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SNES console: $26 right now, it'll probably go for $30ish (admittedly you'd have to get the power cable and controller to go with this one)


Super Mario All Stars: $8.50, no more than $10, I'd say. Not bad for three and a half classic Mario games


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past: $10


Star Fox: $9.95 buy-it-now price


this stuff's not so incredibly expensive like you'd think

Well apparently since I saw an NES for like 30,000 i just assumed SNES went for similar prices... thanks for that info, anyway, Gollgagh. I'll consider it in the future. :D

Oh, fine!

A legitimate aw s#*! moment in my gaming was when I went to fight the Elite Four without healing my pokemon or buying anything to heal them.

And then you have to repeatedly restart the battles until you get a sequence of about three or four critical hits in a row. (If you saved right before the first fight, like I did in my infinite wisdom.)

Been there.


okay here's mine:

My first time through FFVIII, I got to Ultimecia's castle, but found the entrance beasts so ridiculously strong that I couldn't beat them. So, I thought what I'd do was gameshark my stats up to level the playing field. So, I 'sharked everyone's levels up to 100.

Sounds like a good idea, right? So I did that, then saved over my only file.

So what did I get from this? Level 100 enemies with retarded amounts of health, and me with level 34 GFs and practically no magic, apparently stuck in Ultimecia's castle.

shit, guys


Got FF13 today and I was pumped up on my way back home. When I got home, I couldn't start playing it because my fiance's parents are here. They are on there way to New Orleans and wanted to crash here and rest up.

Now because of my job, I can't play it until next Tuesday when I'm off again.:banghead:

I think I'll get sick tomorrow.


I've had plenty of these moments. The one that made me the angriest was my Excalibur 2 run for FF9. Got the sword and went to save it so I could finally go to sleep. The game froze while saving and corrupted the data. Only got to use the damn sword like twice.

I lent a copy of Chrono Cross to a friend. Original release- not greatest hits, mind you...

Please tell me if you find it. FML

Edit: My all-time favorite game. liek EVAR

One of my favorites as well.

One VG FML that happened to me recently happened in TF2. I got fed up with the tie at 2-2 on 2fort so I led an assault with my buddy as a heavy-medic combo. Ripped up the other team, but I died on the way back with the intel. I respawn 10 seconds before the game ends...autoswitched to the other team. I scored twice as many points that round as the "1st" MVP on my original team. FML

I've had plenty of these moments. The one that made me the angriest was my Excalibur 2 run for FF9. Got the sword and went to save it so I could finally go to sleep. The game froze while saving and corrupted the data. Only got to use the damn sword like twice.

I'm doing that run right now actually (literally, I'm on Nova Dragon as I'm typing this)

Worst moment for me, probably wouldn't be any single game, but my MicroSD card for my Acekard2i (DSi) became corrupted while I was transferring a game to it - lost completed saves for Chrono Trigger, KH 358/2 Days, Rhythm Heaven, Pokemon Platinum, and a bunch of others I can't think of off the top of my head. It was a sad day :(

Edit: Actually, I thought of one moment in particular. I can't remember how old I was, but pretty young. Was playing Blaster Master on NES (yup, no save stating here) and I got to the middle of World 8, the last world, after hours upon hours of playing over and over again to memorize what to do and where to go, and for whatever reason the game just froze up. I vividly remember wanting to cry. It was the first time I had ever gotten that far and the last time I ever played the original cartridge version.

(Cue Four Yorkshire Men sketch)

You all think you had it tough with save games? At least you owned them.

Just try to rent a Final Fantasy cart back in 1994 when the kids and young adults were still living in town and beat it before they save over your games. :P

I did that with FF6. There was only the one copy at the video rental place, but they let you rent it for as long as you wanted, with the chance to renew the rental once your initial paid time was up. I must've spent over $100 renting that game.

Interestingly, there was a game genie'd save file nobody ever saved over. The characters' colour palettes were all swapped around and there was a mysterious save point in the Elder's house in Narshe.

Incidentally, this led me to believe that you could find the residents of Narshe holed up in the mines via a secret passage in the elder's house.

