Avatar of Justice Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 http://www.networkworld.com/news/2009/071709-us-video-game-sales-sink.html I for one have only bought two games this year, namely Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus and BlazBlue (I am possibly a ArcSys 2-D fighter fan ). Oh, and the PC version of Braid. I guess my main reason for this is that Resident Evil 5 seemed like an inferior version of RE4 and that nothing else new besides Knights in the Nightmare has interested me. My play time this year has been split between stuff I bought last year like Valkyria Chronicles and The World Ends With You and even stuff from 2007 like Phantom Hourglass I hadn't gotten around to but has been on my shelf for a long time. So why haven't you all been doing your part in keeping the charity we call the video game industry afloat? Less game buying overall or have you just started buying more used games? Quote
Thalzon Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 I'm such a sucker for this, but oh well... I'll often buy new as soon as I possibly can. Which is a dumb thing to do, since the games are more expensive and they pile up and remain unplayed for longer that way. But I do it because I want to support "my" industry. What really burns me, though, was how all my friends would pirate everything they could, and then justify it with "but I have no money!" So? That means you don't PLAY ANYTHING NEW. You go back and finish every game on the goddamn SNES or something first. I'm sure you'll have lots of money by the time you're done there. The worst were my friends with DSes. They'd never buy a DS game. It doesn't surprise me sales are down overall, though. It's a recession; people are stretching their dollars, and $50-$60 (or $60-$80 here in Canada -- prices went back up) for a game doesn't always look reasonable. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted July 17, 2009 Author Posted July 17, 2009 I'm such a sucker for this, but oh well...I'll often buy new as soon as I possibly can. Which is a dumb thing to do, since the games are more expensive and they pile up and remain unplayed for longer that way. But I do it because I want to support "my" industry. I buy new because I like games that are becoming increasingly more and more niche. If I liked mainstream stuff like Gears of War or Halo, I wouldn't care, but I feel the need to get my "vote" out for games like Valkyria Chronicles and The World Ends With You. I really want them to keep making games like those (TWEWY is my favorite game PERIOD). Quote
The Xyco Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 Nothing all that great has come out or has caught my eye. Plus the replayability of 2008 games. Meh. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 The last thing I saw in the news said, video game sells are down, but renting is up, and so is playing. So I wouldn't necessarily blame pirating for the drop. No link, cause I saw it on TV news, and I can't even remember which station cause my grandmother is constantly flipping between channels for news. Anyway I've gotten two games new today, one I got for myself, and one for my birthday. I might get a few more too after I get a job. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 I buy new because I like games that are becoming increasingly more and more niche. If I liked mainstream stuff like Gears of War or Halo, I wouldn't care, but I feel the need to get my "vote" out for games like Valkyria Chronicles and The World Ends With You. I really want them to keep making games like those (TWEWY is my favorite game PERIOD). I'm pretty much the same. I'd love to see a Fatal Frame come to the PS3 considering the latest Fatal Frame game came out for the Wii; though it only ever saw a Japanese release... Quote
Thalzon Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 I'm pretty much the same. I'd love to see a Fatal Frame come to the PS3 considering the latest Fatal Frame game came out for the Wii; though it only ever saw a Japanese release... There's speculation it'll come out in the next year or so for Wii. It's not certain, of course, but last I checked it was still on the release schedule on IGN. I didn't mean to imply piracy was the cause of sales being down (though it certainly doesn't help much), but what bothered me was that my friends and I all want to go into games as a career... But they pirate everything. They didn't seem to realize the irony. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 There's speculation it'll come out in the next year or so for Wii. It's not certain, of course, but last I checked it was still on the release schedule on IGN. Fatal Frame 0 (4 by time of release) is already out for the Wii, however only in Japan... >:L Quote
Ray Falling Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 I don't necessarily feel any kind of loyalty to the industry. I do always buy new, when a game comes out and I really want it/ want to try it. So far, the only game I bought new this year is The Conduit. I can't support Nintendo if they don't make something I actually enjoy Anything I bought for PS2 was second hand, or uber cheap. Quote
