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yeah guys I don't want to buy a 500$ computer to play games on I'd much rather just buy a 300$ console and 50$ controllers and a 30$ headset and a 100$ adapter so I can connect to the internet and a suscription to the online service for 80$ and than games for 60$ apiece and 10$ for DLC that PC gamers get for free and

No thank you. I've gone 10 years playing FPSs strictly on consoles, so it's way too late for me to adapt to mouse + keyboard. Besides, I probably wouln't even want to. I'd probably just connect my 360 controller to my computer instead. True, but I barely care. I find PS3/360 graphics to be quite satisfactory. Well, guess what? It isn't enough to tempt me, because it costs $800. So, you're right, probably isn't worth arguing it. Who's plopping $500 on a new computer? I know I'm not! I'll stick with the cheap $250 laptops, thank you. Besides, I just got the one I'm using right now this past June. I won't be grabbing another computer for quite some time.Well, very few FPSs are made exlusively for PC nowadays. As for the ones that are exclusive, like I said, they (as well any other PC exclusive games in general) don't interest me. I really do believe that mouse + keyboard is overrated. I see nothing wrong with console controllers. I've been playing L4D and L4D2 just fine.

No offense JC, but If we had known some of the facts you just posted when you made your comment in the first place, some of the points we've been making would have been lessened or not made due to knowing your situation.

I prefer spending money on a computer once every 4-5 years, and being able to cart along all my media, my games, my important things, and to not have to worry about hardware/etc for another 4-5 years.

I haven't bought a console since I picked up my PS2Slim several years back. There's been no draw to the current gen for me.

Sidepoint: If you have a computer (say for work) and it's a powerful beast of a machine, there's no reason at all not to have a video card installed on it for gaming in the off-hours (unless it's a server of some sort, or purpose critical).


Yeah, people seem to think that for gaming you need an alienware computer. I got a quad core that I bought over a year and a half ago, and even then it was 900 bucks at walmart for a dell, with a 19 inch monitor, etc. All I have done to it was replace the ram, which cost 30 bucks, and got a 9800 GT card for 90 bucks with a free copy of CoD4. You can easily get that computer now for well less than 800 bucks, and the card for cheaper than I paid for it, and you can upgrade it for years. Where as the the lifeline of a console is what, 5 years now, except the ps2. And I have had a lot less and cheaper problems with my computer than I have with my 360, that's for damn sure.


Wait, I shouldn't be agreeing with bleck. Wtf!

I know. Did it leave you feeling like you need a shower too?

EDIT: The Magnum does indeed exist and it is fucking awesome!

No offense JC, but If we had known some of the facts you just posted when you made your comment in the first place, some of the points we've been making would have been lessened or not made due to knowing your situation.

Granted. Sorry if I put anybody off due to lack of knowledge of my situation. :oops:

Bleck, I could easily make a "nickel and diming" counter-argument for PCs. Every gaming company does it. It's called "business."

No thank you. I've gone 10 years playing FPSs strictly on consoles, so it's way too late for me to adapt to mouse + keyboard. Besides, I probably wouln't even want to. I'd probably just connect my 360 controller to my computer instead. True, but I barely care. I find PS3/360 graphics to be quite satisfactory. Well, guess what? It isn't enough to tempt me, because it costs $800. So, you're right, probably isn't worth arguing it. Who's plopping $500 on a new computer? I know I'm not! I'll stick with the cheap $250 laptops, thank you. Besides, I just got the one I'm using right now this past June. I won't be grabbing another computer for quite some time.Well, very few FPSs are made exlusively for PC nowadays. As for the ones that are exclusive, like I said, they (as well any other PC exclusive games in general) don't interest me. I really do believe that mouse + keyboard is overrated. I see nothing wrong with console controllers. I've been playing L4D and L4D2 just fine.

I'll give you the 360 controller bit - I think most people overblow the difference in experience.

But one thing I do have to question is that why go the bargain laptop route? They're cheap, and far more prone to break and have a myriad of issues than lets say a desktop you build or buy for $800 or so, or even a nice deal laptop like this: http://bfads.net/HP-dv8t-Laptop-w-Quad-Core-i7-Processor-999-HP . There's far less frustration across the board, better specs, more hard drive space, etc., and lasts longer - one can argue you are spending less this way.


Dang, when did this thread become a PC vs. XBox debate?

