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Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History

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So my birthday came and went, with no FFIX album to make it perfect.  Thanks, Obama.

Think of the positive though, you've survived for another year! Or the flipside if you prefer, you're one year closer to death.


I thought it seemed kind of angry. I mean there's worse things to be tweeted. Sounds a little jaded, I mean why block them when you can just say "It's not my decision, I'm not even involved!" And it's not like you never ever mention OCR-related stuff on your twitter, it's not so unheard of for someone to ask about something OCR-related. OCR having more transparency about who actually works to release albums would be helpful too.


tl;dr read it, totally disagree


As a lurker/outsider, I would say that the vast majority of people who even know this forum exists know by now that projects come out on their own schedule.  The rest are likely younger kids who aren't going to be silenced anyways.


Honestly, I'm surprised at what (I agree with Brandon Strader) came across as being angry.  It's an open forum.  Asking about the release date is part of open discussion.  If you don't want conversation regarding hype/release/joviality/etc., then it might be best to make Projects a closed forum, open to the artists, project managers, and judges only.  


I will say that my knowledge of such things are that the more "businesslike" a forum is, the less fun it is, which is completely against my impression of the OCR community.  The main reason I've been lurking the past decade or so is that while I appreciate the work going on here, I have not the musical ability to feel comfortable with carving out a place here for myself.


Lastly, I will say that for this project in particular, my impression is that folks are less concerned about "when is it coming out," than "IS it coming out."  I'm sure everyone would have to agree that 5 years is a fairly long development period, given that most of it was done years ago.  That's no a critique, I'm sure there are good reasons, but there will also be a natural amount of curiosity.  Curiosity isn't a bad thing, neither is hype for a release.  Since there has been significant movement in the last few months and the release is imminent, I would wager the posts here are more excitement than frustration.  And frustration of "when do I get my free stuff" should just be ignored.


That's all I have to say.  As I crawl back in my hole I just want to say good luck with the release, and I'm sure it'll be suitably epic. :)


to be fair we've had albums in limbo for far longer than 5 years.


some were there for 7 or more


also i too read darke's post and i agree with it. especially cause, imo, it's not cool to bug someone about something they aren't even involved with aside from working for the site it's releasing on. 


I thought it seemed kind of angry. I mean there's worse things to be tweeted. Sounds a little jaded, I mean why block them when you can just say "It's not my decision, I'm not even involved!" And it's not like you never ever mention OCR-related stuff on your twitter, it's not so unheard of for someone to ask about something OCR-related. OCR having more transparency about who actually works to release albums would be helpful too.


tl;dr read it, totally disagree


*shrugs* There's a difference between asking and demanding. I'm fine with people asking. I'm not fine with them demanding, nor am I fine with them coming at me tangentially. If I say something like "I'm working on the Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet today"  or even "I'm pretty excited about going to see Ant-Man later," I don't need someone coming at me saying "Work on <album project> instead!" or "You should get excited about releasing <album project> already!" That's not asking, that's hounding. Even if it was about something I am involved in, it's still a jerky way to interact with an artist/creator. And if it seemed angry, well then yeah, that's because it made me angry, because that's literally what happened here. It's not my project, which, alright, maybe the guy doesn't know that. But why come at me from something totally unrelated? Not interested in that particular brand of impatience.


Honestly, I'm surprised at what (I agree with Brandon Strader) came across as being angry.  It's an open forum.  Asking about the release date is part of open discussion.  If you don't want conversation regarding hype/release/joviality/etc., then it might be best to make Projects a closed forum, open to the artists, project managers, and judges only.


Well, to be perfectly honest, asking about the release date isn't really part of open discussion. I can tell you that probably 95% of the time, when you ask when an album is coming out, we can't actually give you an answer, because we don't know. We have internal targets and deadlines, obviously, but shit happens, and if we tell you a date and don't meet it, what then? People get pissy or disappointed. It's not worth it.

The Project forum is open to everyone so discussion and suggestions can happen, and people can get involved in productive ways like contributing art and music or coming up with ways to promote the album. Hounding for a release isn't and hasn't ever been a part of that. Saying things like "you should release this album so that I can play it at my birthday party on Sunday" is just like...what is that even accomplishing? I mean, Happy Birthday, and I hope you have a nice party, but...great music at your party is not our priority. Accurate metadata is our priority. Properly laid out album art is our priority. Making sure all of the music files are complete and error free is our priority. A good website that showcases the album is our priority. Do you get what I'm saying?


Curiosity is fine, and so is getting hyped up for the release. But worrying about whether or not it's coming out is just...it's not something you guys need to worry about. It will come out when it's done and ready. I understand the excitement, but don't let excitement turn into impatience. Your life isn't shittier right now because the album hasn't come out yet. You don't have to plan your life around a release date. You'll be okay.


Turns out they accidentally remixed Final Fantasy XI instead of IX so they gotta shuffle really fast to make a FF IX album now

So it's a XI mixed with IX....this is either going to be the greatest album ever or the greatest flop.

Opens up so many more possibilities, mix ff7 with ff10, mix ff6 with mega man, this is going to make someone's brain explode.

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