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Why do you say that? Is the conjurer not good or something? They summon pets right? That's kind of what I was thinking of doing...

It's not bad, it's just I have never played a white mage in anything ever. I always go for the tough damage dealers. Heck, in the 5 times I've beaten FF1, I've never gone for a white mage before. Let's see if I can remember my combinations.

fighter, thief, red mage, black mage

fighter, fighter, fighter, black mage

fighter, black belt, black belt, black mage

Hmmm, I don't remember the other ones.

And Modus, wouldn't it be hilarious if Krillin's head was the 6 star dragon ball?


images should be BANNED

Or for Version 6, put in some type of small thumb nail, and if you WANT to see an image, you can click on it, and it'll either reveal or pop up in one of those fancy built-in image viewing windows

But that's beside the point

I really want to play this game but I feel like it's a paid MMO in a world where MMOs are systematically going F2p. Interested to hear what others think on that. Personally I can't afford it so sadly I have to sit this out. But I will probably end up watching the crucial story on youtube, which is a terrible way to distribute a main-number FF.


I really want to play this game but I feel like it's a paid MMO in a world where MMOs are systematically going F2p. Interested to hear what others think on that. Personally I can't afford it so sadly I have to sit this out. But I will probably end up watching the crucial story on youtube, which is a terrible way to distribute a main-number FF.

F2P is a cancer of the industry. I've been able to play the beta on occasion and I really can't wait to play something that people care about playing again.

Just wish I had the time that I used to have. :(


OK so looks like some people are breaking the NDA and posting video content of FFXIV on youtube.... sooooo all i have to say is WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GAME!!!

Unfortunately my imac can only run it on low settings :(

Posted (edited)
F2P is a cancer of the industry. I've been able to play the beta on occasion and I really can't wait to play something that people care about playing again.

Just wish I had the time that I used to have. :(

I find it odd that plenty of people are okay with subscription-based games, but not okay with DLC.

So it's okay to pay 12.99 a month for an RPG, but not okay to pay that same amount or less every six months when Capcom releases some new DLC characters whose code happened to already be present on the disc. It's money to actually play the same game for another month vs. money to add optional features to extend the longevity of your game at your discretion.

Baffles me that most people seem to side with the former.

I also find it odd that people don't like free to play games of popular franchises in a world where the playable demo is dying.

Edited by AngelCityOutlaw

Because it forces developers to create games based on the question of "How can we make money off this?" rather than "how can we make this game fun(and by extension make money off it)?"

That's one short argument. There's a much larger one relating to how businesses misinterpret certain trends, but I'm in a hurry.

How so? I don't see how it could negatively affect the industry at all.

A F2P MMO profits by making items available that will put wealthier players ahead of others. Some MMOs implement a more even playing ground than others, which is nice, but most don't.

The best way to do F2P is to basically make it "subscription-optional." If you spend the price of a normal subscription each month, you should get the expected benefits of your run-of-the-mill subscription MMO.

But having played so many F2P MMOs, I despise the model. It's terrible for any game involving a huge investment of your time. The developers care far less about patching the game and rebalancing because their incentive, their guaranteed revenue, is gone. On the flipside, they have more incentive create a ton of expansions for that guaranteed revenue, usually expansions they put together as quickly as possible so they can move on to the next.


There's nothing wrong with F2P if it's executed well. It allows for games that can't directly compete with WoW (which, still being the 800 pound gorilla of the genre, is most of them) to find a niche in the marketplace. Take Star Wars: The Old Republic, for example. I've been playing since pre-launch and I love the game, but it wasn't keeping enough subscribers to maintain the profit margin they wanted (they had said it needed about 500,000 subscribers to break even, and it had dropped from a high point of around 1.7 million to a low point of about 600,000), so they went to a hybrid model (where you could subscribe for automatic total access to everything, or play for free with some restrictions). This bumped active accounts up to over two million. Now, not all of those 1.5 million non-subscription accounts pay, and not all over those that do pay as much as a subscription fee, but some pay more than that (and some subscribers pay over and above their subscription). That's the glory of a real-money store. With a subscription model, the most money you can get from someone is the cost of the subscription. With a real-money store, there's no limit, because there will always be someone willing to pay extra for whatever's in the store.

Of course, the subscription model has advantages too. It leaves a company more financially stable, because that money is paid up front whether the player actually plays the game or not, which lets the developer concentrate on more long-term goals than "we've got to bring more people into the store". A good F2P developer will do both, of course, but a subscription-only model allows them to focus their attention. That said, a F2P model, or a hybrid like SWTOR uses, can keep a game alive when it would have otherwise had to shut down (or allow a game to be made in the first place when it doesn't have the enormous amount of financial backing that games like SWTOR and FF14 do), so I don't see how that's a negative on the industry at all.

I find it odd that plenty of people are okay with subscription-based games, but not okay with DLC.

I don't mind DLC at all. Back when console games could never be expanded after released to get anything extra was great. Sonic 2& Knuckles for example.

However, I think some developers would exploit DLC a little too much. I don't think it's happened yet to the extent people are accusing it of (maybe mass effect 3's day 1 DLC did) but it's important for gamers to be complaining about it so that it's less likely to happen. Kind of like the current trend of having "Great Customer Service!!" The more people complain the more you are going to get and the less they are going to get away with.

How so? I don't see how it could negatively affect the industry at all.

There are more games now than what people have time to play. Alot of these F2P games demand even more time than MMO's used to in order to make progress. Unless you buy a booster. So what happens now is tons of people play a game for a month. Then leave to try the next F2P game. The people who pay for the game get screwed with a constantly changing social environment, that's always full of noobs(!) and no one feels much of any commitment to what they are playing.

The problem is there are more games now than there is time to play them. It used to be I wish I had more money to play more games. Now It's I wish I had more time to play all these games I have, and you can't earn more time.


You can now register your copy of FFXIV here if you preordered, in order to make sure you get into early access, but the servers are getting hammered pretty hard. It'll give you an error message when you try to redeem your code, but it may go through anyway. Have your Square Enix profile open in another tab (you'll be able to get to it from a drop-down menu in the top-right of the pre-order code redemption screen) and you can refresh it to see if you actually got registered.

While I was doing that, I got messing with my Square Enix account for the hell of it.


Best avatar, or best avatar?

In other news, does anyone know what linking your XBL/PSN/Steam/Facebook account to your Square Enix account does?


Square Enix never makes it easy.

"You get a preorder code for FF14. After you enter it in, you get another code to enter. After that, you must head to the SHRINE OF THE SILVER MONKEY but you dont get the head of the statue, you get a grapefruit. After getting the Grapefruit of the Silver Monkey, take it to the Grapefruit Exchange of the Silver Monkey for a code voucher that will enable DLC for the Shrine of the Silver Monkey Mayhem Expansion pack. After getting the world record in SotSMM, you will be sent a trophy which doubles as the head of the Silver Monkey Statue. Thank you for preordering Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn."

Posted (edited)

Well, I managed to get into Masamune right when the game launched this morning at 5am. I was able to meet with the Distant Worldd free company and join up with them on my new character. Within 20 minutes, we had 104 members online and most of them were there with us in the basement of the adventurers guild in Gridania. Unfortunately, my PS3 could only populate about 20 of them. Can't wait till PS4 launch so I don't have this issue anymore. We're going to have the first episode of the Let's Play series for ARR today at 9pm so I've got to get at least somewhat leveled before then so I'm not in my lvl 1 gear.

EDIT: Here you go. Sambo (Leader) took a screen shot.


Edited by DarkeSword

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