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I used to have a big playlist with if not soothing at least calm ocremix stuff. Lost the tracks in a torrent/sorting/grouping/idunno iTunes library screwup thing, re-added them and they didn't then reappear in the playlist. Oh well.

Found something, tho just 08-09 and might only have half the 09 ones. Don't remember what I counted as calm/soft/soothing when I made this (apparently both FlowTropiks and Riptide were counted as such) but it should give you a few mixes to check out.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Epona's Pastorale OC ReMix, by Abadoss

Earthbound Brainshock OC ReMix, by aluminum

StarTropics FlowTropiks OC ReMix, by analoq, Hemophiliac

Tales of Phantasia Sweet Dreams OC ReMix, by Anthony Lofton, Dhsu

Ultima Online: Renaissance History of the Bell City OC ReMix, by Argitoth

Final Fantasy XII The Winds of Inishmore OC ReMix, by Avaris

Final Fantasy 8 Fisherman's Revelation OC ReMix, by Bladiator, Tepid

Chrono Cross Song of Ruin OC ReMix, by Blue Magic

Donkey Kong Country 2 The Delay OC ReMix, by Blue Magic

Sonic 3D Blast Day & Night OC ReMix, by Blue Magic

Chrono Trigger Gale of Ages OC ReMix, by BogusRed

Xenogears Babel: A Prison of Fate OC ReMix, by bustatunez

Chrono Trigger To Lost Epochs OC ReMix, by CarnCarby

Shadow of the Colossus Snowfall on Forbidden Lands OC ReMix, by ceili, Sephfire

Earthbound Home Again OC ReMix, by Dale North

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Tattered Slippers OC ReMix, by DarkeSword

Super Metroid Heat Vision OC ReMix, by DarkeSword

Final Fantasy VII A Life Without Parole OC ReMix, by Dhsu

Super Dodge Ball Rove You Rong Time OC ReMix, by Dhsu

EarthBound Dialima tu Kafe OC ReMix, by Diggi Dis, Zeratul

Donkey Kong Country Riptide OC ReMix, by Disco Dan

Doom II: Hell on Earth Red Waltz OC ReMix, by djpretzel

Super Mario Bros. 3 Of Mind and Body OC ReMix, by Evahn

Gun.Smoke Space Cowboy OC ReMix, by ilp0

Super Mario Bros. 2 Lizardiño Slayer Quartet OC ReMix, by ilp0

Final Fantasy X Lake In Ontario? OC ReMix, by ilp0

Final Fantasy VI City Corner Lullaby OC ReMix, by Jennerstein

Final Fantasy VII Valse Aeris OC ReMix, by Jeremy Robson

Final Fantasy VI A Day in the Life of a Gambler OC ReMix, by JigginJonT

Final Fantasy XI Online While San d'Oria Sleeps OC ReMix, by Kabukibear

Castlevania III In the Beginning There Was Jazz OC ReMix, by LSD

Secret of Evermore K-Pax for Evermore OC ReMix, by Mazedude

Valkyrie Profile Yggdrasil Speaks to Me OC ReMix, by Meteo Xavier

Final Fantasy VII Serenity OC ReMix, by Mustin

Street Fighter II Sexxy Thai Guy OC ReMix, by Mustin

Marathon The Forerunner Mix (Beta) OC ReMix, by Nick Singer

Final Fantasy V The Heroes Emerge OC ReMix, by Nutritious

Terranigma Afternoon Tea with SnappleMan's Mom OC ReMix, by OA

Final Fantasy VI Searching the Woods OC ReMix, by Olarin

Sins of a Solar Empire Spreading the Culture OC ReMix, by The Orichalcon

Wild Arms A Symphonic Tale OC ReMix, by Paul Levasseur

Final Fantasy VII Deliverance of the Heart OC ReMix, by pixietricks, zircon

Final Fantasy VII Daydreaming Again OC ReMix, by Pot Hocket

Donkey Kong Country 2 Lanterns OC ReMix, by Radiowar

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Forbidden Memory (of a Forgotten Dream) OC ReMix, by Random Hero

Final Fantasy VII Suco de Melancia OC ReMix, by Red Tailed Fox

Parasite Eve Beauty's Abomination OC ReMix, by Reuben Kee

Super Mario Bros. Mario Likes Thorazine OC ReMix, by Shnabubula

Chrono Trigger Behind the Sealed Door OC ReMix, by Swarmer

Tales of Phantasia Setting Sail OC ReMix, by TheDeath

Dragon Warrior Overture Variations OC ReMix, by trickwaters

Mario Kart 64 Holiday Frappe OC ReMix, by Tweek

Final Fantasy VII Frozen Landscape OC ReMix, by Tweek

Final Fantasy VI Locke's Theme for Brass Quintet OC ReMix, by Vampire Hunter Dan

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom Flowers, Life and Memory OC ReMix, by Vampire Hunter Dan

Final Fantasy Adventure Notes on a Revelation in a Public Place OC ReMix, by ziwtra

Chrono Trigger Wind Scene Concert Paraphrase OC ReMix, by zohar

Perhaps this one of mine also counts as soothering?

