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  • 1 month later...

o.O I can't believe I used to think this sucked. It's actually more kickass than you'd think, and I know tons of people are going to disagree with this opinion. I like the effect when the voice starts really high-pitched in part of the song, then gets slowly and gradually lower and lower, yet doesn't actually slow down, as I can imagine a common problem is with getting that effect to work properly. Anyways, Nice lyrics with part of it, and I've finally stopped laughing at it and decided to recognize it for what it is -- A good remix.

Also, come on... why do some of you people take offense to "niggaz"? I don't think it's EVER used in a racist way anymore. >_>

  • 4 weeks later...

yeah, well, it's that type of nonchalance that led to the Michael Richards incident, and the teacher incident.

"I thought it was okay to say it."

Good remix or not, there's not a message behind using the word nigga or nigger 50-60 times in a song. Get that "the message of the song is being lost" bullshit out of my face.

Yes, i am black, and yes I have used the word in my rap music. But after reading a book by Randall Kennedy about the history of the word, i stopped using it. It's just not cool to use the word...

...cause guaranteed, if i made a song called "Kikes/Spics/WAPS 4 Life" SOMEONE will get offended, regardless of whatever thinly veiled "MESSAGE" is trapped within the inner dungeon of the remix itself.

Just something to think about.



so you do realize that it is fundamentally holier-than-thou to say "I'M BLACK, I DON'T SAY NIGGA AND THEREFORE NIETHER SHOULD YOU"

man, you may be like only the 5th brotha in the community, but you aren't the 5th brotha in the world and you aren't exactly preaching any message that wasn't already attempted by 3 of the other 4 brothas in this community before you and has been preached by many a brotha over the years

so here's my response to you: Get that "it wouldn't be the same as making a song called 'crackaz 4 life'" bullshit out of my face. if you can't see the value of self-expression beyond what you deem a "thinly veiled message", explaining it to you would be the same waste of breath the last four times was.

thank you for listening, anyways


I don't think my entire tirade on that issue was a waste of breath at all.

Imma try and make a remix when I get ahold of a different mike and show you kids how to rap without all the hubbub that prevades rap these days.


haha not you leon

and i was referring to the waste of my BREATH. not a waste of yours... and you can't credibly qualify whether or not it was a waste of breath to he who breathed it.

first of all, i was under the impression that you and i came to a common understanding about the subject. while it is still in my regular daily vocabulary, i do not record music that glorifies it because i have come to see it as bad influence regardless of what i mean by it. doesn't mean i concede my stance... i still think blowing this up in this context is a joke but i was convinced you and i clearly discussed this. right now, we got a new cat who feels its necessary to play malcolm x to a community of videogame geeks

show us "kids" how to rap without the hubbub that prevades rap? who are you, KRS-one? gimme a break, guy... i've dropped hotter shit than you ever will without uttering the word nigga.

come on, man - i thought we were through with this.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm kinda surprised at the negative feedback that this mix recieved. This is probably one of the most creative mixes on OCR, yet all people can focus on is how they don't like rap, or how the lyrics are offensive.

Personally, I thought the lyrics and arrangement were very creative. I'm not even really a big fan of rap music, but I loved this.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

uhh dunno what to say this is pretty weak

serious lack of energy in the vocals, absolutely grating hook, uncreative, unimaginative lyrics...

if it was meant as a joke song it isn't funny, and if it was serious it's not good. we need some higher standard of hip hop around here.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man people are STILL going off about the lyrics in this song? Look, just let it go already guys. The lyrics in this song don't mean shit. I think that's sort've the point. It's just a bunch f dissing and back talking. The thing is, it's a badassssss song, and that's all you should need to know.

  • 2 weeks later...

so you do realize that it is fundamentally holier-than-thou to say "I'M BLACK, I DON'T SAY NIGGA AND THEREFORE NIETHER SHOULD YOU"

man, you may be like only the 5th brotha in the community, but you aren't the 5th brotha in the world and you aren't exactly preaching any message that wasn't already attempted by 3 of the other 4 brothas in this community before you and has been preached by many a brotha over the years

so here's my response to you: Get that "it wouldn't be the same as making a song called 'crackaz 4 life'" bullshit out of my face. if you can't see the value of self-expression beyond what you deem a "thinly veiled message", explaining it to you would be the same waste of breath the last four times was.

thank you for listening, anyways

you are pretty dense.

maybe as you've seen recently, not every black guy nor rapper, or prominent black man endorses the use of the n word.

It's nothing to do with me, but rather what constitutes good taste in music. Throwing slurs around, despite the song's "message" is not creative. PERIOD.

Matter of fact, this is a microcosm of what's wrong with the hip hop culture itself, shock value wins over actual talent.

let's see this kid drop the same song without the word in it and judge it that way.

So yeah, don't bother wasting your breath again, cause YOURS is a losing argument, son.

TO those who want to hear a QUALITY hip hop game song, check out the Metal Gear and River City Ransom sections, I believe, Po or Zyko put some out on OC.


Finally listened to this after seeing it on the front page every day for the past 800 years or so.

I dunno, I thought the vocals could be louder during the verses. I have a hard time understanding what is being said without looking at the lyrics.

Other than that, I like this a lot! The rapping is pretty decent and the beat is hot. Definetly a good addition to the site.

  • 3 weeks later...
you are pretty dense.

maybe as you've seen recently, not every black guy nor rapper, or prominent black man endorses the use of the n word.

