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Too bad it's such a total bitch to buy. The only way I would know to farm money like that that quick is some hot Zephyr action.

anyway, sorry I haven't been online in a couple days, I've been very preoccupied with both school and work; I'm starting to get more hours lately. That's a good thing though! More music things I can buy! :D

Well the main question being "how I not ganked by Scout." I can't towerhug the entire game. :[

The easy answer: Dominate your lane.

Longer answer: He can't get you if his lanemate is low hp and you and yours are high hp. He can't turn around a losing lane. He can only help a winning lane win more but this isn't simple for him because it becomes a 2v1 lane where you have the advantage.

Too bad it's such a total bitch to buy. The only way I would know to farm money like that that quick is some hot Zephyr action.

You won't ever farm it 'quickly', but it's viable to get in most games (depending on the hero of course) as long as you try to die as few times as possible. It's not even that necessary to get many hero kills if you farm well off creep waves, but dying really sets you back.

About scout, he barely provides lane control, but in mid/lategame he will probably be able to solo gank any hero that's by himself. The solution to this is simple: DON'T SOLO.

I think besides being too aggressive, one of the first mistakes new players make is staying in a lane forever, not paying attention to what's going on and getting ganked repeatedly. After a certain period, people will INEVITABLY start bunching up in groups of multiple heroes, roaming around to gank stragglers. You do not want to be the guy who's still obliviously laning when everyone is missing, you want to be the one ganking.

While this doesn't apply to ALL heroes (hard carries/junglers probably shouldn't go gank unless it's happening nearby), it's still something I'd like to emphasize; don't stay in lane forever.

The easy answer: Dominate your lane.

Longer answer: He can't get you if his lanemate is low hp and you and yours are high hp. He can't turn around a losing lane. He can only help a winning lane win more but this isn't simple for him because it becomes a 2v1 lane where you have the advantage.

Too bad I am total balls at laning. %^(

That said, this thread made me rofl - http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=26682

I need to start quoting it during games.


The clan tag becomes an issue late at night when some of us are trying to get a friend game going 5vpubs. They come in, see 5 [OCR], and immediately start screaming pubstomp when the team is me, Teranz, Strig, Clef, and Ediconeg.

So Teranz, Strig, and Edic left the clan last night. Just as an FYI to anyone who cares. They'd still like to do games sometime, so you'll have to add them to your friend list or whatever.


Hah hah, I ran into this interesting bug a while ago, though I doubt that I will ever be able to reproduce it, so I haven't cared to report it officially.


What happened was that while I was playing a game, my computer crashed (completly, as in I had to restart), so I quickly restarted my computer, loaded up HoN, and while I was reconneting (I only had about 30-60 seconds left), HoN crashed again (just the program this time), so once again I loaded up HoN, and when it offered to reconnect, I got that screen.

Just had to take a screen shot. 49 days to reconnect eh? lol

EDIT: Yar photobucket resized it


Yeah, I've gotten that a couple times (except without the reboot D: ). However the more important issue here is that JOIN OUR CLAN AJAX PLZ.


So, to anyone who's played them, how do League of Legends and Demigod compare to HoN?


odin made me and jon (languish) play demigod earlier this year. it was kinda OK except that it was horribly imbalanced, and you could zoom out to infinity and see the whole map. also, only 8 characters to choose from????? totally sucked.

I still have no idea how it started, but I have to say it's pretty hilarious.

There was some thread someone posted about bugged graphics, with that pic (minus the commentary there), and a few posts later someone posted "Want to see your map? TOO BAD IT'S ME BLACKSMITH" - maybe zircon or someone else can link the thread.

There was some thread someone posted about bugged graphics, with that pic (minus the commentary there), and a few posts later someone posted "Want to see your map? TOO BAD IT'S ME BLACKSMITH" - maybe zircon or someone else can link the thread.

Hahaha, awesome.

Also there's really no point in Pyro class other than to run around and rack up kills for yourself. There's no other class in the game that can get as many kills as a good Pyro can on a decent team. Stealing most along the way.

Hahaha, awesome.

Also there's really no point in Pyro class other than to run around and rack up kills for yourself. There's no other class in the game that can get as many kills as a good Pyro can on a decent team. Stealing most along the way.

I totally disagree. Pyro is one of the best support nukers in the game. Both in HoN and DotA you see it quite often in competitive play.

Also I'll be playing tonight 'round 7 EST with my friend Aimee if any of you guys want to join. I know I'm not online regularly like at all so I figured I'd mention it. I'll be on antigrav unless she wants to just stomp noobs then I'll be on ZeroEdition since it has lower PSR.

Hahaha, awesome.

Also there's really no point in Pyro class other than to run around and rack up kills for yourself. There's no other class in the game that can get as many kills as a good Pyro can on a decent team. Stealing most along the way.

A bad pyro will chain-nuke the enemy hero to death. A good pyro will chain-nuke the enemy down to red health so the carry on his team can TOO BAD IT'S ME, BLACKSMITH.


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