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I had a music video idea for Insomnic's "Insomnic" with a guy breakdancing against a another guy in Mario suit. That was as far as it got, and I abandonded the idea. :|

That's actually a pretty fun idea.


Seems like people here respond decently to compo's. (FBRC 2009 was a good example) I have a hunch that a "Hot Out The Oven OverClocked ReMix Music Video Challenge"...or something.. really any sort of community music video creating event...would bring people out of the woodwork and join in... We have some incredible creativity and talent in this community, I am already kind of excited to think about what some people could come up with. If something like this happened, there could also be a DVD release...

HOTOOCRMVC 2009. It's got that ring to it...:tomatoface:

Awwwwesome idea. We need to do this!! :-o

Seems like people here respond decently to compo's. (FBRC 2009 was a good example) I have a hunch that a "Hot Out The Oven OverClocked ReMix Music Video Challenge"...or something.. really any sort of community music video creating event...would bring people out of the woodwork and join in... We have some incredible creativity and talent in this community, I am already kind of excited to think about what some people could come up with. If something like this happened, there could also be a DVD release...

HOTOOCRMVC 2009. It's got that ring to it...:tomatoface:

Seconding this idea.

Spike Lee

err, I meant Spike Jonze. I like both Spikes, but I don't think Lee made any music videos...



"I Want You Inside Me"

"Bros with Dix"

"Dolphin Ride"

"Go The Distance"

"Kara-Turian Nights"

"Daijiru (Too Hot For Clothes)"

Everyone see where I'm going with this?

OCR porn is a BRILLIANT idea.


Seems like people here respond decently to compo's. (FBRC 2009 was a good example) I have a hunch that a "Hot Out The Oven OverClocked ReMix Music Video Challenge"...or something.. really any sort of community music video creating event...would bring people out of the woodwork and join in... We have some incredible creativity and talent in this community, I am already kind of excited to think about what some people could come up with. If something like this happened, there could also be a DVD release...

HOTOOCRMVC 2009. It's got that ring to it...:tomatoface:

Awwwwesome idea. We need to do this!! :-o
Seconding this idea.

This got erased 3 times while trying to type.

Condensed version:

I want to be involved in directing / organizing a OCR Music Video competition. I have ideas to make this happen, and to make it awesome, and to get people invovled to make it a success. I Like working with others. If you want to pick up the ball with me on this one, then post here / PM me / find me on IRC and lets start planning this sucker!


I've been putting up remix videos on youtube since the summer but primarily with captured game footage. I didn't really consider doing any live video because well - who the hell wants to see video of me on a PC using Sonar? Besides that I didn't know what else to put up since most of my remixes aren't really funny (except the bad ones of course).

I like the videos to enhance the nostalgia factor personally - or show people footage of games they might not have played before. You guys have some crazy ideas for your vids, look forward to checkin them out!!


I want to be involved in directing / organizing a OCR Music Video competition. I have ideas to make this happen, and to make it awesome, and to get people invovled to make it a success. I Like working with others. If you want to pick up the ball with me on this one, then post here / PM me / find me on IRC and lets start planning this sucker!

Sure, what sort of help do you need? I'd like to see this happen too. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we could just have a thread for the HOTOOCRMVC, upload our stuff to YouTube, and then post the links?


I think I have a good way to steer this but I'm gonna sit on the thread another 24 hours to see who else shows up. Attention from remixers, video students, Jose (namely, due to his contributions regarding ocr and video ALREADY *props*), and McVaffe (not a small name) means a lot to me.


Why not have our own film festival as well?

Ron Jeremy plz

Get him and Mark Wahlberg as Luigi and the video is a guaranteed hit. Now who to play Peach and Daisy...

who the hell wants to see video of me on a PC using Sonar?

*raises hand* Do Sonar tutorials to your mixes, that'd be awesome.


Why not have our own film festival as well?

