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It's going to suck. I used to think people were being ignorant when they said the next Sonic game was going to suck, but yeah, it's going to be decent at best.

Fuck gameplay. I wanna know what the music's gonna be like. If there's any chance they'll go back to the kickin electro-funk music of the old sonic games, then the game can suck as much dick as it likes and I'll still buy it.

Seriously. The music seems to be the only thing worth mentioning about Sonic nowadays.

although my little brother is a fanyboy so i'll still get to play it

I wanna know what the music's gonna be like. If there's any chance they'll go back to the kickin electro-funk music of the old sonic games, then the game can suck as much dick as it likes and I'll still buy it.

Oh yeah. Bring back the style of Sonic 3 & Knuckles please. Drossin? Hooooo yes please.

Then he's the one credited with most of it, then. Can't help those of us who aren't on the inside regarding info. The only other one I know about is Jun Senoue.

Didn't Michael Jackson have something to do with them? Oh, internet rumors, how they entertain me!

Regardless of the individual track credits, S3&K had some kickass music. Period. Just broadly say "get those guys and/or gals that did that one" and we'll call it a day.

And was I the only one simultaneously annoyed with the Sonic R tracks yet I couldn't get them out of my head? Right, like anyone else besides me has played Sonic R AND will openly admit that. :nicework:


And was I the only one simultaneously annoyed with the Sonic R tracks yet I couldn't get them out of my head? Right, like anyone else besides me has played Sonic R AND will openly admit that. :nicework:

Just gotta watch ScrewAttack's Top 10 Best and Worst Sonic games. They nailed it regarding Sonic R.

"aims to return to original game's speed-oriented play"

What is it that Sega doesn't understand here. Sonic was never about speed. The gameplay was never speed-orientated. It was purely a platforming game with occasional bits of speed thrown in here and there,

Fuck you Sega, fuck you Sonic, fuck anyone who hypes this piece of shit up.

Sonic is dead, Sega is pissing on his grave.

It was never about speed yet it was the fastest platformer ever to come out at the time. Also everything sonic did implied speed like the constant running (animating that his feet were moving so fast they just became a circle), the speed charges, the springs and ya... SUPER SONIC, oh yea his name SONIC. lol if you don't think the game was speed oriented maybe you were just playing it wrong.

You sound very angry, like sega peed in your porridge .

I'm not going to even bother about saying whether this could be good or bad, but what I do want to say is, did anyone else find the silhouette of the character a little odd? I think I even see a tail there that reminds me of Pikachu's tail. And the name "Project Needlemouse?" I wonder, does this game even have anything to do with Sonic?

Look at it again. It's not really a character, it's a silhouette of the title screen logo from Sonic 1.


Didn't Michael Jackson have something to do with them? Oh, internet rumors, how they entertain me!

I was under the general impression that Jackson's production team (at the time) composed most of S3's tracks (several of which we know are in S&K as well), but after the legal firestorm, Drossin came in to finish up the rest of S&K's set.

It was never about speed yet it was the fastest platformer ever to come out at the time. Also everything sonic did implied speed like the constant running (animating that his feet were moving so fast they just became a circle), the speed charges, the springs and ya... SUPER SONIC, oh yea his name SONIC. lol if you don't think the game was speed oriented maybe you were just playing it wrong.

You sound very angry, like sega peed in your porridge .

Go back and play the 2d Genesis Sonics. It was 90% platforming, 10% on-rail speed running.

Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass before you post again, Hibiki.


Neko's just an angry, angry person. Can't be helped after all the let-downs Sega has created. I for one actually have refused to play a Sonic game that's not on a Sega console.

It was a platformer that happened to be the fastest of its time. You can't say it's not speed oriented at all, since they made it so you could go so fast the screen had trouble keeping up with you. It can be a platforming game and still be speed-oriented. I don't get why there needs to be a divide between the two.


Sonic 1 was about speed until you hit Marble Zone.

For Sonic 2, I'd say somewhere in Chemical Plant you had to slow down, and the following levels had a smaller emphasis on speed and was a straight forwards amazing platformer.

Speed is a tool in classic Sonic games, it is not the core of the gameplay.

If it was it would suck balls.


Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure are good speed-focused Sonic games.

And don't complain about the level design. You're supposed to die the first couple times you play through it and memorize where the deathtraps are; it's a speedrun game.

The only area they're lacking in is boss battles.


Sorry Justin, but do you actually remember playing Sonic? The game is speed-oriented. It's just on a platform-based rhythm. So if anything it is 50/50. Get the rhythm down and you'll be running and jumping through the game in no time. It takes a bit of practice to know where to do what and stuff. The stage doesn't come to a complete halt nor does it continue on like a racing game. The genre also applies to Donkey Kong Country.

Sorry Justin, but do you actually remember playing Sonic? The game is speed-oriented. It's just on a platform-based rhythm. So if anything it is 50/50. Get the rhythm down and you'll be running and jumping through the game in no time. It takes a bit of practice to know where to do what and stuff. The stage doesn't come to a complete halt nor does it continue on like a racing game. The genre also applies to Donkey Kong Country.

I seem to remember lots of stages coming to a complete halt as you wait for the stage obstacles to position themselves, or position them yourself. Marble zone, the underwater zone, and the other zone near the end of the game set at night in a city.

Sorry, it's just not a fact that the game is speed-orientated. Momentum MAYBE, but that's still a stretch. It's the "gimmick" of the series, where platforming was still the core.

What you say is true for the first zone only, honestly. And that's the only zone a lot of people remember.

Look at it again. It's not really a character, it's a silhouette of the title screen logo from Sonic 1.


Yes, I'm aware it's the title screen logo, but I'm refering to the character within the logo. It just doesn't look the same to me.

Well, on second thought, it might be the same.

Aside from the "Epic movie" sounding BGM, this actually looks promising.

The daytime stages of Unleashed were a step in the right direction, but if Sega can pull this off like they did in Genesis days... that'll be... like... a giant LEAP in the right direction.

I think this is funny because you weren't even alive during "the genesis days." :tomatoface:

And yes, I know we have Mega Collection.

I seem to remember lots of stages coming to a complete halt as you wait for the stage obstacles to position themselves, or position them yourself. Marble zone, the underwater zone, and the other zone near the end of the game set at night in a city.

Sorry, it's just not a fact that the game is speed-orientated. Momentum MAYBE, but that's still a stretch. It's the "gimmick" of the series, where platforming was still the core.

What you say is true for the first zone only, honestly. And that's the only zone a lot of people remember.

8O Okay... /hides from Nekofrog

I suppose in theory just about any game can be speed oriented depending on how it's played. Super Mario Brothers, basket ball, and even chess. I'm sure everyone at some point has watched at least one speed run video of some kind?

I find my beloved console hedgehog games to indeed be platformers at their core, but in many cases laid out to be played as speed runs with little effort. If that made sense... I'm making myself sick by eating this stupid gummi sour starburst right now. Can't stop eating them. :|

EDIT: After looking at that silhouette again, what is resembling a pikachu tail should be Sonic's left hand. Looks like he's doing that finger-waggle thing as in the original game title screen.

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