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I think in some way that my very presence offends Brushfire...I wonder what I said...anyways, it's definitely a no for this year...I'm going to try for next year...maybe by then I'll be able to arrange things alot better.


I am not offended by you. I think you are an allright d00d in my book. Now I admit my opinons on anime and the like are a tad abrasive, but that is more for the "lulz" than anything else.

I'd love to meet any OCRer in real life, and strike up a conversation on why I hate everything.

I am not offended by you. I think you are an allright d00d in my book. Now I admit my opinons on anime and the like are a tad abrasive, but that is more for the "lulz" than anything else.

I'd love to meet any OCRer in real life, and strike up a conversation on why I hate everything.

You know what we need. An OCR FLAG. I'd buy that shit.

I just read back in the thread, and Anso isn't coming to mag? this saddens me.. ;(


Aboot the CLAN OCR Flag, to know how many people would be interested in having one, as I can't just have these made like the patches.

I hope to have one in hand at MAGFest, but I know I will at least have some super awesome prizes courtesy of Me, Zephyr, and Draken-Korin for folks who win at MAGFest.

Also, I need to get a full list of folks going to the LAN party, cause I may be able to get the Community Center rented out. Meaning we would have A LOT more space than at my hoose.

I think in some way that my very presence offends Brushfire

You know what's great about magfest though? The whole event is really good at clearing up all the douchery that happens online [see magfest 5 djp+virt shenanigans], and when you meet people in real life you see that they're pretty cool, except for Bluefox, but... he's Bluefox, lol. But yeah, you can be bitter enemies online and then meet at magfest and be totally cool with each other afterwards - I've seen it happen lots of times. It did wonders for myself and virt, I used to think he was a gigantic douche because I only remembered him from IRC a long time ago, but we hung out at magfest 4 and found out he'd changed A LOT... now we're good friends :D

It's also a good opportunity for me to give zircon some physical attention if you know what I mean

oh boy


well, I've got more beef with Darkesword these days than Brushfire...he and I are cool, now it's a matter of money, unless $1000 falls into my lap sometime in the next month, I'm uber screwed...so it's really doubtful I'll make it...


Okay, I was talking with Prophet of Mephisto and it dawned on me that since a lot of people are coming from in/around the Baltimore, MD area, that a carpool would be sensible. As of right now, I believe the current plan is for Avaris to ride down towards my place, with Jewbei in tow (I may be wrong on who he is bringing, but I know he's bringing someone) and we're heading to MAG from my area. If all goes well, everyone will be heading there Thursday for the New Years party, though since I'm apparently the only one in our group confirmed to be going to the party that might change. Also, I plan on attending Brushfire's BBQ after MAG, regardless of if I have to carpool people back to my house first and then head to his place or not. The BBQ's on Monday after the convention ends, right?

So, who else is coming from Baltimore (Xerol, DrumUltima, Vimk, I'm looking at you!) that would want to arrange a carpool, saving gas and making the trip shorter by not being a car-hermit?

Edit: oh, and overcoat, you know what MAGfest means?


There is a place called the Brushfire Bed n' Magfest, that costs free dollars. If you and Bonzai are interested.

No Sex in my house though.

Yeah, this too. Forgot.

Though I should point out that many of those that stayed at the MAG hotel last year will tell you that is pretty much the best way to enjoy the event.

There is a place called the Brushfire Bed n' Magfest, that costs free dollars. If you and Bonzai are interested.

No Sex in my house though.

Thanks Brush. :-P

I'm a little weary of not having our own transportation though. :| If people have different ideas for the day/night... I don't wanna be in, or cause a bind. [Example: some people want to stay longer, leave sooner... or eat somewhere with others. And some don't]


Or you two can stay in my hotel room Rambo if you two don't mind a packed room. I'm hoping to have split lots of ways for maybe $80 for the whole 4 days.
Thanks for the offer Baha :smile:, and I don't think splitting a room with the lot of you would be a problem... I'm just concerned about management finding out about these overbooked rooms. I've been in a situation like this once before where people were denied access by reception to the room we were all sharing... :|. That would make for a pretty terrible experience in an unfamiliar city.

I've never been to MAGFest and I really don't know how it goes down, so either of worries may be unwarranted. THESE THINGS ASIDE... Bonzai and I would both love to go.....

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