Reign Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 I think the economic crisis would be the leading cause for the changes, but I don't feel bad at all if some one can't pull their head out of their @$z and build a game worth playing, they shouldn't sell anything . I would consider myself a hard core gamer and I would say the gaming industry is failing us. Most of the games I end up enjoying are the low budget games built for gaming's sake(most downloadable Arcade games). There is a few games I plan on buying but very few(NG sigma 2, Uncharted 2, FF13.) I mean what happened to ripping off good ideas and making a little coin? Why hasn't some one jacked the Smash Bros fighting style and applied it somwhere else? Yet you see hundreds of 2D Fighting games being produced(Street Fighter, Doa, Blazblue, Mortal Combat, Soul Calibur, tekken, Virtua Fighter, ). Not that I am saying 2D doesn't have a place I think the gaming industry is too hung up on 3D playing fields. Also wtf is the zombie craze can't somone think of the next big thing yet I mean how my weird viral strains can there be that turn people into flesh craving morons? Quote
Toadofsky Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 Of course, the recession is hitting everywhere. How many companies have we seen go under or get absorbed (non gaming and gaming companies)? But heck, most of the games I've seen this past year or so haven't been that great for me. I think I've bought more games on VC and XBLA then ACTUAL disc based games alone. And there's only going to be a handful of games that I'll be buying this year as well. Some of those being Metroid Prime Trilogy, Wii Sports Resort, New Super Mario Bros., maybe a DS game or two, and possibly Shadow Complex. I'm at a crossroads with new games. So many of them get boring to me quickly, or I don't enjoy them as much as I do with older games, and yet, some of the older games I don't care to go back through again (confusing? Yeah I know). I know games are a changing medium, that's fine, but I guess I'm letting myself be left behind. Honestly, I'm wanting more in my life than just games. It's why I've been at least keeping an open eye for a potential girlfriend. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 Well, the OBVIOUS answer is the economy. I literally am scrounging up pennies to pay for my games (makes for very embarrassing trips to Gamestop and Bestbuy..) Also, I think it's because compared to many recent years, there hasn't been a knockout game out in June this year. SF4, RE5 and most of the biggest 2009 games actually came out from February through May (when UFC started selling like hotcakes). And personally, I do feel that the gamers should support the industry if they love games. But I guess rampant piracy mostly targets PC gaming than consoles. And honestly, the pattern of buying one game and maybe 2 or 3 DLC games per month hasn't changed for me. In fact, I'm probably going to buy at least one Wii VC game, at least the Fallout DLC + Monkey Island + TMNT Reshelled + MvC2 + Batman Arkham and even a PS3 with a few games in August alone. Quote
Flare4War Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 I think the economic crisis would be the leading cause for the changes, but I don't feel bad at all if some one can't pull their head out of their @$z and build a game worth playing, they shouldn't sell anything . I would consider myself a hard core gamer and I would say the gaming industry is failing us. Most of the games I end up enjoying are the low budget games built for gaming's sake(most downloadable Arcade games). There is a few games I plan on buying but very few(NG sigma 2, Uncharted 2, FF13.) I mean what happened to ripping off good ideas and making a little coin? Why hasn't some one jacked the Smash Bros fighting style and applied it somwhere else? Yet you see hundreds of 2D Fighting games being produced(Street Fighter, Doa, Blazblue, Mortal Combat, Soul Calibur, tekken, Virtua Fighter, ). Not that I am saying 2D doesn't have a place I think the gaming industry is too hung up on 3D playing fields. Also wtf is the zombie craze can't somone think of the next big thing yet I mean how my weird viral strains can there be that turn people into flesh craving morons? This. Basically this. The people creating games need to get creative about player feed back. They just aren't asking us what we want most of the time. They're just spamming games trying to make a profit. I especially agree with the notion that no one has attempted a Smash Bros. picturesque multiplayer style fighting game. (In my opinion Square Enix could easily pull it off) The zombies: Seriously. Reign is right. Some people might like zombies in ever damn game they play -- To each their own. Some of us on the other hand don't. Can't we fight a normal and/or original enemy for a fucking change? Killing Geth in 'Mass Effect' was awesome good clean fun. Hey, Gaming Industry! Stop thinking solely about getting another dollar and asks the gamers what they're into. I so rarely find a title I'm interested in anymore and just in case you think I've given up the hobby, think again. I'm just going back to the good stuff that has replay and things like Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PS3. