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barring the time difference between the original and Pocket Game Boys, the time between releases is pretty similar:

1: Game Boy      1989      DS       2004
2: Game Boy Poc 1996 DS Lite 2006
3: Game Boy Col 1998 DSi 2008
4: Game Boy Adv 2001 3DS 2011?

If I put it like this, it's pretty obvious that there are pretty much no differences between the first two iterations of each line but cosmetic ones until the third iterations of each: the GBC and the DSi, where each line started gaining power.

Granted, the DSi has had no killer apps exclusive to it (that I've heard of), but that's more due to developers not wanting to completely abandon the rest of the userbase. And yet, you saw a lot of that during the initial years of the GBC: developers would make sure that the software that they developed would run on all available systems. Was color really THAT much better than what was in the original Game Boy? What did it really add that was so much better? The GBC eventually did start getting titles exclusive to it, and I don't know where I'm going with this so I'll stop.

But if the 3DS really is that much more powerful than the original DS, I have no difficulty imagining new software being developed for it that is actually exclusive to it, and thus completing my comparison of the [DSi to 3DS] leap to the [GBC to GBA] leap.

Obviously the comparison isn't perfect, but surely you can at least sort of see it

I don't understand what classes this new device as something more than another DS update
Might be blind, but I also don't see what DOES class this new device as another DS update.

Why would you say it is? All you have to base that on is the fact that it has backwards compatibility and the name (which the letter said was temporary).

Did I miss something in this thread, or is it valid to claim that this "3DS" is just "another DS iteration" based on the fact that it has backwards compatibility with DS games?

Then the Wii would be a gamecube iteration, correct?

It takes the same cartridge format. Its hardware will not be a vast improvement. It just has another feature that, as has been noted, won't really improve gameplay (or, I'd wager, even make the viewing experience much better - would you enjoy Avatar significantly more if you saw it in 3D or less if you didn't?).
Where in the world did you get this information from? I didn't see anything about hardware or game cartridge formats.
But the changes made to the DS have been small and frequent


the DS lite improved upon the original in many ways:

-much much smaller, sleek design

-way better screen

-longer battery life

the DSi improved on the ds lite in this manner:

-twice as much ram and a faster cpu clock speed

-even larger screen

-camera, with built in image editor to boot!

-free shit you can download onto the DSi

DSi XL is basically the DSi except four times larger, so it's like an alternate version that some people may prefer.

would you call these "small" improvements?

Obviously more details are yet to be announced about the 3DS, so I would refrain from judging the handheld until we get more information, otherwise u r dum


Remember when they announced the new pokémon games, and I was sure they were going to put them on the next DS system? I was disappointed to hear the the official word was "for the Nintendo DS".

But according to someone on CVG, Game Freak has had the dev kit for the 3DS for some time. Officially, "3DS" is a placeholder name, something they jsut came up with recently. I wonder if the "DS" they mentioned the games being for are in fact for the 3DS. If the name at the time wasn't created yet, then Game Freak could have just used "DS" as a placeholder, or even just to not let the info of a new handheld out early.

Game Freak did state that they were going to change a lot with gen 5. The 3DS may be the reason why.

Of course, like someone already said, it may very well be a giant April Fools joke on everyone. If it were though, Nintendo must be in on it. If it was a fake announcement, they haven't sent any releases stating otherwise.


Really looking forward to hearing more about this, whether or not it'll be any good. I'll still buy it, anyway.

Originally Posted by The Pezman

I don't understand what classes this new device as something more than another DS update

I think enough people have addressed this to make the point clear, but I wanna add my two cents.

Like someone said, if backwards compatibility = same hardware, then I guess PS2 = PS1, right?

Also, yes, it's technically called a 'DS', but that doesn't mean it's the same hardware. You wouldn't say the GBA is just a GBC, simply because it plays the same games and has 'Game Boy' in the title, would you?

I don't think enough people know this, but Nintendo's wanted to have a regular and XL DS releasing at the same time ever since the lite came out (http://nintendods.com/iwata-asks-chapter.jsp?interviewId=4&volumeId=1&chapterId=1) Check it:


I don't know why they were unable to release the DSi and the DSi XL at the same time like they wanted to, but getting up in arms over this size difference is like getting upset because American Eagle announced it's making an XL version of your favourite shirt: "What the crap? I have to buy ANOTHER shirt!?" Obviously, the two sizes are choices offered to people who want different features. Being a collector myself, I would buy both shirts anyways, but I don't complain; I enjoy the process and give all my many DSs equal playtime.

