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Well, since is my first post to OCR, I better make this good..... Anyway, I first heard this song a few months ago on VGmix. I still love the song as much then as I do now. Excellent work mv :nicework:


I want to post my VGMix review on this, but ever since the site's down I'll cut this message to a few simple words. I see it as one of the coolest Time Circuits mixes out there, what with the almost perfect levelling and improvisations brought in the piece. It might have helped to soften the mandolin a bit, but that aside this is a stunning piece of work from one of VGMix's veterans... and someday one for OCRemix too :D


:Sigh: Another remix of the done to death Zeal theme. Okay I don't necessarily hate it. I love it. It fits the ambient setting of Zeal dead on. But it's just, I'm so accustomed to Mazedude's IslandofZeal and prefer that mix over this one. Again it's by no means bad but it doesn't make want to replace the Zeal mix I already have with it. Overall...7.5/10


I'm planning on burning a CD with a bunch of OCRemixes and I can't decide to put this song on this one or the next one I burn. A great remix of my favorite DKC tune. Hopefully the next Fear Factory mix I listen to will be even better if not on the same scale. My only complaint is that it seems to get louder near the end. 8.5/10


I've loved this mix since i last saw it on the WIP boards, a while ago. The version i have currently is labled "Timechill(alpha5)," and i dont think i will bother downloading the posted version unless it is a significant departure from my version. afterall, i'm doing my part to save OCR's bandwidth, and I love my version so damn much.

nice work MV, this is a great peice.



Holy Crap!

Man, I thought the Land of Zeal was just played to death, but no longer am i doomed to hear the same type of music repeated in millions of variations. MV has taken it to the next level.

If you thought you knew Chrono Trigger you are wrong. No matter how many times you beat the game, how many endings you've seen, how many songs you've heard remixed, you've never known CT like this.

MV has introduced Zeal, in a Hip-Hop/Ambient/Jazz remix like none other. MV, I thank you personally for this remix. Anyone who does hip-hop jazz at least semi-realistically, and is successful, makes me a very happy listener. :D


Very to get my groove on with this music. but one thin is disturbing me though, during the saxaphone solo it almost sounds like it is made for a porno...0_o

edit: Can't... stop... listening... Too... addictive...


Wow, this is good, although its far from perfect. I really liked the first few lines of the Sitar (I think thats what it is), as it posseses a rich airyness that is required (I think) for any faithful remix of this track. My only complaint is the synth saxaphone. After the richness of the Sitar, this was a bit abrasive to my ears. If the quality of the saxapone sample coule be increased, I think it would drasticaly increase the enjoyablity of this remix, and set it apart from the countless other "Time Circuts" remixes.


This remix is great. I only have one problem with it.. the notes being hit at about :19 in the song sounds off from the original track. That could be what mv was going for, but it just doesn't sound right to me.


very groovy and jazzy and all that.. mellow is certainly the word.

But is the choice of the sitar/banjo sounding instrument really the best for this sort of arrangement?

Also seems to go on a minute longer than it should. Nice ending though.

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