That's what I was talking about. My thoughts were to make a community event in the spirit of, say, OHC or FBRC, where the emphasis is on being creative and anyone and everyone are welcomed and encouraged to participate.

As for the event, we come up with a title better than HOTOOCRMVC. Then establish some guidelines for the event. (Music selected must be a currently hosted OverClocked ReMix, and uh....there needs to be video...) Have an established time frame for people to create their masterpieces in. Deadline is important, because that means there can be a viewing party. This is essential, because this means a guaranteed audience for those who finish, which is great incentive for more people getting involved and finishing. In rare cases, it may mean throwing something hilarious together last second, but it's all good.

Wait, did I say rare? :<

I think the more "official" it is, the more people will take notice and get involved, and I think that this idea is worthy of that attention, its (almost) a totally unexplored area here, and I think taking OCR to new forms of media could have some significant implications. And it's cool.

Also, a deadline is conducive to a DVD release, which I think is a rock solid idea, even if it is looking ahead a ways. Also. If this is going to happen, I think it should at least be in the works before MAGFest, as it will be a prime breeding ground for awesome/ridiculous video ideas and collaborations.

LAOS,you said you had some ideas too, and as you have the OP of this post, you probably have been thinking about it for a while. Are we on the same page? I would love to hear your ideas on this.

Team Gato go

I think this one's unanimous.

By the way, are you thinking just live-action, or would stuff like

be in line with what you had in mind? (I'm surprised that hasn't been mentioned yet--maybe I missed it) KF
I think this one's unanimous.

By the way, are you thinking just live-action, or would stuff like

be in line with what you had in mind? (I'm surprised that hasn't been mentioned yet--maybe I missed it) KF

Wow, another one... cool.

Okay so... before I act on this in any form I've got some copy/paste questions we should probably go through.

If we went forward with such a contest plan (which I'm going to temporarily dub 'the OCRMV project') we'd need to understand that it's something completely different from the other contests on the site. For the most part, on the site, things are constrained to time limits of a week or two, sometimes, I've heard on IRC even over an hour.

For something like this, depending on the quality we're striving for I would want between 1-6 months. The post above, does a good job of illustrating my point... how long do you think that sprite animation took? It looked great, every lyric synched up with an action, and therefore, more than likely, it was in that several months vein; I would expect at least 2.

So with that kind of investment, people will likely want to put effort in not just to make a cool video... they will probably want some cashola, or at least some kind of prize.

BUT AT THE SAME TIME I don't want to hinder those who just want to make a stupid embarrassing video they'll immediately regret and took them all of a half hour to shoot, edit, and upload.

Here's my proposition, two contests:


(uploads and judgings every 2 weeks or so.. no real prize, webcam entries, mountains of embarrassment and regret)

and :nicework:OCRMV

(Film students and massive collabs; the goods, prize, 4-6 months; dvd release... and the best of the OCRMV:tomatoface: as a special feature)

In all honesty, it's the latter, personally, I'm much most interested in.


Here's some things I want to poll you about.

1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest?

(I think the coolest idea I had was something of a 'pool', this one definitely for the :nicework:OCRMV project. For example, any donations go to the pool, a substantial amount is fronted (say $100-$300), entry into the contest has a fee of say $30 towards the pool, and the grand total gets broken down something like this: 50% grand prize, 30% goes to ocr or child's play or something, 15% to a runner-up, and 5% to help with dvd or any other fees... ok let's be realistic; the prize is $5.)

2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one.

3. Which contest would you enter?

4. Exactly.

5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship?

6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer?

7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd?

8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party?

9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail?

10. Awww jeez what about the judges!?

Okay, so as you can see, there's plenty to think about. It's obvious the excitement is here, and that's really awesome because we're not just talking about OCR anymore here. Any jo shmo video producer might dig this. Any jo shmo contest junkie might dig this. Animators, choreographers, dancers, actors, directors, effects geeks... attach a 3 or 400 dollar prize to it and pass enough links around and there's a LOT that could happen. Any of the videos has a decent shot at going viral and this is ALL potential OCR publicity folks. This could be very big indeed.



