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OCR01130 - Final Fantasy VI "Squaresoft Variation"


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To be honest, I really didnt think to much of this. Everything seems off to me, and it doesn't sound right. Granted, the quality of the song is amazing, it sounds, like it is, professional. Still, it was hard for me to get into. Maybe i just need to listen to it more?

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Absoluetly incredible. Jeremy Soule is one of my favorite game composers and it blows my mind that he did a remix. Coming from sombody thats sat in an orchesta pit, this sounds real. If you close your eyes you can see it being played in a concert hall, and you can see the Magitek armor marching across the snowfield, a fragile young woman at the reins.

I was completely floored with this remix. I feel that it's one of the best ones on the site easily, and it takes a old and overused theme and injects some life and fire back into it. It feels very wintry especially with the piano and harp going on, and these have to be the most convincing brass samples I have ever heard. My favorite part has to be at 1:46 when the almost wailing flute comes in after the heavy brass cuts out. Combined with the piano and choir samples, you can really feel the tension and electricity, almost an understated desperation and sorrow, in the sound.

Hats off, Mr. Soule. This is a favorite. Can't wait for some more.

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Didn't really like the variation much. Didn't like the chord choices. Seemed to me the original sections did not fit the terra sections well at all. Example: at 1:40, its as if he made some original progression and played terra over it whether it fit or not. He does this alot throughout the song. There is a lot of repeating.

Heavy Heavy reliance on sample quality; the gigasamples or whatever they are, they carry the song which wouldn't be much without them.

Way too short. Really ends too soon, and considering how much repeated, its kind of a let down.

I suppose my standards were held at the Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite on the Reunions cd or whatever it was called. That piece is very similar to this, but damned damned creative and well done. Simply put, I never really see these fake orchistra pieces even comming remotely close to the level of the professional real orchistrations or matching their creativity.

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But it is clear that this isn't something he just pulled out of his hat to impress us all. He spent time, effort, and energy composing this, because he sincerely believes in what the ReMixers are doing.

My hat's off to you, Mr. Soule. Not just for the amazing music (which is by FAR the biggest incentive yet for me to go buy the FF Anthology so I can play 6), but for the message sent, that you believe in the Mixers and respect them as much as they respect and admire you.

Thank you.

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Jeremy Soule did a great job arranging this piece as a kind of theme and variations. He could have used all the original chord progressions and other features of the source material, but then again, who couldn’t? What he did to arrange this piece sounds very creative, much more so than the bland orchestrations of the Grand Finale cd.

As for samples, well, can’t sit here and wish it were the New York Philharmonic playing it. No composer wants his or her work judged by the fact some people have no imagination.

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Didn't really like the variation much. Didn't like the chord choices. Seemed to me the original sections did not fit the terra sections well at all. Example: at 1:40, its as if he made some original progression and played terra over it whether it fit or not. He does this alot throughout the song. There is a lot of repeating.

Heavy Heavy reliance on sample quality; the gigasamples or whatever they are, they carry the song which wouldn't be much without them.

Way too short. Really ends too soon, and considering how much repeated, its kind of a let down.

I suppose my standards were held at the Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite on the Reunions cd or whatever it was called. That piece is very similar to this, but damned damned creative and well done. Simply put, I never really see these fake orchistra pieces even comming remotely close to the level of the professional real orchistrations or matching their creativity.

Ha...sounds like someone's a little jealous. :D

But I do admit this might be getting more hype than it deserves. Celebrity or fame shouldn't be the only reason for praise...in fact, I think it tends to attract a lot of criticism. Still, I think Jeremy did us all a great service with this wonderful arrangement. My hat goes off to him.

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Didn't really like the variation much. Didn't like the chord choices. Seemed to me the original sections did not fit the terra sections well at all. Example: at 1:40, its as if he made some original progression and played terra over it whether it fit or not. He does this alot throughout the song. There is a lot of repeating.

Heavy Heavy reliance on sample quality; the gigasamples or whatever they are, they carry the song which wouldn't be much without them.

Way too short. Really ends too soon, and considering how much repeated, its kind of a let down.

I suppose my standards were held at the Final Fantasy Symphonic Suite on the Reunions cd or whatever it was called. That piece is very similar to this, but damned damned creative and well done. Simply put, I never really see these fake orchistra pieces even comming remotely close to the level of the professional real orchistrations or matching their creativity.

Ha...sounds like someone's a little jealous. :D

Hehe, I'd have enjoyed reading that in the judges decisions forum.

There is a lot of repeating.

This is a criticism I've heard from you time and again and I must say I think it's a lazy one. Music by its very nature is repetative; your own submissions prove no exception.

Well I agree with Fritz that obviously one expects a professional with a top notch studio to submit a top notch remix, which he has, but surely that's missing the point. I think it's great that somebody from inside the industry that inspires us has chosen to show his appreciation for our efforts in this way. Regardless of the work submitted, I for one say "thank you."

I also hope that it's not your last contribution. :)

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Heavy Heavy reliance on sample quality; the gigasamples or whatever they are, they carry the song which wouldn't be much without them.

It's true that the sounds are great. However, it doesn't rely on those sounds overly much. What it *does* rely on is the amazing orchestration. I don't mean arrangement, as in the actual progression/harmony/melody of the piece. I mean, the actual articulation and idiom of each individual instrument. Arrangement-wise, this is a very intense mix, and achieves the symphonic effect easily.

A very nice mix, altogether. Great nuance, excellent musical and sonic tone.

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How did I miss this? Over the last week I've gone through and pulled down every FF, SoM, and CT song, between 1000 and the present, and somehow I passed over this.

Anyway, if I tried to post under the old Star system, I'd be over the post length limit. Even in decimal or hex numbers, I'd be pushing it.

And for those who want to see a 'video' with this in it, just wait...FF6 3D Project is well under way...

EDIT: I'm a ditz. I thought the remixes were into the 1200's, thats why I thought this was an older one. Then I looked at the date and realised it was still Feb.

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Without a doubt, the most incredibly inspiring arrangement I've ever heard of the Terra theme. The only thing that tops this is the REAL ORCHESTRAL VERSION that can be heard on the official arrangement album, Grand Finale. And I think that's saying quite a bit, don't you? You shouldn't even be reading this. GET IT NOW!

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Didn't really like the variation much. Didn't like the chord choices. Seemed to me the original sections did not fit the terra sections well at all. Example: at 1:40, its as if he made some original progression and played terra over it whether it fit or not. He does this alot throughout the song. There is a lot of repeating.

It's fun having a brother who's a music major:

Fighting Crime]Keep in mind this only applies to section 1:30-1:45

What we have here is arpeggios of harmonic progression in contrary motion to the original theme. He's condensed it rhythmically so he can fit it in half the time.

He's also using multiple themes in several voices to answer each other.

It's also interesting to note the polirhythm made by the bells.

It's evident the composser is well educated and knows what he's doing. The themes are not "forced to fit" with each other, as the reviewer mentioned, but instead answer rhythmically to the original theme.

Well, we learn something new everyday, don't we? ;)

Thank you, JJ.

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