Once when I was 7, I was playing through Startropics on the NES. My older sister wanted to watch a TV show, and I told her once I beat the boss she could watch it. As soon as I dealt the killing blow, she went over and shut off the system. I cried loudly because, hey, I was 7. The boss was Maxi the Ghost, incidentally.


For some insane reason, the Sega Master System's pause button was not on the controller but on the console, next to the reset button.

Well, I can tell you that mixing those two up caused quite a few aw s#*!-moments.


While playing Final Fantasy Tatics A2 the main character has a book that writes in itself after every major event...well...I assumed this was an auto-save feature and didn't bother saving, I'm about 20 hours in and decide maybe I should turn off my ds instead of keeping it in sleep mode. go to play, it's all gone.

Aw s#*!

I was so pissed I didn't play it for about 6 months or more. I just picked it back up 2 weeks ago.


My copy of FFVII has scratches on disk 2, and after beating Diamond WEAPON will freeze in the cutscene right after. The first time it happened was a definite crap moment, and after about 5 times I thought I wouldn't be able to get any further than that. I think it finally pushed through somehow, but it was scary for a while.

Secondly, I was playing through Tactics Ogre, which has a flaw in it that saving/loading fails like 80% of the time. I probably got like 10 hours in when finally it stopped working at all, and would freeze every time I tried to load the game. Not exactly an Aw s#*! moment, but dissapointing none-the-less.


Well let's see...

There was the time where I was going through an epic battle against huge odds. Unfortunately I had to scratch a terrible itch but didn't have the foresight to

thus costing me a huge score bonus and recognition.

Then there was the time I finally completed extra mode for the very first time but had that recognition taken away from me when I died

when I thought it it had ended.

There also was the time where I learned of a possible blind spot and tried exploiting it for shits and giggles. Needless to say the game pretty much told me

and robbed me of a no death run.

Finally there was the time where I was really pissed off to the point where

despite beating it a couple of times on hard mode back then already.


One time as I began settling my self at home coming from work I tossed my belt across the room. Forgot I had left my copy of Persona 3: FES on the couch for me to pick up later on and the belt, in slow motion, slowly descended and smacked the read part (NOT THE LABEL THE GOD DAMN READ SIDE) leaving what looked like a nasty gash with some scraps...

Instead of playing it I spent the next two hours using an epoxy for cds and dvds buffing and rebuffing it.

Not as planned... Not as planned at all...

Sixth grade.

I get Banjo-Kazooie :smile:.

I save it for the next snow day, and play it for hours, getting 100% on Mumbo's Mountain, Treasure Trove Cove, Clanker's Cavern, and Bubblegloop Swamp. I finally decide it's time for a break and get up from my chair and start to save the game. (Not sure why I didn't save it till then.)

I accidentally kick the 64.

The game freezes.

Aw, shit.

Any takers?

I'll take this one. I got Banjo-Kazooie on its release day, a Tuesday in June. I play it for the rest of that week and get all the way to Click Clock Woods. The following Monday, I turn on the game in the morning and apparently bumped the Z button on the controller. I didn't realize this, and I didn't realize that its effect was to bring up a delete option for the saved game. I did what I normally do when loading a saved game (quickly press A until I get into the game), and next thing you know, I'm staring at an empty save file. I almost cried.

Another "oh, shit" moment that's perhaps a bit less depressing was during Mega Man 9, Wily Stage 2 (or 3, I think it's 2). The first time I was in the area where you're in a bubble and have to make it to the top of the spiked shaft, I made it without a problem. I ended up dying and had to do that part again. The second time, I get right to the top and apparently was in a different position than I was in the first time. A little grabber robot comes down from above just before reaching the top, grabs me, and very quickly plunges me into the spikes to my right. It was actually funny because it was so fast and over the top that you can't even be upset by it.

okay here's mine:

My first time through FFVIII, I got to Ultimecia's castle, but found the entrance beasts so ridiculously strong that I couldn't beat them. So, I thought what I'd do was gameshark my stats up to level the playing field. So, I 'sharked everyone's levels up to 100.

Sounds like a good idea, right? So I did that, then saved over my only file.

So what did I get from this? Level 100 enemies with retarded amounts of health, and me with level 34 GFs and practically no magic, apparently stuck in Ultimecia's castle.

shit, guys

This made me LOL. Were you a wee lad when this happened?

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