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The Japanese are literally shitting themselves over this right now.

Because our community largely depends on Mother Nippon for more than half of our gaming lives, culture and history, I just thought everyone should know that this beloved foreign country of ours; a country that is technologically superior, intellectually massive, artistically orgasmic, and righteously nutritous and courteous and above us in almost every way...


... is in the biggest state of panic the world has ever seen.

And if you read the article, that is not a hyperbole (insert eye rolling emoticon here if I knew how to do it properly).


I've lived here for over half a year now and never really heard much about this. I'll have to ask my friends about it later to get the opinion of at least some Japanese university students. From what I've seen, men here though don't seem, on the whole, to fit into that category though. Still tons of guys I've seen who are very fashion conscience, and relatively flirty with girls. Might just be that the so called grass-eating men don't stand out, or aren't outside as much.

  Meteo Xavier said:
Because our community largely depends on Mother Nippon for more than half of our gaming lives, culture and history, I just thought everyone should know that this beloved foreign country of ours; a country that is technologically superior, intellectually massive, artistically orgasmic, and righteously nutritous and courteous and above us in almost every way...


... is in the biggest state of panic the world has ever seen.

And if you read the article, that is not a hyperbole (insert eye rolling emoticon here if I knew how to do it properly).


Anyway, it is Japan. They do crazy stuff all the time. This really isn't surprising or shocking.


I seriously hope you were being sarcastic with your jerking off to Japan, because I refuse to believe someone is as deluded as that. I major in Japanese language and culture and while it's an interesting country, it's honestly not (significantly) ahead of other major Western democracies in the areas you mentioned. Japan is in fact quite 'backwards' in some respects (Take a look at the denial of stuff like the Nanjing massacre or the Yasukuni shrine, and compare it to countries like Germany which have already accepted and come to terms with their past a long time ago). And let's not even start about gender equality.

  Tensei-San said:
I seriously hope you were being sarcastic with your jerking off to Japan, because I refuse to believe someone is as deluded as that. I major in Japanese language and culture and while it's an interesting country, it's honestly not (significantly) ahead of other major Western democracies in the areas you mentioned. Japan is in fact quite 'backwards' in some respects (Take a look at the denial of stuff like the Nanjing massacre or the Yasukuni shrine, and compare it to countries like Germany which have already accepted and come to terms with their past a long time ago). And let's not even start about gender equality.

For someone who's not sure if I'm being serious, you sure are taking it pretty seriously.

And I'm glad the general consensus seems to believe this issue to be as ridiculous as what I saw when I read what Japan was PANICKING about. :P


Only a country so technologically advanced can churn out so many loli rape sims.

Only a sophisticated and intelligent culture can truly understand why groping people in trains is awesome.

  JoeFu said:
Only a country so technologically advanced can churn out so many loli rape sims.

Only a sophisticated and intelligent culture can truly understand why groping people in trains is awesome.

... For a minute there, I was almost expecting a tentacle rape wise-crack...

  DarkeSword said:
Indeed. Thread fails to deliver.

Well it could be because someone took out the whole other 80% of the topic title instead of just changing the offending phrase. Its not my fault the topic title doesn't deliver, its not what I originally wrote.

And "someone" in that sentence is not emphasized in anyway. I don't know who moderated it.

Edit: On second thought, the original title didn't indicate as much as necessary anyway, so I'll shut up.


I can sorta understand the other stuff, but shunning their women? Now why would you do a thing like that? I think it's time for us to move to Japan. In all seriousness though, interesting read that.


"This just in! Socially awkward men stay at home, eat vegetables, hang out on the internet!"

How is this news? Yeah, the whole "shunning women" thing is a bit weird, but I doubt most of them go out of their way to avoid sex with women. I bet most of them are just people without social skills who find this phenomenon relieving because it gives them a good excuse for their inability to get a date.

..then again, I'd probably be considered a grass eater because I tend to keep to myself.


Hmm. I dunno, it'll probably balance itself out eventually. The thing is, if you look at Japanese culture, or at least how Japanese culture tends to look to us over here, being a successful man is all about being a BUSINESS man. You look at any movie that had to do with Japan in the 80's... Sato from Karate Kid II was an example. Now I'm fully aware that was an American movie with a very American impression of the Japanese, but what I'm saying is that those stereotypes didn't invent themselves. The image of the Japanese male in the late 20th century was always a driven, powerful businessman.