I see nothing wrong with consoles, though they're not all that practical to me because:

1)I don't even own an HDTV at this point.

2)I already require a fairly up-to-date computer for making music, so I'm not going out of my way to spend extra money on one just to play games.

3)The fact that even though the console itself is $200-300, By the time I've bought my XBL subscription, extra controllers and other accessories, not to mention paying a little more (in most cases) for the game I want to play, I probably will have spent close to $500 already. Well over, if I were to go buy a TV just so I could enjoy my XBox at higher res.

That being said, I wouldn't mind owning an XBox at some point. I think there are some really cool games on XBL, and Halo kind of sucks on PC. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Can we go back to arguing why L4D2 is/isn't any better than L4D1 now? :<

actually if you could you probably already would have


You have to buy games, purchase upgrades and additions for things like RAM, graphics cards and such, buy PC headsets, pay for any repairs should something happen to the PC, and etc. and etc.:sleepzzz:

I suggest you remove the stick that is firmly crammed up your buttocks, I'm going back to the L4D2 discussion.


Haha, buying pc games. Like anyone does that. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, everyone is fanboying this up. PC repair is the same as 360 repair money wise about half the time, so you can't pull the repair card on this one. Plus ps3 issues too cost you out the ass when they do happen. Accessories for a pc are way cheaper than console things as well, unless you want some madcatz "break in a month" shit. Ram is 20 to 30 bucks now for great ram, etc. I can continue on if you'd like though. But lets talk L4D2 :D

purchase upgrades and additions for things like RAM, graphics cards and such

I believe the entire point of having the stipulation that we were talking about a 'gaming computer' was that you don't really have to upgrade anything at all

but yeah anyways enough 'I have an xbox and I'm butthurt that everyone buys it for the PC' nonsense

Let's instead talk about how retarded the people who are claiming that the Spitter is overpowered are (HOW ABOUT NOT STEPPING ON THE GOO, JACKASS).


I've heard a lot of people whine about the Spitter being overpowered. I attribute it generally to not being able to comprehend the idea of not standing on the goo or barricading in corners/small rooms.


It's because they're playing the demo on Advance or Expert. Yeah, it's more fun, but the Spitter acid does a lot more damage per second. Even the few seconds it takes to get out of the pool can take off a lot of health.

Mind you, you can hear the damn thing from miles away, and most of the guns will take her down long before she gets into range, so...

I've heard a lot of people whine about the Spitter being overpowered. I attribute it generally to not being able to comprehend the idea of not standing on the goo or barricading in corners/small rooms.

amazingly, quoted for truth. If people would think spatially instead of campalistically, this wouldn't be an issue.

The spitter's pretty well balanced, I think - except in expert, there she just freaking owns.

The spitter's pretty well balanced, I think - except in expert, there she just freaking owns.

If there was less damage from jumping up and down while you're running out of it, that would make sense. Like, if you walk thought it, it's burning your feet, but if you jump, your feet are only in it for a fraction of the time.

It would also make for some laughs, something about making them dance right before you spit at them.


Mind you, you can hear the damn thing from miles away, and most of the guns will take her down long before she gets into range, so...

Maybe it's just me, but I can never hear the Spitter coming until after she's spat all over the floor. I'm thinking it's just me not being used to her sounds, but I've gotten to hear Jockeys and Chargers with consistency already, so...idk.

If there was less damage from jumping up and down while you're running out of it, that would make sense. Like, if you walk thought it, it's burning your feet, but if you jump, your feet are only in it for a fraction of the time.

It would also make for some laughs, something about making them dance right before you spit at them.


If that were the case, I would expect they would increase the actual damage of the goo to keep people from just hopping to avoid damage. Besides, I initially had that same thought, but then decided that the whole point of the spitter was to basically cause a temporary "DO NOT OCCUPY THIS SPACE OR YOU WILL TAKE DAMAGE" area specifically to break up corner/closet campers and scatter tight packs.

Another general thing I've noticed, and I'm curious to hear you guys speculate on this, but most of the people who are not hyped about L4D2 or prefer L4D1 are usually the people who prefer campaign/single player to versus. I really don't think I know of anyone who's really into versus mode who is NOT excited about L4D2. I of course speculate that many of these new additions were implemented specifically after getting feedback about certain issues in versus. Stuff like the corner camping, or lack of range damage infected, or not being able to revive dead survivors. Or the whole concept of separating a survivor (or more) from the group in general.

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