This guy has the right idea:

It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we could just have a thread for the HOTOOCRMVC, upload our stuff to YouTube, and then post the links?

K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Stupid. No entry pool, no prize money, no worrying about a dinosaur media (DVD) release. A 4-6 week deadline is enough.


WHOA WHOA Whoa whoa whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa












It's obvious the excitement is here, and that's really awesome because we're not just talking about OCR anymore here. Any jo shmo video producer might dig this. Any jo shmo contest junkie might dig this. Animators, choreographers, dancers, actors, directors, effects geeks... attach a 3 or 400 dollar prize to it and pass enough links around and there's a LOT that could happen. Any of the videos has a decent shot at going viral and this is ALL potential OCR publicity folks. This could be very big indeed.

Have you talk to DJP about this? When I read your post I was just thinking of something internal to OCR, like the Fan Art Competition or the ye olde comedy competition... but a music video contest that's available to anyone could really make an impact on the site.

As someone who might be interested in making an OCR music video (and incidentally started making one years ago but never finished)...

...let me start by saying I have to agree with analoq:

This guy has the right idea:
It doesn't have to be anything fancy, we could just have a thread for the HOTOOCRMVC, upload our stuff to YouTube, and then post the links?

K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple, Stupid. No entry pool, no prize money, no worrying about a dinosaur media (DVD) release. A 4-6 week deadline is enough.

I like this.

Only I have had a hell of a time uploading videos to youtube - it always messes up the sound/video synch, if only a bit... and it can be especially bad for longer videos. Uploading a music video only to have the timing off by a quarter of a second would infuriate me to no end - some kind of alternate submission hosting solution (for those who choose to use it) would be wonderful. This won't affect me at all though if I can just upload a Flash music video to Newgrounds.

And since I've already answered the survey:

1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest?

Doubt it, unless I really think I have something great - which is unlikely unless I end up in a collaboration. The most likely scenario for me is that I make some kind of animation (sprite or otherwise) in Flash.

2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one.

Silleh! But honestly, in terms of what kinds of entries I'd like to actually watch... I'd want a mix of both funny no-effort entries AND top-notch professional stuff. Actually, "professional" is not my idea of entertaining... what I really mean is "impressive".

3. Which contest would you enter?

Silleh! But if the standards for a "serious" competition are low enough, I'd enter that too.

4. Exactly.


5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship?

For anything serious, some basic rules would be good, but nothing too limiting that could cause an "ah crap, I have to re-render my video because it doesn't fit the rules" scenario. Flash can render to video easily enough, but that causes quality loss and I've had problems with it in the past... I would suggest allowing Flash.

Should it have to use the entire song? Hmmmm... that's a big one.


- No chance of badly-edited song shortening.

- No need to explain that the song in the video is an edit.


- Entrants will look for shorter songs and skip the longer ones.

- Music videos could potentially flow much much better if the director has the freedom to cut out parts of the song.

Perhaps song editing could be allowed, provided that:

- If the video is not silly and bad, the audio must be edited in a professional manner (such that you won't notice the edits, unless of course you're familiar with the song).

- Any editing done is indicated in some given fashion.

6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer?

I'm not 100% familiar with the latest rules, but can't you use ReMixes without contacting the remixer, as long as you clearly supply OCR's URL, name, and [probably the song/remixer name or something]? Either way, I would definitely contact the remixer if I chose to enter, even if it takes a little "hunting down".

7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd?

Would I!? =D

Ehh.... probably not, unless some sort of occasion came up in which is would be useful. I cannot at this time think of such an occasion.

8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party?

Doubtful, but you never know.

9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail?

Torrent sounds reasonable to me.

10. Awww jeez what about the judges!?

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it.


Post restructuring!

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