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OCR changed my life in many ways... but there's one small thing that was said on this forum that ended up forever modifying my habits.

Smoke (does he still post here anymore?) in a discussion on cooking (eggs, specifically), said that the way that he prepared omelettes was that he would shake the eggs first before pouring them into the pan, instead of adding milk. He also pointed out that you need to use a lid.

So I tried shaking the eggs and it was awesome - the eggs were fluffy, not watery, and it was a pretty awesome omelette. I also used a lid and it made omelette cooking so much easier.

So... now whenever I make an omelette I have to shake the eggs first. And I owe that all to OCR.

Small things seem to make such large effects.


As a recent member, I've kinda jumped right in...OCR has already given me something cool to look forward to online...it's so awesome!!!

The music is so awesome I'm going to have to get a portable harddrive to start storing music, I have cool people to talk to, a radio show to wait for every two weeks, and now I've added Winamp to my players arsenal and am streaming OCReMix radio right now.


Aside Michael Jackson, OCR is one of the main reasons I started making music and it gave me an interest in becoming a VGM producer. PPR forced me to look at life more deeply and provide better arguments.


OCR has really restored my faith in the concept of a true online community. I've left almost every community I've been a part of online because people degraded into douches and stopped welcoming new people in. However, I've really admired the sense of welcoming that I've found on these boards (as long as I avoid Off-topic and PPR, that is! :tomatoface: ) Plus, the fact that a lot of you guys would move to a completely different state/region of the country and fly out annually to go to meetups says a lot about the community and it's one that I'd like to be a part of at some point :-) You guys is cool peeps!


To be honest and cheesy, it really helped me in settling down "who I was". I first listened to OCRemix when I was in them early teen years, and trying to fit in, questioning what I like and whatnot, and with such a thriving and awesome community it really helped me learn that people just like what they like.


Yeah, it's True, OCR has helped restore my faith in the community, after almost leaving because of a bad first day in Off Topic, I've since learned to have fun and enjoy my time here...I like it...if I could get enough money together, I'd definitely fly out to one of these meet and greets...I plan to gather lots of music and get to know the great artists here...already it's changed my outlook on music...there's no telling what else I'll learn to love here.


OCR proved to me that intelligent people exist on the internet, namely those capable of presenting an argument better than "X sux kos itz X".

Its also motivated me to become a better musician, and I'm now actually aiming to have a remix posted here at some time (just need some time to get it underway and in progress).


Oh, man, where do I start?

OCR in general (and Kaijin in particular) inspired me to get into music production. The WIP boards in general (and Zircon and Graylightning in particular) really helped me to hone my skills and become a better producer.

I've made a lot of really close friends through these forums (more than half the numbers in my cellphone are people on OCR), and I am willing to bet these friendships will last the rest of my life.

If you want to know somebody whose lives have been changed even more by OCR, you should talk to JillnAndy.

I've made a lot of really close friends through these forums (more than half the numbers in my cellphone are people on OCR), and I am willing to bet these friendships will last the rest of my life.

Yeah, pretty much this is one of the best things that's happened to me as well.

It's really hard to list everything that has happened, as well as all the things that wouldn't have happened, had I not let OCR become a part of my life. If I ramble, forgiv-a-ness pleez!

First, it showed me that all of the dorky tendancies I have are more than just mutually shared by a huge community: they are mutually embraced and loved. Video games are art, as well as the music for them, and these remixes which are both numerous and in high quality are a perfect complement to that art. A huge amount of free music available is a good start for the way OCR has changed my life.

Its made me grow immesurably as a musician, with a quality standard that I needed to get myself up to and people to help reach that. Its shown me new ideas and styles to attempt, and just overall increased my skillset in every area of making music.

Its given me the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most incredible musicians I've had the pleasure of knowing and listening to. With the meetups, I also get a chance to put name-to-face and possibly jam out with them in person. Its also given me the chance and inspiration to give songs and games I love justice with remixing projects, meeting and working with even more talented people.

And, above all else, OCR has become like a family. Some of my best friends I've met through OCR, and I've had the pleasure of witnessing people fall in love through the community, have kids, and reach other major accomplishments. We all joke around but still support each other, and as corny as it may sound, I'm a better person overall because of being involved in this community.

Gushing finished, I'll go get a towel to help clean it up.

Its made me grow immesurably as a musician


I've learned more on OCR this year than I've learnt in music lessons my whole life; I'd still be writing MIDIs if it wasn't for the OCR community. I've only been writing music for about a year and thanks to the feedback on the WIP forum, my confidence and skill with mixing, mastering and production went from nothing to where I am today.

In fact, I wouldn't even be doing music at uni if it wasn't for OCR, so I guess it really has changed my life huh...?


Well, listening to mixes here certainly has widened my knowledge of video games and VGM. It's also made me want to play a few games (played FF4 after I saw the preview of the FF4 OCR project). It also turned me on to MAGFest, which is just awesome.

Of course, I use OCR to promote things as well. Namely my radio show and the excellent UMD Gamer Symphony Orchestra. Certainly helps to get the word out!


OCR has done quite a bit for me as well - I've often had to deal with tough internal questions presented in a counterproductive way, and more often than naught prevented myself from degenerating the argument (sometimes I didn't restrain myself unfortunately, and it would leave me re-evaluating things).

As much of a joke it has become, I have learned a lot from the PPR forum about logic through observation of others arguing and intuition/internal reasoning. While some like AD didn't follow the forum decorum about the presentation of the argument, he would make some quite striking truthful comments.

The people I've met is also a huge plus - many of the people I've met in the community are the type of friends you have for life. Outside of OCR, there are few people I keep close I can say that about. People here have helped me during tough times earlier this year, and I try to do the same for others. For what it's worth, I view the things that happen in the community as an accelerated form of events that happens throughout life in person. The community is no stranger to drama, and because of how long people have been around & the ties they've made, most will find ways to address it, whereas oftentimes with events that happen with people in person don't get resolved nearly as well, or as fast.

^Not to mention a ballin' hot get well soon album when you were sick. How many places do you get an ALBUM cut for you when you're sick? :P

Damn, and I thought learning how to make omelettes was pretty freakin' awesome.

Ocremix gives me my first tangible social outlet in several years. The coveted Ocremixer title under my name is certainly an internet prize too.

You know, even though I still want one of these, I think my life has become better since I gave up specifically going for it. Now I make nonsensical stuff for One-hour Compos and even though I still think my music sucks, it's more fun than I've had ever trying to come up with "OCR-quality stuff" on my own.

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