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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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Sorry for derailing a little the thread with my joke. However, even if I think Soundwaveification may sound a little annoying (no offense, man, but all your posts are from this thread asking for updates), it'd be great to have some official updates on this project (and some other ones).

I know staff and project directors may have busy times, but taking 5 minutes to say how things evolved "last month" or so (for example) would be great. Not blaming anyone in particular, but when you see the first post was edited for the last time almost one year ago, it can be a little frustrating for some people (and even people who are working on/for the project).

We all know OCR albums take time to make, but sometimes it gets ridiculously long. Even if you guys are working in the shadows, I think more transparency on what happens behind the scenes would benefit the project(s). Sorry if I sound rude, but several projects seem to suffer from lack of updates (not speaking about activity, which is different) and I think staff/project directors could take a little time to update the first posts (or even simply post a message and say "Hi, we're gathering the last few things etc.") Just my 2 cents.


Oh, I can help with that! I can work transparency in Photoshop now! ^__^ Makes less opaque. :u

Seriously - awesome art, guys. Just amazing :D Album sounds like it's wrapping up. c:

Freya is beautiful! ^__^ And Eiko and the moogles is fantastic! I love that style. :3


I've been hanging around this thread for a while, and finally figured I should make an account to say how much I'm looking forward to this. FFIX's music was my favourite and it's pretty great to see the album finally getting close to finish. All the art is pretty great too.


  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hiya, like said all artworks are done and I am waiting for a e-mail response from someone from OCR since a good while now.


There seemed to be a little problem since it was requested to get all te images in psf files with multiple layers but that was requested weeks after the game-art-hq community members worked on the submissions, and not everyone from them is using photoshop or even multiple layers. I have the majority of the files in big jpg's.


As said, I am still waiting for a response.


Reinhold Hoffmann



I don't want to be a bother, but is the track list on the first post up to date? Every time I have checked, I see that one track still red; given who's arranging it, it's no suprise it might take a while given his other duties, but I am curious at this point.


I don't want to be a bother, but is the track list on the first post up to date? Every time I have checked, I see that one track still red; given who's arranging it, it's no suprise it might take a while given his other duties, but I am curious at this point.


No, that's been the album status for almost 2 years now.


Many tracks were wav'd in the first few months after the announcement.

Kate's contributions to this album are almost 5 years old.

Almost all of the tracks were finished by 2012.



Less than 2 months before FFIX's 15th birthday!  Super excited!


Was around the 10th anniversary when the album was announced.


There's been a serious lack of what one might consider "reasonable expectations" on behalf of the organizer with respect to cementing the release date.


Many of us have been checking the website for years waiting only for this album, with the full knowledge that 1 person has been preventing the public from hearing 55 other wonderful arrangements that have been done for quite a long time.


Yes, there is now album art.  Yes, Mr. Pretzel has many obligations.  But all consideration for the fanbase seems to have been abandoned some time ago.

It's so, so very sad to see that happen to a project as important and a body of work as revered as this.  It's a terrible, awful shame.


All respect goes to the musicians, artists, and other contributors who've gotten this project where it is today.  All we, the plebs, can do is continue to wait patiently for the one day we may hear this wonderful music.


Re: the art for future album projects, we'll make sure formatting preference are made clear before anyone gets started. That said, Game-Art-HQ's community really came through with good work, so we're looking forward to including all their great artwork in the album bundle, and hopefully working with GBK666 and G-A-HQ in the future. :-)

Re: the album not being out yet, sorry, but this isn't a speedrun, so folks are just going to have to wait. Everyone's doing this in their spare time for 0 compensation, juggling real life and other responsibilities. Sometimes that means the final 15% takes practically forever. Much like any album that takes years to release, when the album's out, it's out. We'll get there.

See you in July (MAYBE). :lol:


Lets just delay it to July 2020 already and have over 5 more years for an amazing amount of songs and artworks. ;)



Cheers + see you in July (MAYBE) :razz:


Many of us have been checking the website for years waiting only for this album, with the full knowledge that 1 person has been preventing the public from hearing 55 other wonderful arrangements that have been done for quite a long time.



I collaborated on an arrangement for this album around four years ago. Whatever excitement or pride I felt in doing so has more or less evaporated over the years -- less because of the production gap and more because that gap has been peppered by admonitions like 'people just have to be patient' and 'remember that everyone is doing this for free'. As an artist/translator who routinely labors for free, I'd be mortified to know I was the one person standing between an audience and dozens of other artists waiting to be heard, never mind money. And not just for months, but for years.

