djpretzel Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
sgx Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I've got the Reason project file here if anyone wants to look at it: Vocals, some EQing and compression were done outside of reason, so this file is not totally complete. Quote
Boogiep0pPhantom Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I rarely comment on the songs here, but this one just grabbed me from the moment I heard it. I've got to say, the strings in this song were some of the best I've heard in a long time, and the sequencing of the song is so well planned, which is more difficult to do in collaborations in my opinion. As for the vocals, Aurora did a great job with them, regardless of whether her equipment was poor. I believe there was one moment in the song where it was an issue for me, and even that was so miniscule that I wouldn't have noticed it, had the volume not been blasting. The piano was alo incredible in this piece. I'm definetly going to find the source pieces and give them a listen too, because they were just incredible. Great job to the remixers, this is without a doubt one of my favorite mixes on the site. And I hope Aurora lends her voice to some more songs, because I really enjoyed it. Quote
sfried Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Beyond Good & Evil is definately a game that has a great soundtrack. I like this rather extended version of it, if not remarkably enhanced. I like how it transitions from 2:55. When the guitars kick in at 3:00, that's where the sweetness begins. From then on, it begins to sound like a New Age type of music. Also accurate representations of the piano pieces, as well a subtle takes, and transitions, overlapping pieces of the song together at it's most melodious parts. Gorgeous. And how it all slows down to an end, leaving the last note untouched, much like the game's open end. Quote
Scuba Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Wow... these are live vocals? I'm very impressed.. Very nicely sung, I hope I hear her voice in more songs The song finally got some beat to it somewhere in the middle (too lazy to find exact time). Very nice arrangment, what a collab A keeper. Quote
LightCecil Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Quite a bit different than SGX's usual styles, but since this is a collaboration, that's to be expected. Still, I knew, with SGX's name on this song, it would be a must-have download, and I was not disappointed. I've been digging GrayLightning's songs for quite some time now, so a combination of SGX's skillful audio manipulation, and a new age style, not unlike GL, and you've got a killer awesome remix. The melodic tones, the vocals, though non-lyrical, add a simple, melodious undertone that will would be enhanced by the guitars later on. Lastly, some of the pizzicato and piano at around 1:30 seems to mimic the simple style of one Chrono Trigger map song that I still love for it's simplicity of arrangement. It appears for a few seconds at most, and it only serves, it enhances the music more than anything. Overall, it's an excellent piece of work, I give it 10/10. Quote
endblink Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 SGX: CHECK AWESOME vocals by Aurora: CHECK Cool song from cool game: CHECK Sheer joy from listening to this song over and over again: PRICELESS Quote
sgx Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Lastly, some of the pizzicato and piano at around 1:30 seems to mimic the simple style of one Chrono Trigger map song that I still love for it's simplicity of arrangement. It appears for a few seconds at most, and it only serves, it enhances the music more than anything Oh yea, I forgot I stuck that in there. I was working on putting the BGaE melody in there and I started hearing that Chrono Trigger melody in my head (even though I haven't played CT much at all), so I just stuck it in there for one phrase. If you want to specifically know who did what, here is the rundown on the arranging: SGX: 0:00-1:40 destructo: 1:40 - 3:42 SGX: 3:42 - 4:30 destructo: 4:30 - 5:34 SGX: 5:34 - end and then I did some general mixing/mastering, and arranged for the vocal parts. and Aurora sang . We're glad you're all enjoying this! Quote
Fieari Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Remind me again why I'm an SGX fan? Oh yeah... this mix does that quite well. I may not have heard of Destructo or Aurora before (well, outside of Sleeping Beauty) but already they've shot up quite a bit in my estimation. This is an awesome game, which had awesome music, and you did it justice. Loved the piano, the vocals were SUPERB and I hope to hear more of Aurora in other mixes just like the others around here... sub par equipment? This sounds fully professional. Well done! Very much well done! I always get nervous when drums are mentioned in a mix, because my personal tastes lend towards a little more subtlety than drums usually offer, but I was pleasantly surprised. This didn't have a breakneck beat like so many mixers seem to enjoy adding without need, and it fit the peice perfectly. Good work there too. I'm amazed at how... cohesive this mix turned out. I can't hear any "seams" between where SGX leaves off and Destructo picks up, and vice versa. I can hear, a little bit, the difference in style between you two, but if someone had told me that this was done by just one guy, I'd find no reason to disbelieve it. Love it, love it, love it! Quote
