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FFVI -- When Celes tried to commit suicide.
Esp the scene when Celes is about to commit suicide...
15 years ago, in FFVI, at the beginning of the 2nd World, when Celes wants to suicide, falling from a cliff...
Almost cry playing Final Fantasy VI when Celes tried to take her life but failed badly.


I think I almost did on Link's Awakening as the very concept of suddenly finding your self in a land where you tried your best to bring peace only to see it all disappear like a nuke just struck it makes it seem pointless. Doesn't help that it shows certain scenes around where it all fades to white before Link is thrust back into reality out at sea once again.

I don't remember if this occurred in the original version but in the DX version, if you managed to beat the game without losing a life and completed it entirely you'll see an image of Marin, the girl that sings the windfish song, in the sky before fading away to a seagull which flies away afterward.

That would be the DX version. The original had her sprite with wings fly around, if I recall correctly.

Man, I miss my old copy of that. I loaned it to a friend, and then someone stole his GameBoy with my LA cart in it. A few years later, he bought me the DX version. The thing is, he wasn't doing too well financially at the time, and it must have used up whatever he had saved up.

Man, now I feel bad for taking it, and that was what, more than a decade ago? Fuck you, emotions.

I also was a little struck when I learned that the island was going to disappear... wait a minute...

Disappearing island? Mysterious monsters made out of mist and darkness? Strange happenings?


... sunofabitch.


Considering it's not as dramatic, most players opt to poison him with crappy fish to get the far more punchy attempted suicide scene.

Hopwever, there is really no reason to not save Shadow.

That's pretty fucking cruel. An eternity of walking around in a cramped space, with only the occasional visit from some random person, who then leaves as quickly as they came.

That's even worse then death. Saving him would be an infinite hell.

"Isn't it painfully obvious?"

"He's dancing."

The part of The Legend of Dragoon of where the character Lavitz Slambert dies. I was disappointed considering he was my favorite.

that and I spent the whole game to that point beefing him because he got powerful combos early

i mean really in hindsight it was a dead giveaway that he was gonna die but i was still pissed to the point of tears when that happened to me (at 13)

Hopwever, there is really no reason to not save Shadow.

He told me to leave! I didn't know my characters were just going to jump thru the air onto the ship - for all I knew there was another whole part of the level to go thru! How was I supposed to know if I had enough time left for that? How was I supposed to know waiting saved him? What if waiting had killed us all and then his sacrifice was just in vain? If we could all jump to the airship, why couldn't we just wait on the airship for him to do the same? It wasn't my fault! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!

He told me to leave! I didn't know my characters were just going to jump thru the air onto the ship - for all I knew there was another whole part of the level to go thru! How was I supposed to know if I had enough time left for that? How was I supposed to know waiting saved him? What if waiting had killed us all and then his sacrifice was just in vain? If we could all jump to the airship, why couldn't we just wait on the airship for him to do the same? It wasn't my fault! IT WASN'T MY FAULT!

The options to jump change if you choose "wait" once. Then it'll say, "Gotta wait for Shadow..."

Also, it did say the airship was directly below you, so you really had no reason to jump of you had, like, 2 minutes left.



I think other than that LA thing, I would have to say some sound tracks during gameplay that I've heard for the first time that caught me off guard as being awesome yet bringing a tear or two in my eyes.

For example here, though it's a cover of the track still awesome in my book.

Although this did it to me when I started listening to it the first time while getting off the train and started walking home. Made me think of a staff roll call being played as if I just completed something epic and simply coming home after all that had occurred. It's as if I was part of a cinematic movie that plays while the credits rolled on...


I beat The Legend of Sypro: Dawn of the Dragon the other night. It seems the makers were determined to pull a little trick on the players...

**SERIOUS SPOILERS** First, Ignitus sacrifices himself to allow Cynder (yes I listed her first... I thought her powers were cooler, and her design was better/cuter) and Spyro through a sea of flames. This of course, greatly upsets Spyro, leading him to feel he's been left all alone... which Cynder tells him isn't true with a little muzzle rub from her. Then, the ending segments paint a picture of Cynder and Spyro falling in love, him sacrificing himself to save the world, and her choosing to stay by his side as he does so (with an "I love you" of course). The end credits have a somewhat sad, ballady song called "Guide You Home (I Would Die For You)" to help drive home the idea that these characters are dead and gone. There's a bit at the end of the credits where the fans of the purple dragon are thanked for all the years of support. At this point, it's done it's best to tug on the heartstrings of those playing.

At the end of the credits, you get the option to save the game. You do so, and then...