It's nothing to do with me, but rather what constitutes good taste in music. Throwing slurs around, despite the song's "message" is not creative. PERIOD.

Matter of fact, this is a microcosm of what's wrong with the hip hop culture itself, shock value wins over actual talent.

let's see this kid drop the same song without the word in it and judge it that way.

So yeah, don't bother wasting your breath again, cause YOURS is a losing argument, son.

TO those who want to hear a QUALITY hip hop game song, check out the Metal Gear and River City Ransom sections, I believe, Po or Zyko put some out on OC.

that's funny that you'd call me dense. right

at least you gave Venom props. good lookin'

i don't take offense to your point on using the word "nigga" but the debate isn't likely to ever end. i agree with you as a matter of principle; the word is derived from a racial slur and, fundamentally speaking, should not be used. however, i rap as i speak and that is how i speak. chamillionaire and russell simmons and al sharpton can say whatever they want about how it ought to be different but as long as niggas are still calling each other niggas out here on the street, i will continue to express myself as truly and genuinely as i can. perhaps, it is in bad taste but oddly enough, niether you nor i are the judge of that. at least i'm doing and saying what comes natural and am not forcing anything and that is a lot more than what a lot of emcees can say about themselves with their chain-swaying, collar-poppin, wannabe thug status.

what you and every other bitch out there that keeps attacking my track is REALLY trying to say is that i can't spit. its pretty unlikely that y'all have a serious problem with the word because it is too widespread in the genre and a lot of you are clearly very familiar and likewise fans (at least to some degree) of the genre so i'm not buying your bullshit. what this is really about is y'all questioning my ability to spit (or my credibility to say "nigga" due to my skin color). which is fine, whatever. niggaz 4 life was recorded nearly 5 years ago and was really one of my earliest attempts at recorded rap and definetly the first to attract any substantial attention. so as debuts go, i think i killed most of you clowns there.

so you can call me dense. you can even question my game (though grossly stupid to do so). ultimately i'm the one having the last laugh

cuz even if you can bring it on a mic... that's probably where the train stops for you


how much longer will this go, anyhow? :)

why doesnt somebody actually grow the balls to drop something in response instead? expression through art. that is what this is all about. don't hide behind your carefully worded forum rants

spit it. show your mettle. let's have some REAL conversation instead of this watercooler, bitch talk.


Pretty fun to listen to, my only gripe is with how disjoined the vocalists are. While I find some disjointedness to be in place, it is just too noticable in the chorus... Maybe it was just me though, great mix!

As for the use of... Well, a certain word, I honestly don't give a crap. Let the fools argue amongst themselves of such petty issues... While you argue over a mere word, I'll argue the judgment of they who truly use the word in wrath or ignorance, not play.

I mean, yes, certainly it SHOULDN'T be used for the simple reason that the word was used to express immense hatred and/or supposed superiority to another race. But currently, the word is being used, as I lack a better word for it, ironically by that very race (at least SOME people of that race, there are quite a few who know how foolish it is) in mere jest, and in this case, a friendly term. Just how 70 years ago, one could say they were feeling quite gay, people wouldn't think anything more than happiness or joy; but only 20 years ago, that very same word now means something very different, not wrong, but very different nonetheless... But has changed even MORE:

I'm feeling quite gay. (Happy; Well Known, but Obsolete)

I am gay. (This is the form best known and accepted by current society as the meaning [iE, first meaning to come to the minds of most people]; It's meaning being 'Homosexual')

"Aw man, my girlfriend dumped me last night for that stupid football player"

>"Well, that's gay."

"Tell me about it." (Not very often used, but known quite well nonetheless; meaning, more or less, 'An Unsatisfactory Situation')

The word we are talking about has a few meanings as well:

(Ignorant Person; Obsolete)

(Expression of strong hatred or feeling of superiority of one of light skin pigmentation towards one of dark skin pigmentation)

(Can be used as a term of friendliness or comradship between persons, as shown in the remix, most often between persons of dark skin pigmentation, often seen as unacceptable as skin gets lighter)

So while the word itself shouldn't be used in general, and though it isn't particularily neccesary, it is has become acceptable in certain instances (though, again, unneccesary), and, once again... It's merely a word, and I don't really find it worth arguing about unless it is being used by someone, not in jest, but in hate, and even then, we would argue the mindset of the one who spoke the word, rather than the distastfulness of the word itself.

(Sorry if I made myself look like a fool, I'm not so new to message boards, so if that is the case, I am fully to blame. n_n;)

  • 1 month later...

That chorus is very much catchy. DJP complained in the writeup about how he ended up getting it stuck in his head? Same situation. I'll just be playing a game or working on something and I'll find myself humming softly, "...you my nigga, and I'm yo nigga" without realizing it.

I'm not offended by the use of the word "nigga" in this context. If they had made a racist song and had lyrics that were racist, then I would not approve. But they aren't. It's like if you're playing a video game with your friends and they're about to beat you and you say "I swear, I'll kill you if you do that." In the most literal definition of the sentence, yes, it does mean "I have the intent of murdering you." But obviously, you don't mean that! It's not like you actually are planning to kill them, you're just goofing around. And you know that, and your friends know that. So, yes, by definition, the word "nigga" is bad, but it's obviously not used like that. They aren't saying "you're my african-american slave originating from nigeria" or "you're my derogatory term for black person" or whatever the definition is. They're saying "you're my friend, I'm your friend." That's all.

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