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I got Shadow the Hedgehog recently, played it and said to myself, "so that's why it was included in the cereal box".


Sonic has gone downhill since, well, pretty much when he was put to 3D. Yeah, the first one was kind of cool, but everything after that is just another step into the waters of failure.


The sonic franchise has gone downhill for certain.

Not only did it cost 9 dollars but I think Sega has made their target market 9 year olds.



Sonic has gone downhill since, well, pretty much when he was put to 3D. Yeah, the first one was kind of cool, but everything after that is just another step into the waters of failure.

And this.


I played sonic all the time on my genesis. I stopped playing after Sonic 3d came out. That game was awful. Just terrible. Then after that, they gave sonic a voice, and that just made things worse. He sounds so stupid.

I just wish they would go back to the 2d sonic. I would buy that.


I don't remember which Sonic it was, but I loved the casino level where you were basically in ball form the entire time just bouncing off the level.

I think it was Sonic 3, because I vaguely recall that the bubble/fire/electric shields.

That level was a blast.

darkesword is gonna fume when he finds this thread in off topic

just warning you now

Not really. He's just going to move it. Then everyone in comm is going to be like 'wtf who are those guys'. And then the thread dies.


I read somewhere, that the creators of Sonic were actually trying to kill him (I'm not really sure why). Thats why they keep releasing these stupid, buggy games, but for some reason, people keep buying them.

IMO, If they want to revive him, all they have to do is return to the old style, 2D Sonic games, where all Sonic could do is run, spin, and jump on shit and all you had to do is hold the fucking right analog button to go.

These guys are making video games way too complex now-a-days. They are not fun anymore. Its almost like working a second job. Or, maybe I'm just getting old.

You might want to reconsider such warnings because I got a 1 month ban for it.

Which is exactly why I resisted the urge to comment on it. Never know where fallout will land 'round these parts.

Huh? Darke, what are you doing with that hammer? Wait, noWAIT AUUUGGGHHHH!!! My Knee!!! I won't be able to walk for months! What the f-wa... no, NO, NOT MY-

Huh? Darke, what are you doing with that hammer? Wait, noWAIT AUUUGGGHHHH!!! My Knee!!! I won't be able to walk for months! What the f-wa... no, NO, NOT MY-

Lmao. Shit like that is funnier after you've been axed.

Darke might be harsh sometimes but he's fair enough.


I kinda grew up on sonic. My neighbors got rid of their Sega Genesis system when I was like 6 or 7 years old, and handed it over to us. I played Sonic 2 to death, and got Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles after that. I did everything you could possibly do on the carts. Later I got Sonic 3D Blast, which was okay. My parents wouldn't buy me any other systems, but lately, I've noticed a horrible decline in what Sonic's doing.

I tried to play Knuckle's Chaotix, but the required 32-bit add-on device stopped me. I read up on it to see what I was missing, and... well... I didn't see that I was missing much. Then they started pulling characters from all of the TV series, and things just got progressively worse.

I was thinking about something like this the other day, and that's story in video games: Sonic used to have a very nice and linear story, but now there's all this back-story and such and things get horribly muddled.

Now I'm all for a good story in a video game, but it feels forced when you try to do it with classics. Take Pac-Man for example: it's a simple game with little to no backstory (that I know of. I think I heard something about a 3D Pac-Man, but never looked into it) and it's FUN. I can't imagine what it would be like if the developers decided to make a whole huge backstory to it, but that's just me: :P


Every 3D sonic game I've played (perhaps with the exception of the first sonic advance) has just been a disappointment for me. I LOVED the genesis games. Hell, I have sonic mega collection, but still bought a genesis just so I could play them on genesis again. The levels had a great element of exploration to them--something that they're missing now. It seems sonic team wants to focus less on gameplay and more on guns and electric guitars...


I think a major problem with modern Sonic games is an ironic one. In a rather strange twist of fate, Sonic often goes *too* fast compared to his older counterparts. The Genesis Sonics were fast, yes, but they had precise control and enough field of vision to be able to react to incoming threats. That's being seen less and less because Sonic's so fast you can't really see what's coming until it's on top of you, and slowing down isn't really an option.

The Sonic Advance games after the first were particularly bad about this in that you needed to be going full-tilt to make life or death jumps. The first Sonic Rush had this in a couple of places as well, though many of my complaints about hazards are mitigated by the enemy destroying boost.

Now, don't misunderstand. I do love the rush you get when you're going full tilt through a level and you make Sonic look good for it. As a gameplay mechanic, it's Sonic's greatest enemy; stages have to be designed so hazards can be reacted to, and many of the more recent Sonic games haven't done as good a job on that as their older counterparts.

That's my two cents on a core Sonic problem, not going into the cast, the games specifically, the "plots", voice acting, and the rest of it. I still think that if a competent studio outside of Sonic Team could actually get independence enough to make a true Sonic game, we could see it work. Ultimately, I think it's Sonic Team and SEGA killing the franchise, not because the concept is out of date.


Classic sonic games will always have a warm nostalgic feeling for me. I actually went through and beat S3&K with all character combos to 100%. I think it was like 8 save slots, so 2 of Sonic, 2 of Knuckles, 2 of Tails and 2 of Sonic and Tails.

No wonder I did so bad in grade school...

Sonic games were... acceptable until Sonic Adventure 2. After that it's been one disappointment after the next. Though the DS titles are pretty solid.


I would disagree about SA2 (especially the music, though parts of the game were annoying).

Call me whatever you want, lol, but in a way, some parts of Sonic Adventure were revolutionary (graphics, running from whales, Windy Valley, anything that didn't suck). At the time, there was never such a game known to mankind!

I remember fully playing Sonic 3 after I played Sonic Adventure (I played adventure in '99; I played Sonic 3 once a long time ago but didn't remember it because it was so brief). I enjoyed Sonic 3 a hell of a lot, even after SA.

Sonic Team's biggest mistake: Big the Cat. WTF? Plus they have too many characters... Silver, Cream, Cheese, Vanilla, Pastrami, Frozen Yogurt...

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