MistaZanMan Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Damn! This piece is amazing. I agree with DJP in that it sounds very fitting for a film soundtrack. I've never played or even heard of this game, but you did it justice for sure. I especially loved when the drums came in, that actually caught me by surprise since i just woke up and got on the site. Excellent work...Badass stuff from all 3 of you remixers. Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 *teary eyes* So pretty, so pro... jealousy rising. In close competition with Prot's Forest Birdcussion for my #1 favourite OC Remix. Belongs in the credits of a modern asian movie... like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2. Maybe I'll just shut up. I don't want to touch commenting on the specifics of this one, I'm still far too in awe of it. SGX, Destructo, Aurora: THANK YOU! Quote
Claado Shou Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I'll have to reiterate the fact that this shies away from SGX's normal pattern of techno/breakbeat, but anybody that can enjoy an intense piece is sure to be able to enjoy a softer one. That certainly holds true for me. Since I don't know much (really, anything at all) about remixing techniques, instruments, or the like, I'll just say that this is a freaking SUPERB remix. The emotionally-controlled equivalent of the beat-controlled 'More Than a Weapon' and perhaps even 'Kick Your A'. Incredible work. Oh, and Aurora...KEEP SINGING. You're making me tear up. ~.C.S.~ Quote
Syl Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I'm a huge fan of the game, and the games music, so when i first saw this posted on SGX's official site i grabbed it. Beautiful remix, I like it quite a bit more than the majority of the original beat of the game. (I believe thats partly in fact that the MP3's of the game i have are just plain captures and have some really annoying overlays) Anyway, keep remixing, I absolutely the sound to this, I'm not a fan of lyrics in music, but vocal's like that can't be underestimated for the amount of beauty they have. I think i've said beautiful far too many times already, but its just the best way to describe this piece. Quote
damathacus Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 I really liked this. I wasn't expecting a remix from this game, but I'm definitely not complaining. Quote
Raven_X Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 unbelievably good song. lol, noticed the Chrono Trigger music there too. Kinda makes me wanna go play this game. Quote
Flare4War Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 Right at the beginning of the song I hear a little jingle that reminds me of Crono Trigger. The mix over all is great...and I'm more of a fast beat techno kinda guy. I'm alittle harder to impress with the slower more gentle mixes. But this one is great. And I couldn't agree with Dj more. The vocals and the piano work is unparalleled. This one will definitely homestead a few Meg on my mp3 player. Great work. Quote
Kaleb.G Posted June 5, 2004 Posted June 5, 2004 While I didn't care for the soundtrack as a whole, the songs chosen for this remix are are great (definately the best ones from the game). The game was also great; I bought it for GameCube about two months ago. Anyway, this remix has a lot to offer. Good work SGX and friends! Quote
olanmills Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 This great remix floods my mind with images from a very memorable game. I don't really have the understanding to appreciate all of the work or talent that goes into making remixes like this or others, but thanks for doing justice to a beautiful game. Quote
JM_Zen Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 Beautiful. This ones going on my walkman for sure! Quote
The Joker Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 And finally, someone finally remixes BG&E. I can't believe no one has remixed it before. Heck of a remix. It gives you a type of chill, makes ya feel all tingly & crap. Yeah, I know, thats not really much of a review. Well here I gets serious. I absolutely luf this whole mix. Really captures the feel of BG&E. With some intrigue, paranoia, & a little heroism thrown in. This song really encompasses the whole scope of the game. I really loves me some SGX break beat. The orchestra, the vocals, & of course Supergreens superb tech skills make for a truely unique & wonderful take on BG&E's great soundtrack. Bravo. Must D/L. Quote
kusetsu Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 Good GOD! This one is on the Top 20 list here.. Just amazing.. Quote
tgfoo Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 And once again SGX and company drive the crowd wild Quote
Xivilized Posted June 6, 2004 Posted June 6, 2004 I registered this account so I could comment on this ReMix. That's how much I liked it. Of course, I undoubtedly would have gotten an account sooner or later, but saying that adds emphasis. As djpretzel commented, this song sounds like it should be in a movie. It sounds very professional; the piano is incredible, and the strings are up there as well. The singing is amazing. Aurora, keep singing. Please. This is definitely going on my top five list. Thank you - SGX, Destructo and Aurora. Quote
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