zealot rush so you often need to get up some early defenses even when you're aiming for a fast expansion or fast tech build. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 A group of hydras will always tear up a group of goons, everything else being equal. Their rate of fire of higher (but range is lower). If the hydras do not have hydra speed, you could micro the dragoons to tear apart the hydras with shoot-and-move, but at that point in the game hydra speed is always evolved. Quote
Tensei Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Also, please, if anyone is up for a practice 1v1 match against me (Terran), I'm idling in channel ocr on US east, I really need the practice. Quote
Red Shadow Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 i hope this does better than the brawl tournament did Quote
ContinueTheEnd Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 ContinueTheEnd: Hm, I'd like to see what some other folks think, but from what I gather there is a lot of anticipation to see how folks stack up against one-another. I won't say that there is a definite "Not possible" until we get a bit more feedback, I'm not too inflexible! And if you have to sit this one out, there's always the next Also: I'm thinking, after our first "OCR Community" tourney, I'd like to host one that's a bit more open to some of the other communities I'm in and taking signups by email or something. What do you guys think? Alright...I'll sit this one out; it sounds like I would just be hindering all the people who really want to play. I know how frustrating that can be, heh. Hopefully there'll be another tournament after this one. I definitely plan to join it if there is. Quote
Garian Posted May 31, 2009 Author Posted May 31, 2009 Red Shadow, so far I've got 11 people who've formally signed up (9 in the thread, and 2 from real-time chat), and although I'm foreseeing Battousai and Nekofrog rolling through everyone it should be some good times. What exactly happened with the brawl tournament? ContinueTheEnd: Fair enough, I'm not sure how soon after we finish this tourney we'll start the next, but I'm hoping it's a bit more open to incorporate some other communities... Tumult and AE are pretty good for casual players, and they have a friend who played at a more hardcore level, micromanaging multiple fronts while maintaining his army size :S And here's a bit more info! The matchups will be random, I repurposed a silly win/loss ranking utility I made a few years ago (for the same reason) to assign a random number to entrants and then sort them from highest to lowest number (I was really having a hell of a time getting that to work, it was supposed to sort the other way, lowest to highest). Like I said before, once I post the match-ups, you'll have ONE WEEK to record 3 consecutive replays. I still need to work out a format for the replays to make it easier to manage :S Also, like I said before, if you cannot use for ANY reason, you aren't necessarily disqualified... try to work out playing on a VPN like Hamachi with your opponent. users DO get preference (meaning if your opponent is unable to use a VPN like Hamachi or a PVPGN server, you'll be forced to concede), but hopefully everyone will work to accommodate each other. Thanks again everyone, and there's still about 6 hours left to sign up so if you're even remotely interested, please do! Quote
vega12 Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Just to make sure my post declaring my "interest" wasn't passed over, I'm now signing up. Quote
Dyne Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. It sucks, because I want to, but I'm moving out of my house in two weeks, so I don't know when I'll have the computer back up and running. Quote
Garian Posted June 2, 2009 Author Posted June 2, 2009 Ok guys! I've got a tentative list of players, just working to confirm/deny a few people who showed interest but never formally declared their name/race (I can be flexible!). Confirmed: Nekofrog - ZergTensei-san - TerranElesarana - ProtossFriendlyWarlord - RandomLordObsidious - ZergWind_Strike - TerranGario - RandomJadeAuto - ZergSynthesizedStampede - ProtossProjectJusticeX - TerranBleck - RandomVega12 - ProtossNativeJovian - ZergBattousai - ZergWildArmor - Random Unconfirmed: linkspastZyko If we end up with an odd number of confirmed entrants, I'll throw my name on in as well just to even it out, playing Random with the name "garian." Remember, there's still plenty of time to practice, and you can take as much time to warm up as necessary... just be sure that once you start your matches that you save the replays. For the replay naming format, you should use an abbreviated form of your name (I would use Gar for myself), the level of the tournament (use some convention like "Ro 1" or "Set1"), and finally "Game" and the game number. When you send me your replays to me, they should appear similar to "Gar Ro1 Game1.rep" "Gar Ro1 Game2.rep" and "Gar Ro1 Game3.rep." It would be best to zip all three up with a text file stating the winner as well, but that is optional and mostly for my convenience-- I won't let Neko or Battousai know the results of any games that they cast if they choose to do so so that the commentary is fresh! Quote
Red Shadow Posted June 2, 2009 Posted June 2, 2009 The problem with the brawl tournament was the eventual inability of participants to get themselves organized and get online to play someone else. Starcraft players are typically a little different mindset so lets see! Quote
Garian Posted June 3, 2009 Author Posted June 3, 2009 OK guys! Zyko and Linkspast never contacted me so they are being dropped. We also only had 15 people signed up so I will join in to even it out. Here are the matchups! * elesarana protoss (random value: 975)* Gario random (random value: 964)* wildarmor random (random value: 888)* wind_strike terran (random value: 880) * nekofrog zerg (random value: 874)* SynthesizedStampede protoss (random value: 855)* ProjectJusticeX terran (random value: 528)* nativejovian zerg (random value: 446) * tensei terran (random value: 355)* FriendlyWarlord random (random value: 332)* Battousai zerg (random value: 327)* bleck random (random value: 248) * jadeauto zerg (random value: 185)* garian random (random value: 168)* LordObsidious zerg (random value: 73)* vega12 protoss (random value: 23) Remember, the format is single elimination. I also seperated each group of 4 with seperate lists for clarity's sake; the winners of the first round in each group will play each other. Take as much time to warm up as you need, but once you start your matches please play until the best of 3! If you have any trouble contacting your opponent, please get in touch with me via IRC or Steam chat (I'll also check my messages, but that will be less frequent). BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR REPLAYS! Also make sure they are named in a similar format to "Gar Ro# Game#.rep" Good luck and have fun EDIT: I forgot the map list, sorry guys! Tau Cross for game 1 Python for game 2 Sin Chupung-Ryeong for game 3 Quote
friendlyHunter Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 Oh my... am I correct to assume I'm toast? After I'm finished, I'll have to arrange some games with other eliminated players =p Quote
SynthesizedStampede Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 NOOO NEKOFROG??? *sad face* Losers bracket, yes? Haha, just kidding. Man, I'm gonna get owned Quote
JadeAuto Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 hehehe, I get the random injection against the tournament leader first round. Joy! Note: If you're up against me, message me on Yahoo (see user info), Steam (JadeAuto), or PM me. I check most spots daily. Quote
Gario Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 DAMN! I wanted that matchup! Oh well, that's what 'random' will do to ya . Quote
JadeAuto Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 Unless your name is Random and you have a pack of Trumps.... then who knows what would happen.... Quote
Tensei Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 Oh my... am I correct to assume I'm toast? After I'm finished, I'll have to arrange some games with other eliminated players =p Haha, please don't overestimate me. I'm alright at micro and I generally get my build up quite fast, but I have trouble looking at the big picture of stuff and adapting my strategies to my opponents. If it's any consolation, I've lost to Neko, Lord Obsidious and garian in practice matches. Quote
Rambo Posted June 3, 2009 Posted June 3, 2009 Garian! You should have bugged me about this. I would definitely have joined! Next time! Also, I want to see your replays! Quote
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