Really, getting frustrated at all this just shows that you're greedy and never satisfied with what you have, rather, always needing to get the newest thing. No one's forcing you to buy anything video game related, so getting mad because you "HAVE" to is just ridiculous.

Sidenote, There were actually 4 iterations of each Nintendo handheld since the GameBoy, which many don't realize. GameBoy Brick -> GameBoy Pocket -> GameBoy Light (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_Light#Game_Boy_Light) -> GameBoy Color, ending the Classic GameBoy line. Compare to the advance series:

GameBoyAdvance -> GBA SP -> GBA SP BackLight (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_Advance_SP#Backlit_Model_.28AGS-101.29) -> GB Micro. then, of course:

DS -> DS Lite -> DSi -> DSi XL. Each generation had 4 models, and so this generation ends with the DSi XL, continuing the tradition. So yes, expect a 3DS Lite, Micro and Color.

TL;DR version:


Nintendo just hasn't been the same or had any hint of good reputation since July of 2008. And it's all thanks to the White Four: Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Wii Music subseries. My brother has a PlayStation 3, which 2009 favored. The XBOX360 has too high of a failure rate. I thought I'd seen the worst when politicians invaded the previous (6th) generation.

As for the 3DS, I have a neutral feeling towards it. I'm not expecting everything out of it, I'm not insulting or flaming Nintendo, I can only say that maybe it will give us new innovation or good software, maybe it won't. If the Unknown 3rd XBOX System doesn't have all the technical problems the 360 did, the adult systems will take over, and Nintendo's long legacy will finally come to an end...but if you ask me, the entire gaming industry will go out of the frying pan and into the fire if that happens.

Try not to take this as me flaming you....

Reputation? You don't seriously think that THAT matters over sales do you? As far as 2009, what does that even mean? Are we talking critics and reviews? That didn't exactly boost PS3 sales overall compared to the Wii did it? Let's be honest here, price cuts don't help in the long run, it didn't help sustain the Wii until New Mario Bros Wii came out.

Gaming should be inclusive, for all the glorious HD story driven games we have, I still go for games that are more arcade like. The "adult" systems to me haven't expanded gaming's audience anywhere near the way the Wii has. It doesn't matter what the hardcore say or think about it, they are not the drivng factor for games anymore. And to be honest, I couldn't be happier. Why? For all the descriptions hardcore say they want in a game (story, orchestra, EPIC, voice work, graphics) the more it sounds like PR speak from what a game maker's "vision" is, not necessarily what a customer wants.

the DSi improved on the ds lite in this manner:

-twice as much ram and a faster cpu clock speed

-even larger screen

-camera, with built in image editor to boot!

-free shit you can download onto the DSi

would you call these "small" improvements?

I would call the DSi's improvements "small," yes. That's why I didn't waste my money on one.

would you enjoy Avatar significantly more if you saw it in 3D or less if you didn't?

Seeing this, I couldn't resist. Personally, I enjoyed Avatar solely because of the technical aspects and found the story to be terribly bland, borrowed, and full of holes on top of that. For me, and I think I'm clearly in the minority here, had I not seen it in 3D, it would have detracted from my enjoyment substantially.

I agree with Overcoat. No sense in passing judgement on a device we know next to nothing about. Personally, I was very excited at the prospect the DSi because of DSiWare and the potential for virtual console to extend to that platform, and ended up pretty disappointed since it hasn't been used to advantage yet. You never know, you can only guess.

Personally, I was very excited at the prospect the DSi because of DSiWare and the potential for virtual console to extend to that platform, and ended up pretty disappointed since it hasn't been used to advantage yet.

Yeah, if the DSi had virtual GameBoy titles for download, that would have been awesome. Hell, throw some of the old NES and SNES games in as well, because we had the GBA pulling that off fairly well, and that was years ago.


Grey to Color was a simple power enhancement of triple RAM and double CPU clock speed, a "small" improvement like the DSi got with its quadruple RAM and almost double CPU clock speed.

Also tell me how much color really added to gameplay that couldn't be done in monochrome.