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 What the industry really needs to do is take a break from trying to raise the bar on every single game they put out. Enough with the budget-crushing photo realism and large, but ultimately dry-sounding Hollywood-esque orchestral scores. Why not just create stylized graphics? Why not just use a really good synth/mixer/etc. setup for sound? Publishers also need to learn to spread out their game releases throughout the year. The deluge of titles last year during the holidays was bloody crazy, and that shit needs to stop. From what I'm seeing with all the release delays though, it looks like they're just going from a crazy Nov - Dec to a crazy January. I'll also echo some of the sentiment here. Listen to the fans, not the goddamn stockholders. If you produce a product that nobody wants to play(read: buy), then you're not making either party happy. Of course this goes both ways since we see so many people crying out for new IPs, while screaming that they'd better not dare take away their Final Fantasy or Gears of War or there will be hell to pay. Finally, the economy is in the shits. Nobody has any money to buy a few $60 videogames a few times in the month like publishers want to believe, especially when there are other personal finance issues to deal with. Let's face it: Video games are a hobby and a fun diversion, but ultimately that's all. They're just a luxury that a lot of people just can't afford much of lately. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 Let's face it: Video games are a hobby and a fun diversion, but ultimately that's all. They're just a luxury that a lot of people just can't afford much of lately. This. Even thought we know that in these dark times, everyone is craving for a little entertainment. The industry's focus now seems to be on hardware, with new motion controllers and interfaces, which will probably be a nice thing ...in like 20 decades. But as of now, trying to replace game pads with a camera and motion sensor isn't gonna lead us anywhere. Even worse, imagine what it'll cost when they package them with game console. Innovative yes, but totally unrealistic imo. What's fun to notice this year, is that casual games SO outsold the big franchises. But thanks to the 13 years old girls buying all the Ubisoft's 'Imagine' games collection, they now have the money to make stunning games like Assassin's Creed 2 and even an opus on psp. More seriously, I think developpers have realized they were running around in circle. But since the idea-mill is dry, they're trying to innovate with hardware. Unfortunately, there are still risks involved with lotsa money and people to pay/fire. Meanwhile little developpers with bright ideas are struggling to get their voices heard. ...and so are the hardcore gamers. Quote
KyleJCrb Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 sales of everything are down this year Yeah, pretty much. Quote
Flare4War Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 More seriously, I think developpers have realized they were running around in circle.But since the idea-mill is dry, they're trying to innovate with hardware. Some of the developers may realize it but the companies producing the games sure don't seem to. The tech today allows for many, many, many more possibilities for a game than 10 or 12 years ago. The idea-mill should be in overdrive. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 I've bought just as many games as I normally do, mainly cause I keep check on sales at gamestop, trade games through goozex, etc. Quote
Bahamut Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 I've bought a few games this year, namely Rock Band 2, Mass Effect, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 for the Wii, BlazBlue for the 360 & PS3, The Force Unleashed, and...maybe some others. What I think this news says though is that not even the game industry is immune to the effects of the bad economy. Before, the game industry even saw growth in recessions. As for people's comments on the games people want - most game developers are content now to put out games that are half-assed in some respects since gamers have shown the inclination to buy them enough so that it's economically maximal for the companies. The only people to blame here are the consumers who're willing to purchase those games. Quote
