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my only complaint would be with the voice at the end. when it said 'thank' i thought it said 'fag' and i was all like 'whoawhoawhoawhoa hold on there skipper' and then it said 'you' and i was all 'oh'

other than that, beautiful soundscape as usual, and i'm lovin' the drums

halchthonic should be your duo handle


I don't get you people. You create such an amazing song with intricate melodies, great sound choices... the works. Wonderful bass, brilliant drums, BRILLIANT intro. A-grade composition.

And then you have to go and fuck it up by throwing vocals in at the least opportune moment. It boggles the mind how you thought that would be a good stylistic decision - not only do the lyrics have nothing to do with Yoshi's Island, but your singing is horrible, the pitch is off, and the lyrics are INSULTING my critiquing skills! If I wanted to have my intelligence insulted by my music, I'd just go listen to rap :tomatoface:

I don't know if it's just your compulsive need to conform to societal pressure but what you've done here is akin to taking the Mona Lisa, and then pooping all over it. Why would you do that?

Ok, so let's get this worked out. Cut the vocals if there's any shred of decency left in you. If you can't bear to part with them, at least throw some autotune and filters on so it doesn't sound so gut-wrenchingly bad. Better yet, keep the lyrics that you have and recruit someone else who actually has singing talent to record them for you. At the VERY least, throw some humanizing presets over your singing so it doesn't sound so robotic.

Listen to Adrenalyne Kick by zircon/BGC/Liontamer if you want to know how to properly execute spoken word vocals in your song. The vocals in that song were brilliant. The vocals in this song are garbage. Better luck next time :tomatoface:



i haet u


I think Emunator feels very strongly about this... ;)

This is brilliantly produced and mastered. I wish i could get such clean and clear results when mixing a track....:D

ANYWAYS....The synth choices are spot on and the drums are so tight it almost hurts, lol. I think the vocals at the end are hilarious. It caught me off guard, but it does help to understand this is only a WIP. haha

Looking forward to an update.


Listening now. I want that lead to pierce through the rest of the accompaniment a little more. Perhaps detune it a bit, or use multiple oscillators that are just slightly out of phase with each other. Plus volume, of course.

You could add some variety by tweaking the modality or transposing the piece to a different key at some point. Based on the mixes I've kept, people rarely do that on this site. It should make the judges come right in their pants.

Play with retrograde, inversions, retrograde inversions, etc, as well to get some mileage out of the material you have so far. Try retrograding an entire segment, or retrograde sections divided into one or two bars.


something that i think would add to the piece in there somewhere would be a break where its just the drums soloing with a really minimal take on the melody laid over it

if you're gonna have crazy percussion flesh it out on its own and let it shine for a little bit


I LOVE cthonic and halc's work thus far, and you guys' collab, "Why So Serious?" is totally amazing.

This is really, really nice. I'd love to see this on the front page as an official remix. But a word to the wise - be sure to cut the lyrics at the end. I'm assuming they're a placeholder... but please don't have lyrics. It doesn't really fit the song's style, and it's really good the way it is.


You guys aren't really being serious about the voice at the end, are you? Maybe my sarcasm detector is just going bad.

Also, I wanted to elaborate on what I said regarding the lead synth. I realize that you have the filter open up as it comes in, and of course a closed filter is going to be less prominent. I do like that effect, but still, I think the lead needs to come through more by the time the filter is open. And then this is where I say refer to my previous post if you're interested to hear what I suggest to do.

I LOVE cthonic and halc's work thus far, and you guys' collab, "Why So Serious?" is totally amazing.

This is really, really nice. I'd love to see this on the front page as an official remix. But a word to the wise - be sure to cut the lyrics at the end. I'm assuming they're a placeholder... but please don't have lyrics. It doesn't really fit the song's style, and it's really good the way it is.

hahaha, not even a placeholder.. they're 100% just a joke. don't worry, you won't be hearing any crappy synthesized speech in the final version.


Love the panned percussive effects.

A crazy synth solo would be cool to have after the current ending, in order to prolong the crescendo, followed by an outro similar to the intro, which I loved (incredible yoshi feel to it).

A crazy synth solo would be cool to have after the current ending, in order to prolong the crescendo, followed by an outro similar to the intro, which I loved (incredible yoshi feel to it).

yeah, the intro is actually the same intro from the source version, sampled, reversed, and blown to all hell with effects :P

i'll see if i can upload a new version soon. we've been working on it, but the project files are on ben's computer and i don't have an up-to-date mp3 at the moment.


So...this is pretty awesome, but I already knew that from reading the topic title. I think it's actually my favorite halchthonic remix. Nothing constructive to add, but like my mom always told me, if you can't say something mean, don't say...anyth-- wait what

hahaha, not even a placeholder.. they're 100% just a joke. don't worry, you won't be hearing any crappy synthesized speech in the final version.



If there was such a thing as ear-candy; this is most definitely it.

Looks like you two know what you're doing, I'll just take a seat and wait for you guys on the front page.

like I said before you and chthonic are perfect for each other (in the non-homo way).

ahahahhahahaha omg

yknow we had sorta gone out of town once so he could look at a used car, anyway on the way back we had to stop and ask this group of middle-aged women standing outside some restaurant for directions to the interstate, and as we were leaving they called us back and somehow had the nerve to ask us if we were gay :dstrbd:

a bit of a wtf/lol moment for us - take that as you will (we are both definitely straight), but your post reminded me of that and i figured i could at least liven this thread up with a funny story until i can actually post an update :P


anyway, thanks everyone for the comments. the mix is progressing, i just keep forgetting to grab the mp3 off ben's pc.

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