This isn't said to churn up the water, because honestly, I moved on a long time ago. I check back once in a while to see if anything's changed, but when there are months between status updates -- and the status updates themselves tend to be snippy and patronizing-- it shouldn't be a surprise that for some artists and listeners, the excitement for this project fizzled out a while ago. Laboring for free grants you latitude that working for a salary doesn't, but at the same time, it necessitates a higher level of professionalism and self-discipline to get things done when you know you're not going to be rewarded for it. It's easy to make excuses as adults, because life is busy, and it's easy to believe that your problems and responsibilities are somehow more pressing than everyone else's. But they're not, and two years of near-silence in response to a submission (and in some cases, four or five) is frustrating and hurtful, no matter who you are.

I stopped holding my breath for this album a long time ago, though I'm sure it'll be wonderful when it does drop. I do hurt for those who are still anxiously waiting for their music to be heard five years later, only to be scolded for being impatient when they work up the nerve to ask when that might be.



I collaborated on an arrangement for this album around four years ago. Whatever excitement or pride I felt in doing so has more or less evaporated over the years -- less because of the production gap and more because that gap has been peppered by admonitions like 'people just have to be patient' and 'remember that everyone is doing this for free'. As an artist/translator who routinely labors for free, I'd be mortified to know I was the one person standing between an audience and dozens of other artists waiting to be heard, never mind money. And not just for months, but for years.

This isn't said to churn up the water, because honestly, I moved on a long time ago. I check back once in a while to see if anything's changed, but when there are months between status updates -- and the status updates themselves tend to be snippy and patronizing-- it shouldn't be a surprise that for some artists and listeners, the excitement for this project fizzled out a while ago. Laboring for free grants you latitude that working for a salary doesn't, but at the same time, it necessitates a higher level of professionalism and self-discipline to get things done when you know you're not going to be rewarded for it. It's easy to make excuses as adults, because life is busy, and it's easy to believe that your problems and responsibilities are somehow more pressing than everyone else's. But they're not, and two years of near-silence in response to a submission (and in some cases, four or five) is frustrating and hurtful, no matter who you are.

I stopped holding my breath for this album a long time ago, though I'm sure it'll be wonderful when it does drop. I do hurt for those who are still anxiously waiting for their music to be heard five years later, only to be scolded for being impatient when they work up the nerve to ask when that might be.

There is no one person standing in the way of this album, so if that's the conclusion people are making because of the tracklist, that's wrong. Lots of other things get coordinated before an album comes out (trailer/website/artwork/file prep). I agree you shouldn't be waiting for years, but you can take it up with Fishy. It's probably a reason why people shouldn't necessarily do mega ambitious projects and instead keep the scale more manageable. All that said, it's not a matter of not caring about you or anyone else involved or anyone else waiting, but we don't force anyone directing a project to wrap it up; it's all on them. At least by planning for it to come out for the game's 15th anniversary, we can put it on more people's radar when it finally does come out.


What some people should also take into account is that FFIX isn't the only project being developed by OCR: some other projects are being checked by the staff before they can be released (with rectifications or not), so it takes time. That being said Fishy looks ULTRA busy (not connected to OCR for 1+ month), so maybe someone could help finish/direct the album (like Brandon and I did for Legacy).


That stuff makes me want to revisit my Project Guide lol.


Less than 2 months before FFIX's 15th birthday!  Super excited!


It totally blows my mind that it's been 15 years since FF9 came out. It's definitely my favorite soundtrack of all of the FF games(and one of Nobuo's too apparently :D) so I can't wait for this album to come out! 


Shame that it's taking so long, but with such an ambitious project I can see why that is. Hopefully it will actually be able to get out there by the 15th anniversary!


 I agree you shouldn't be waiting for years, but you can take it up with Fishy. It's probably a reason why people shouldn't necessarily do mega ambitious projects and instead keep the scale more manageable. All that said, it's not a matter of not caring about you or anyone else involved or anyone else waiting, but we don't force anyone directing a project to wrap it up; it's all on them. At least by planning for it to come out for the game's 15th anniversary, we can put it on more people's radar when it finally does come out.

I have no plans whatsoever to take it up with anybody. :) Like I said, I have far less of an issue with the production length than I do with the way I see people being treated when they ask about it. As though they're impatient six year-olds, and not artists asking for a little transparency regarding the project they sank their time and energy into. As far as I'm concerned, those wrapping up the project can take as much time as they need to at this point. All I would like to see is a little more reciprocity from those people as far as understanding and leniency are concerned. Consideration goes both ways.


Hi, I just wanted to say I'm really excited for this to finally release.  I'm a big fan of IX and have been lurking OCRemix for a couple years for this project alone.  Really, really hoping everyone's great work can be released to us soon!

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