Flare4War Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 As for people's comments on the games people want - most game developers are content now to put out games that are half-assed in some respects since gamers have shown the inclination to buy them enough so that it's economically maximal for the companies. The only people to blame here are the consumers who're willing to purchase those games. Your gradient may be true to the general public, i don't know; but I can tell you that concerning myself and my brothers and immediate friends, it's not. We thoroughly examine a game before we make a purchase. The only way we don't is if the purchase is cheaper than a rental. As far as buying games new, doesn't happen. And I think I'm speaking for a lot of people on this. New games are a risky buy unless you've played it at a friend house or etc. and you know that you want it. The industry is more like that now than ever before. Basically I don't agree. I think people are realizing that many of the titles are just spam. Which makes sense because many of them are. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 The tech today allows for many, many, many more possibilities for a game than 10 or 12 years ago. The idea-mill should be in overdrive. Totally agree: the tech should allow for way more innovation, but most of the time, the risk of not selling prevent every major developper from even trying. Some of the developers may realize it but the companies producing the games sure don't seem to. The small or independants developpers are overflowing with new ideas and concepts. But alas, resources aren't as plentiful, and exposure is still the priviledge of big companies. Think of money in video game industry as the corruption in Prince of Persia. It has made people lazy and relying on the visual & sound prowess trick to get by. And don't even get me started on the 'quck time events'... Somebody's got to clean that mess up before videogames replace movies for good. ...or more exactly, before videogames become interactives movies for good! Quote
Toadofsky Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 What the industry really needs to do is take a break from trying to raise the bar on every single game they put out. Enough with the budget-crushing photo realism and large, but ultimately dry-sounding Hollywood-esque orchestral scores. Why not just create stylized graphics? Why not just use a really good synth/mixer/etc. setup for sound?Publishers also need to learn to spread out their game releases throughout the year. The deluge of titles last year during the holidays was bloody crazy, and that shit needs to stop. From what I'm seeing with all the release delays though, it looks like they're just going from a crazy Nov - Dec to a crazy January. This. There are FEW, FEW, games I consider to be that realistic. So much focus on making things look like reality, when they look even more fake. Heavy Rain is a mighty impressive looking game, but every time I've watched that teaser video of the girl, I keep thinking how "dead" her eyes look, thus taking the illusion of realism away. For me, Mass Effect is probably my top game in terms of realistic graphics, heck maybe even for this generation of consoles (at least until the sequel comes out ). But that's my viewpoint only, and I'm not going to call anyone out for disagreeing. Could the game be just as good without the hyper realistic graphics? Probably, might not have as much impact. You also bring up another good point, the fact of all the work that could be pulled into better aspects of the games. I feel that many games this generation and their music, don't have the same memorable tunes like many older games. Of course, that could be a generational thing, but when I see the list of songs on OCR, I don't see many current gen games, let alone a VAST array of them from the XBOX/PS2 era (of course, if we're going to count Final Fantasy X, there's a good point). I've said it from the start, 60 dollars for a game is TOO MUCH. Heck, I'd go as far as to say 50 dollars is, but I think it's a little better pill to swallow at times. When I had a 360, I never bought a game brand new. Right now, I'm playing one of my friends' 360, and I've had more entertainment coming out of the VC/WiiWare/indie/XBLA games than a large portion of the retail games (currently enjoying Secret of Monkey Island SE). Quote
Flare4War Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 For me, Mass Effect is probably my top game in terms of realistic graphics, heck maybe even for this generation of consoles (at least until the sequel comes out ). But that's my viewpoint only, and I'm not going to call anyone out for disagreeing. Could the game be just as good without the hyper realistic graphics? Probably, might not have as much impact. I agree in not a few ways. Mass Effect has been (for me) one of the funnest play through of this decade. Graphics, game play, writing, and even the soundtrack had depth. A fairly open ended game as well considering it has some of the vitals of a shooter. Quote
zircon Posted July 18, 2009 Posted July 18, 2009 The reason why big developers are less likely to take risks is because production budgets are absolutely enormous now. Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to even create a model, texture, rig and set of animations that most people here would dump on for looking unreleastic? It's really, REALLY hard. Even for an independent studio. I'm actually starting one myself (more on that in a few months) and it just reinforces the notion that it's really very difficult to make games. Quote
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