Now I'm sure there's a great share of lazy guys who don't wanna do anything with their lives in Japan, just as there are in the US. But I think it's kinda interesting to see the men trending away from the idea that they have to be at the top of a corporation to be successful. In an ironic way it's kind of going back to their pre 20th century roots when the Japanese culture was primarily agrarian. I suppose you could call this their hippie movement. Interesting.

EDIT: That said, I don't know about the not having sex. *shrug*

  OverCoat said:
Less people need to procreate. Too many stupid people walking around.

Except for the fact that Japanese culture is literally shrinking due to the fact that their current generation of young adults consists pretty much entirely of yuppies and none of them are having kids. Negative population growth is a sign of a very sick society.

  Shadow Wolf said:
Hmm. I dunno, it'll probably balance itself out eventually. The thing is, if you look at Japanese culture, or at least how Japanese culture tends to look to us over here, being a successful man is all about being a BUSINESS man. You look at any movie that had to do with Japan in the 80's... Sato from Karate Kid II was an example. Now I'm fully aware that was an American movie with a very American impression of the Japanese, but what I'm saying is that those stereotypes didn't invent themselves. The image of the Japanese male in the late 20th century was always a driven, powerful businessman.

Now I'm sure there's a great share of lazy guys who don't wanna do anything with their lives in Japan, just as there are in the US. But I think it's kinda interesting to see the men trending away from the idea that they have to be at the top of a corporation to be successful. In an ironic way it's kind of going back to their pre 20th century roots when the Japanese culture was primarily agrarian. I suppose you could call this their hippie movement. Interesting.

EDIT: That said, I don't know about the not having sex. *shrug*

I have a wicked urge to want to watch SHINESMAN again.

There are plenty of things to appreciate about Japanese business practices though. I particularly enjoy the fact that they have (or had last time I checked) routine exercise sessions to keep healthy and positions for life - which is interesting considering how long the Japanese tend to live - which can be great for job security.

But yeah, sooner or later, something like this would happen. A lot of Japanese kids and young adults our age, in consideration of the high cost of living expenses and extreme lack of available space, tend to live as "Leech Youth" and pretty much depend on the parents for everything. That thriving (or throbbing, more accurately) sense of competition and life-long positioning has alienated the next generations. When the standards are too high and its too hard to even get started, why bother? I can definitely see where this Grass-Eater movement is coming from then.

China's going through a similar thing right now too, IIRC. I think theres' is partially the result of Communism though.

  Native Jovian said:
Negative population growth is a sign of a very sick society.

How? I don't think there's any correlation between population growth and health of the society. After all, just look at China or India.

I have a wicked urge to want to watch SHINESMAN again.


  Meteo Xavier said:
Well it could be because someone took out the whole other 80% of the topic title instead of just changing the offending phrase. Its not my fault the topic title doesn't deliver, its not what I originally wrote.

And "someone" in that sentence is not emphasized in anyway. I don't know who moderated it.

Edit: On second thought, the original title didn't indicate as much as necessary anyway, so I'll shut up.

A) Nobody in Japan is actually defecating on themselves over this, which is what you're claiming when you use the term "literally," so this thread literally fails to deliver.

B) No swearing in Community thread titles.


I actually think the whole non-materialism thing is pretty cool. I get tired of the "CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME" mantra corporations foist off on us. Sounds like these guys aren't buying fancy cars and necklaces to impress people and only buying things they actually want/need. That's cool. As for the avoiding women thing, as someone who only seriously started trying to get a date after college (although I've always wanted one), women are annoyingly fickle. I can have the same interests as her, not be interested in sleeping with her anytime soon, dress well, and have good hygiene and the girls won't even give me a chance because I'm not Mr. Party Funny Man like other guys. It's honestly easier just go read about some awesome girl and focus on goals I have control over like my writing instead of wasting my time on goals that depend entirely on other people such as achieving a long-term relationship.

  Dhsu said:
A) Nobody in Japan is actually defecating on themselves over this, which is what you're claiming when you use the term "literally," so this thread literally fails to deliver.

We're done arguing this, ok? I didn't fail to deliver anything.

On topic: And I share Avatar of Justice but for different reasons. I've cut back on my materialism as part of my Obsessive-Compulsive complex that is aggressively and annoyingly mutated with my Autism. My attitude on women is roughly the same but I can't even really get started (hell, there used to be a dating help thread somewhere here but I can't find it now.)

The Grass-Eater philosophy currently rules, but I can see why a huge number of people doing this during a decline and sharp decrease in birth rate would be concerned. Its nothing to PANIC about though.

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