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Damn, this is badass. I was just waiting for a huge beat to bust in, and what I got was somewhat tame. The whole thing kinda feels like a huge build up for something that never comes. But it is still freakin awesome. Superb synths.

Man I agree totally. I was just waiting for all hell to break loose. The song mostly chugs along at about the same level of excitement... a simple thing like dynamic change at the end when all the building starts to come together would make it that much cooler.

And overall, amazingly good work.


That IS the kind of bass lines and bass sounds we LOVE !

(on the contrary, I would probably prefer without the effect at the very


The gapped guitar and the voice make me think of the german band "FRONT 242" (< this is a compliment).

Nothing to add about the pad chords ending: the shivers on my arms speak for themselves.


The whole thing just feels like one of those scenes in an action movie when all the guys are preparing for battle, and are gearing up in a badass warehouse, or tunnel, or cave or something with a theme like this pumping in the background, psyching you out. The fade-in also lends it to be more cinematic (popcorn-cinematic, mind) in this way, making feel more like a calm-before-the-bloodbath type theme. The kind I love.

This feeling is echoed when the demons are introduced. It feels like this could be incorporated in a movie, as the theme is playing, the guys are walking in slow motion with all the kickass guns and bazookas and such, then the demons are introduced, left to right.

I do believe I've watched too much Blade lately.

Anyway, kickass song, and I hope to see more from analoq in this fashion.


Analoq, good work I say. Does anyone else think the whole song has a Nine Inch Nails feel to it? Maybe a bit more pop-ish, but still the dark, pulsating feel Trent Reznor has to most of his music. I dig the opening bassline, very similar to the opening bassline to More Human Than Human (and I loved that too).


Holy Crap :twisted: , this is the best remix i have heard for this game, including all of the other remixes from people that dont post on this site. I think analoq should get something more than the above average recognition.... umm, I'm not saying that this isn't good enough...............hmmm......

I dig the opening bassline, very similar to the opening bassline to More Human Than Human (and I loved that too).

of course you dig that bassline, it's the business and you're the biz. you are somewhat related, no? (:

but yes, that bassline is directly influenced by the white zombie song. i'm surprised it wasn't pointed out earlier. NIN was an influence also. decent ear, you've got.



Thanks for the compliment, analoq. I have a very decent but very untrained ear...a situation I am very soon going to remedy. One of the many genres I enjoy is the industrial/electronic sound, kinda like NIN but not as fucked up :) If anyone has any good suggestions for good bands here, drop me a line. Again, good stuff, very professional.

  • 2 weeks later...
but yes, that bassline is directly influenced by the white zombie song. i'm surprised it wasn't pointed out earlier. NIN was an influence also. decent ear, you've got.

Mmm, White Zombie and Nine Inch Nails connections! I'm pretty sure I also felt a short "woah, this remindes me of More Human than Human" experience the first time I plugged it in (from that funky synth bass at 0:13)... but I figured that was this just a common style or something; and didn't want to insult your creativity - lol.

That buildup at 0:50 definately sounds to me like has some NIN roots. I'm verging towards either something from Quake or the song "the wretched" - but my instinct tells me that it was influenced (somewhat) by Driver Down; which is track 22 on the Lost Highway soundtrack. Interesingly enough, that soundtrack also features a few tracks by Rammstein (as some have already mentioned as a questionable influence). I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy. :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Oh man. I've been playing this nonstop after I rediscovered it. Creezus this is awesome. One thing, though. How the heck did you get that awesome sound that it starts out with? There are few words to describe how awesome the intro sound is, and *then* the music starts.

Like mentioned before, that bass is *The* business.


it's been a while so i don't know how accurate this recollection is, but:

i think i started out with a triangle wave patch (maybe with ringmod?), played a very dissonant chord and filter sweeped it with lots of resonance.

from there i put it through a thick analogue distortion and a short delay with a whole lotta feedback.

it is much fun to make such offensive sounds!


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

wow. first time Sonic Boom showed me this i freaked out and demanded where he got it. he told me, and i fell in love with my headphones


the bassline is quite addicting. i found myself singing it in some of my classes hehe

do yourself a favor and download this

(its better if you have a bass booster :D )

  • 3 weeks later...

Definately my favorite DOOM and DOOM 2 mix on the site, which is saying something, because I love nearly every one of them dearly. This one just brings something darker, more oppressing to the table that I need sometimes, and the addition of the infernal names just raised it to another level.

Though I must confess that I went out of my way to learn them. Oh well.

Good work, man.

  • 4 months later...
Sooo.... how long until this ends up on Kazaa as "Rammstein - Doom theme (real).mp3"

Nice call. This hella sounds like a Rammstein piece.

Very good stuff Analoq.... I love it!

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