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Excited as hell about this. Finally a Taekwon Do martial artist in a Street Fighter game, and she looks to be pretty damned speedy. I'll probably be maining Juri once this thing is out. Of course I'll be torn between her and Ibuki if they decide to add her into the mix as well. I read somewhere that they'll be adding some kind of new Arab grappler character as well.

While I'm a bit miffed that they didn't get this to be DLC, I'm still glad they're making it anyway since it shows they haven't forgotten about fine-tuning and adding things that the big fans are going to love. I'm also pretty excited that they're still trying to make sure it's not a crazy $60 release and that there'll be some kind of bonus for people who keep their original copy of Street Fighter 4.

An online lobby system? Yes please. Multiple Ultras for all characters, balancing the fuck out of Sagat, fixing that priority bullshit on 'Gief's and Abel's throws? Please? New stages? Sure, why not?

Spring 2010 can't come fast enough!

Hn. As much as I'd love to see my beloved 3rd Strike characters (Ibuki and Makoto) in SF4, I'm apprehensive about how much they'll be changed. Like, what's the point in playing Makoto if they nerf karakusa or if she doesn't have Abare to Sanami? :(


I take it you're still burned by what happened to Fei-Long or am I thinking of some one else..?

I take it you're still burned by what happened to Fei-Long or am I thinking of some one else..?

That's zircon who loves the WATAAAAHHHH, not DS. Same sorts of reservations I'd imagine though.

SF3 characters being added would ROCK, in any case. Add in Makoto, Ibuki, and Yun and I will be happy. Let's keep Final Fight characters in the Alpha series, as much as I'd like to have Guy ingame.


especially since I was pretty unsatisfied with SF4... glad to hear they're supposedly fixing online and balance (but adding 8 new characters? good luck "balancing")

glad i didn't pay for it the first time, but I'll probably buy this


I was apprehensive at first, but now that I've heard the why and how, and have seen the interview with the producer, I'm sold on it. I'm looking forward to this game, and I can't wait to hear about the other characters that will be in the game.

man I sure do love buying games over and over

Yeah. It looks exciting but why didn't they just do this in the first place. Kinda feels like they're trying to squeeze undue money out of the fans.


Why? SF3's characters didn't seem particularly inspired to me. T.Hawk and Dee-Jay are pretty awesome designs. How often do you see a Caribbean fighter based on rhythm with a huge smile on his face at all times? His moves fit his character perfectly and he plays well too. Whereas SF3 had Remy (Guile ripoff), Hugo (big grappler guy, at least T.Hawk had some other nifty moves and splashes), various "fast ninja types" (Fei Long is fast, but has way more style) etc. I liked Makoto, admittedly, but even she could be stupidly overpowered with 100% combos.


"To that end, I have put together a simple troubleshooting guide that might soothe some of the unbearable pain you seem to be experiencing. Hit the jump for some easy instructions on how to STFU about Super Street Fighter IV.

Step 1: Shut the fuck up."

I laughed. Hard.

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