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You remind me a lot of the way I view myself, Liz. I never think I look good in photos and I'm self-conscious about just about every part of me, but from my experience others don't seem to think so all that much. Once I can get over those inhibitions I'm a lot more fun to be around, but you're always gonna be your own worst critic.

It sounds like you and I would get along well :-P

Jenner: You'd better be back next year, that's all I've got to say. XD

Liz: Any and all difficulties you had didn't even register in most people's minds because they were too busy being in awe of your (broken) Power Glove anyways.

Gods willing, I'll do my best Arrow. I swear.

Q-pa! You were awesome, I can't wait to see you again. Abadoss, I remember you too! You need to wear a different hat next year and start a new trend. :3 Goodness, I feel so bad for not remembering more people. I miss you all so much.

Gods willing, I'll do my best Arrow. I swear.

Q-pa! You were awesome, I can't wait to see you again. Abadoss, I remember you too! You need to wear a different hat next year and start a new trend. :3 Goodness, I feel so bad for not remembering more people. I miss you all so much.

I wore a Greek fisherman's hat the second day, but it didn't breathe and was too hot... :/


So Nekofrog, Ashamee, Monobrow, and Prot are currently sleeping downstairs in my house!

Earlier I let them grab from the grab bag...Monobrow was the first one to go, and she had no clue what was in there, but she went for the heaviest thing. What she ended up getting was a brand new light blue DSi! It sure has some wacky image distortion features in it!

Prot was the next one to go and he pulled out the biggest item in the bag: http://www.amazon.com/Super-Mario-Bros-Wii-Special-Nintendo/dp/B002UVG722/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1263065919&sr=8-2 - Neko will get another chance to be an asshole at NSMB Wii!

Then it was Ashamee who went and pulled out Ender's Game (the book) - a great read!

And lastly, Nekofrog pulled out this CD: http://www.amazon.com/Wild-Frontier-Gary-Moore/dp/B000093OU8/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1263066420&sr=8-4 - definitely a favorite of mine!

There's more nice items in here, although admittedly Monobrow grabbed the best of them by sheer luck - perhaps I should've found something really heavy to throw people off, but glad to see her get to enjoy it, as neither her or Prot have a DS. After they all leave probably tomorrow, I will start doing the randomization and then start sending PMs for addresses so I can send them out for everyone's enjoyment!

Edit: I'll take on *one* extra person for the bag who was at MAGFest!

One extra person? [shrug] If it's still open I suppose count me in. I kinda feel like a dick if I actually got something and didn't give anything back though.

You should feel like a dick because you told me that you were coming to MAG and then told me not to tell ANYONE which I didn't, and then you didn't even try and meet me D:

I hate you D:

Earlier I let them grab from the grab bag...Monobrow was the first one to go, and she had no clue what was in there, but she went for the heaviest thing. What she ended up getting was a brand new light blue DSi! It sure has some wacky image distortion features in it!

Geez! First winning the poker tournament, now a free DSi! Mono is one lucky person...

Ok, I went through all my photos. Out of roughtly 2,600 I kept 307. You can download the zip file of all of them here:

Kizyr was showing these earlier to some of the people hanging at Stevo's, and we came to the conclusion that those two pics of A_Rival and Amy floating in the air, flapping their arms would make a perfect "Can the judges A_Rival?" anigif.

Ok, I went through all my photos. Out of roughtly 2,600 I kept 307. You can download the zip file of all of them here:


If you can't access the site for some reason, I have no idea why. Some people can, some people can't. Someone may have to mirror the file if that's the case. All photos were resized down to 1021x680 from the original 4256x2832.


if someone would mirror this, that'd be awesome. I can't get to his site for some reason!

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