I used to have a big playlist with if not soothing at least calm ocremix stuff. Lost the tracks in a torrent/sorting/grouping/idunno iTunes library screwup thing, re-added them and they didn't then reappear in the playlist. Oh well.

Found something, tho just 08-09 and might only have half the 09 ones. Don't remember what I counted as calm/soft/soothing when I made this (apparently both FlowTropiks and Riptide were counted as such) but it should give you a few mixes to check out.

Perhaps this one of mine also counts as soothering?

Wow, that is quite a list! I will definitely have to check them out. Same with the other recommendations. Thank you all for posting them :)

Green Amnesia, by DiscoDan.

Always a classic :)

This is fantastic! Do you by chance have anything else that carries this same sort of vibe?

My thoughts exactly! Glad you like it.

Well... probably not. I concocted a shortlist today at work from what I have on my player (and added a few since), but I've thrown a lot of different genres in here. If you like the instrumentation in Latte, then definitely check out his collab with sephfire (first rec below); it has a different feel so it might not fit your mood quite as well, but it's still very good.

I've toyed with the idea of making a Fatty Acid thread and asking for all his long-lost remixes. Perhaps I should get off my ass and do that. It's truly a shame how so much awesomeness by so many artists has been lost to time.

Best bets:

Fatty Acid and sephfire - Under A New Moon

Blue Magic - New Beginnings

Danneman & Silverknekt - Vampire Spanker (relaxing, not funny, as long as you can avoid saying "[...] with a spatula")

Darke - A Deus Ex Harpa (Second Seal Mix)

Darke - Stranger In The Desert

djp - Twoson Hits The Road (holy crap I didn't realize how much I liked this until just now)

JJT - A Day In The Life Of A Gambler (seconding Rozovian's rec)

LousySpy - Blue Vacation (if you can overlook the... lousy... trumpet and flute sound fonts)

Mazedude - Island Of Zeal (as much the source as the remix)

mv - Cammy By Night (with a close second: Malcos and RTF - Army Girl [album link])

Tepid - A Rose For Zelda (too calm? too beautiful not to list)

The Wingless - One Girl In All The World

ToN - I Love This Radio

Vampire Hunter Dan - My Home, My Friends

Close calls:

Blak_Omen - The Belmont Chill

Darke - A Whisper And A Shadow

Darke - Searching For Light

Darke - The Beautiful Traveller (direct link)

Darke - The Father Of All

djp - Revival Day Impoetus (fast pace, upfront beats, but very, very cool vibe; it's a tossup)

Gux - Darkworld Jazz

halcyon (halc) - Marihana On My Mind (whatever, I love it)

Joshua Morse - Marble Dash

Mazedude - K-Pax For Evermore (seconding Rozovian's rec) (warning: Mazedude synths)

Mazedude - Reich Lake

McVaffe - IceCapped

McVaffe - Jazzer Soul

mp - Beginning Of The Fantasy

NoppZ - 3 Ways

Palpable - Twilight Of Ivory (grain of salt: this does it for me, but it seems I'm in the minority)

Robotaki - Memorial Cathedral WIP (fucker needs to sub this) (same disclaimer as the djp track)

The Pancake Chef - Dubbing The Body (as much the source as the remix)

Ziwtra - Crash/Restore (album link)

Zoltan Vegvari - Intro Jazz

There's a slew of appropriate stuff, especially orchestral and solo instrumental, that I'm missing, but meh. It's a start.

Also, goat. Soothe this.

AmIEvil - River Of Time AmIEvil

This one is solid gold.

Sleep my Sephy - Pot Hocket also comes to mind.

Some tracks on the Time and Space album are AMAZING.

And Jillian Goldins "Through Sand and Snow" album. Not ReMixes per say, but most definitely soothing, not to mention super appropriate for the upcoming season. Great Christmas Disc.


first to come to my mind

mv - heavenly anew

vigilante - may fortune smile upon you

protricity - brambles in the breeze

disco dan - green amnesia

rellik - dreaming on distant shores

zyko - i n d i g o

zyko - a man by the shore

scott peeples - another inspiration

ceili, sephire - snowfall on forbidden lands

fatty acid - rhodes to the past

fatty acid - madame balamb

destiny - veiled world

destiny - this heart

the wingless - one girl in all the world

klutz - a world of piano


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Tattered Slippers OC ReMix

Splash Blue (Splash Woman Stage) from the Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack

Vega Stage from the ((Street Fighter Tribute Album))

Outside A Crisis (Super Hang-On) ((by Dale North)) FROM the (The Very Best Of SEGA)

Street Fighter 2 Vega's Ballad OC ReMix

The Voyager (Quick Man Stage) by the 8 Bit Instrumental

Mega Man 6 Odyssey Beyond the Falls OC ReMix

A Vampire's Lament from Dwelling of Duels MAGfest 7 - Sidescroller Month

Mega Man 3 Blue Reflection OC ReMix

Vega Stage is my favorite


Donkey Kong Country Permutation OC ReMix

Mega Man 2 The Fifth Season OC ReMix

The Music Industry Is Horrible And So Is This Song (I'm So Smexy) from Danimal Cannon lol

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