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I'm hoping that by the Summer of 2010, my collection will include the following:

- God of War 3

- FF 13

- Trine

- Braid

- Dragon Age

- Assassin's Creed 2

- Heavy Rain

- Bayonetta

On New Years I had someone scream out "Dragon Age!" while I was having sex with her. That kinda sold me.


- Miles Edgeworth Perfect Prosecutor

- Tales of Graces

- Arc Rise Fantasia

- Endless Ocean 2

- Sin & Punishment 2

Hopefully those are all out by summer. Graces and S&P I'm not sure about, and Arc Rise is due in June, but Perfect Prosecutor is due in February and so is Endless Ocean 2.

On New Years I had someone scream out "Dragon Age!" while I was having sex with her. That kinda sold me.
I had someone scream out "Dragon Age!" while I was having sex with her
scream out "Dragon Age!" while I was having sex with her
...scream out "Dragon Age!"... ...sex with her...


No offense but I would have donkey punched her for that...

So yeah, games I'm looking forward to...



-Dante's Inferno

-Sin & Punishment 2

That's all I can think of at the moment, although "Tale of Graces" seem interesting enough.


As far as upcoming games, AvP and FFXIII are a must. I'm actually really really really looking forward to AvP- campaign and especially online play.

From the previous year, I'm gonna have to save up for Demons Souls and Fallout 3: GotY Edition

Edit: Almost forgot about SH: Shattered Memories PS2 style.

Why is everyone forgetting No More Heroes 2? :-(

I'm not forgetting No More Heroes 2. Definite buy for me when it comes out here in Australia (The uncensored version if it come out here of course)

Yes! Today!

:? I'm getting this as well (Tomorrow as a matter of fact. Street date was broken, as I predicted), but to be honest I was really conflicted about getting this for some reason...

Oh, and of course FFXIII :razz:

Don't live under a rock of prejudice and boredom then!

I am not trying to knock the game. I seriously just don't understand the hype. I want to be as interested in it as others, but I just can't. My friend is hailing it as the successor of Devil May Cry, but that really doesn't excite me for some reason.

Help me join the ranks of excited enthusiasts.


Tales of Graces

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIV

Super Street Fighter IV

Blazblue: Continuum Shift

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of The Moon

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Halo: Reach

Metroid OtherM

Resident Evil 5 DLC

I'd be more interested in No More Heroes 2 if I knew more about it, and Bayonetta/Dante's Inferno just don't interest me at all.

I am not trying to knock the game. I seriously just don't understand the hype. I want to be as interested in it as others, but I just can't. My friend is hailing it as the successor of Devil May Cry, but that really doesn't excite me for some reason.

Help me join the ranks of excited enthusiasts.

It has audio cues for every single hit in the game as well as visual cues. GENIUS I TELL YOU.

I suggest you read some reviews. Edge for example.

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