You find out via a final cinema, that Ignitus is alive and with the chronicler (an old dragon who writes down history). Ignitus asks if Spyro is truly gone, and the chronicler says that he can't find entry in the book of dragons (a book where each dragon that dies has their life written down) for Spyro. The old chronicler passes on, Ignitus becomes the new chronicler, and with a pondering question, the scene fades to a sky somewhere in the world that was just saved... where we see Cynder and Spyro flying together.

Did I cry? No. I will admit to sitting there with a lump in my throat thinking, "Well shit. That's takes the wind out of the happy ending sails, doesn't it?", since they seemingly killed off three main characters after everything, including the two that had just fallen in love (I'm a sucker for these things sometimes). But, then I remembered that "A New Beginning" and "The Eternal Night" had cinemas after the credits, and waited to see if it really was a sad ending.

Afterward (yes, I was happy to see they were alive), I remembered this thread, and it got me curious. I found entries elsewhere online (like YouTube, and a site that had a whole bunch of "saddest video game endings" listed) which had people commenting that they did indeed cry over it. Some never saw that final cinema because they didn't save their game and just turned it off bummed as hell. Others got hit by the visuals and music, and were teary-eyed despite the final cinema.**END SERIOUS SPOILERS**

They sucker punched the players :lol:

  • 4 months later...

Chrono Cross - to this date cannot listen to the ending theme, gets me emotional every time.

Most recently MGS 4 - amazing game and story (even if it is cheesy and overly complex for its own good sometimes). As Strike911 said: "I think it was the emotional experience of witnessing all the drama from the characters".


Despite the slight necropost here, I've got one. Final Fantasy IV. I cried when Tellah died when I played it on the SNES oh so long ago. Playing through FFIV DS, I almost cried at the self-sacrifice in Baron Castle after the Cagnazzo battle, and cried once more at Tellah's death. So emotional...

Can't think of any more right now...


Chrono Cross as a whole was one of the most depressing stories I've ever been through, and even at the end, I still felt like something was wrong. That People Seized With Life song is a reaaaaaal emotional one.

KHII had it's fair share of sad moments, but 358/2 Days has to be one of the saddest games I've ever played, because if you've played every other game so far, you know exactly how all this is going to end, but they make you get emotionally invested with these people, and the whole thing is pretty depressing.

I think I might've actually shed a tear at the end of FFX, and the part when Tidus finds out Yuna's gonna die at the end of the journey was pretty sad too, especially because he was joking around about how they'd have all sorts of fun after they beat Sin.

Mother 3, that's been covered.

Uh... I'm sure there's others.

The options to jump change if you choose "wait" once. Then it'll say, "Gotta wait for Shadow..."

Also, it did say the airship was directly below you, so you really had no reason to jump of you had, like, 2 minutes left.


I know I'm replying to an old post, but I just had to chime in with how frustrating this was for me.

See, I played through FF6 multiple times. I chose to wait for Shadow. I saw the "Gotta wait" message and was sure I was doing the right thing. I even waited until the goddamn island crumbled and killed everyone. Every single time, I waited for him. Even if I spent the entirety of the countdown reselecting "Gotta wait for Shadow," he didn't reappeared before the collapse.

He never appeared in the cave later. It was always Relm. It wasn't until I played through on a completely different copy of the game that I was able to get him back in the party.


The end of Castlevania Dracula X. The different bad endings are sad. If you fail to save both, Ritcher Belmont will ride off on his horse alone with the damsels missing. If you only save one person, the character you failed to save is shown in the background while the two existing, Ritcher Belmont and either Maria or Annet are shown mourning. However, if you save both, you get a good ending, Maria hugging Ritcher while Annet cries at the sight.

It's beautiful. :puppyeyes:


Suikoden II, when Nanami dies...that scene really tore me up...I also teared up during the game after killing Luca Blight...but they were tears of joy at finally killing that monster.


The only time I've ever cried was at the end on Xenosaga III: Also Sprach Zarathustra.

Spoilers Alert!

At the end when Jin and KOS-MOS die. He's the brother of one the main female protagonist Shion and she treats him horribly blaming him for the death of their parents. In my opinion he's the best male character in the game. If that wasn't enough the people at Namco-Bandai had to kill off KOS-MOS the Character who has been at the center of all three games and is focal point for the box art of all three games. That’s how the people at Namco-Bandai ended the series of Xenosaga ended by bumping off the main star. It is most satisfying end to a game I've ever seen in a game.

The following statement in red was a 100% sarcasm free statement.

I also cried at the end because Allan Ridgley got Shion Uzuki. I cried out from pure disgust. Pantywaists like him are not supposed to get the girl!

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