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December 11, 1999 was when OCR was founded. December 11, 2009 will be the ten year anniversary. Anyone have any plans for celebrating? Listening party? Etc.?

Official thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=621786

Celebrations (Real and Possible):


Liontamer: "Say, pretzel, what do you wanna do tonight?!"

DJP: "The same thing we do every night, Larry. Try to take over the internets!"

They're totally Pinky and the Brain.

Well, I like the idea of a listening party, but I mean, are we going to listen to EVERY SINGLE REMIX OCR has come out with? If so, said listening party is going to last for a very...very long time. OCAD will probably do a special broadcast or something, that I can make sure of on our part, but I think an OCR-wide celebration is indeed in order. Let's start brainstorming, folks:

* A full listening party is out due to too many songs. Maybe a selection or the first 20-50 songs depending on endurance?

* Some live remixing competition, a-la One-Hour Compo to commemorate OCR's birthday?

* Get drunk?


I was thinking more of like a playlist of random OCR pieces. Like if someone were to monitor the RRR for a few days and write down what it pops up and then use that to play for the listening party. Or something. Maybe everyone who attends gets to suggest one or two remixes and the playlist would be the order in which they were suggested? Just some ideas...


If you do a listening party on irc, please don't have it late in the evening as that translates into night/really early morning for Europe.

Would be cool to listen to a selection from each year, both the tracks everyone has heard before and remembers, and great tracks that didn't get nearly the same popularity.

What would be really cool, if somewhat complicated, would be to do a live podcast. People come/call in, share how they found ocremix and some remixes they like, stuff like that. Connection speed becomes a bit of a problem there, tho it's still a while away, there's time to prepare a big podcast with calls and everything (non-live but shared listening).

For a big podcast, live or not, people could record messages to be played before each song (song selection would have to be cleared in advance) where they introduce themselves, tell how they found ocremix, what made them stay, and then play a song that relates to any of that, like "I found this remix on youtube/p2p/friend's computer/whatever back in '0X, and it blew my mind. I googled the remixer name and found this place, and I never left. That remix, was ____."

Well, it'd be a lot of work from a lot of people to make it big and cool and interesting enough.


I say we have a MONTH long Festival of Shenanigans to celebrate, BEGINNING on December 11th. In which someone somewhere works some streaming internet magic and streams all the mixes that have been posted ever for a full month over IRC, in order of posting. Then we can dip into the party as we please and sample the deliciousness.


I'll repeat the question that's always asked in occasions like this: "Has it really been that long?"

While I've been around for just a few years, it somehow feels longer to me. Either way, this day will be a momentous occasion for everyone. I'm sure there's going to be all sorts of real-life and internet celebrations going on.

  SwordBreaker said:
I'll repeat the question that's always asked in occasions like this: "Has it really been that long?"

While I've been around for just a few years, it somehow feels longer to me. Either way, this day will be a momentous occasion for everyone. I'm sure there's going to be all sorts of real-life and internet celebrations going on.

A third of my life!

At the moment I'm not exactly sure what we're gonna do; it won't be as big as what we'd originally planned, I know that much, but we'll try and come up with SOMETHING special. Deia's suggestion of review is, of course, totally awesome, and hopefully folks can chip in on that regardless of what else we do!


Ideas off the top of me noggin...

**Re-ReMix contest of the first OverClocked ReMix ( http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00006/ according to posting date)

**virt+djp collab (maybe Shantae soundtrack?)

**find the following persons and interview them: Joe Redifer, Scott Peeples, CotMM, DJ Frog.

**Do the following just for 12 months: MVT3K, resurrect Fresh Greens, revert to "Prof. Pretzel"

**Have Larry host a special Valentine's edition of VGF under the "I <3 OCR" banner. Get as many remixers (past and present) as will participate to record a brief 5-10 second "I <3 OCR + happy 10 years" themed bumper.

*Invite Kondo, Mitsuda, Uematsu, and Yuukichan's Papa over for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Record and sell DVDs for profit.

*Shut down the site.

*****EDIT***** >> I'm just kidding on one of those.


Interview Liontamer. He's listened to every mix on the site, judged a multitude of submissions, and is a major force behind OCR's progress.

On a personal note, I'll be celebrating MY birthday that day. :-P

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