You can pick a blue shirt instead of a red shirt? Damn, boy, now we be hoppin'.

You want to move colored blocks around for a puzzle where symbols totally couldn't have replaced the colors? Is that really that much better?

Enlighten me.

As regards the removal of the GBA slot: I don't give a flying shit about the camera as a camera either, but how much do you use your GBA slot on your DS Lite? And I mean really. Anything you stick in there sticks out so damned far that it catches everything if you move around at all and *BOOP* oshit! the game froze!

There's much less freezing going on if you play a GBA game in a GBA you probably still have. I still play GBA games on my SP.

Besides Pokémon, do you dongle anything at all? And even if you have, surely you've gotten every bloody pokémon you want out of the Gen III pokémon games by now.

Sure, you can't use your Guitar Hero accessory, but that's one mediocre-at-best game that you can't play.


I actually use the GBA slot...to play GBA games unsurprisingly...but I don't have a GBA. And I'm glad I got a DS before the Lite, because I don't care much for the lite, or the DSi and its lack of a GBA slot.

Of course since I started with the original DS I don't really care if this is just an upgrade. I just won't buy it easy enough.

I probably won't even buy it if it's a new handheld cause I can't afford it right now lol.

Grey to Color was a simple power enhancement of triple RAM and double CPU clock speed, a "small" improvement like the DSi got with its quadruple RAM and almost double CPU clock speed.

Also tell me how much color really added to gameplay that couldn't be done in monochrome.

There was software that was developed specifically for the GBC that the original Game Boy (or Game Boy Pocket... now the Pocket was a useless upgrade) can't play. Outside of the downloadable contenet for DSi (which I have heard nothing about, no game reviews or anything for content that's exclusively downloadable) there's nothing exclusively for DSi yet besides a few gimmick tools on the DSi.

Also the GBC had a better screen and better battery life, as well as being significantly smaller (like half the size) than the original Game Boy.

Outside of the downloadable contenet for DSi (which I have heard nothing about, no game reviews or anything for content that's exclusively downloadable) there's nothing exclusively for DSi yet besides a few gimmick tools on the DSi.

First of all, IGN does reviews of downloadable DSi games. Second:


System Flaw

The DSi is officially identical to the GBC.

Grey to Color was a simple power enhancement of triple RAM and double CPU clock speed, a "small" improvement like the DSi got with its quadruple RAM and almost double CPU clock speed. Also tell me how much color really added to gameplay that couldn't be done in monochrome. You can pick a blue shirt instead of a red shirt? Damn, boy, now we be hoppin'. You want to move colored blocks around for a puzzle where symbols totally couldn't have replaced the colors? Is that really that much better? Enlighten me.

I don't think you'd let me enlighten you. You seem far too biased as it is. Any joe schmo could tell you gray to color is a fantastic enhancement, while the camera is a mild amusement at best. Even you yourself acknowledged the camera as pretty much worthless.

As regards the removal of the GBA slot: I don't give a flying shit about the camera as a camera either, but how much do you use your GBA slot on your DS Lite?

I just replayed Metroid Fusion on there just last week. Funny, you should ask.

And I mean really. Anything you stick in there sticks out so damned far that it catches everything if you move around at all and *BOOP* oshit! the game froze!

Well sure, if you're clumsy. This kind of stuff has happened to me maybe...twice since I bought the DSlite when it launched. Not a big deal.

There's much less freezing going on if you play a GBA game in a GBA you probably still have. I still play GBA games on my SP.

You like to play games on the inferior handheld? Why? Do you enjoy the hand cramps, smaller side buttons, and practically-flat buttons?

Besides Pokémon, do you dongle anything at all? And even if you have, surely you've gotten every bloody pokémon you want out of the Gen III pokémon games by now.


Sure, you can't use your Guitar Hero accessory, but that's one mediocre-at-best game that you can't play.

I'd agree with you here.


I'll surely buy it.

I have no interest in 3D, but as a DS successor (wich was the GBA successor) it MUST be buyed. Why?

-Because if it would not be an epic fail, Nintendo will move all its franchises to the new handheld. Anyway, fifth generation Pokémon will be worth enough for me.

-Because I buyed my DS at launch and now it's old, lived, but still working. Still, I need to replace it (but maybe keep it working for the GBA slot things), and retrocompatibility it's a nice thing to avoid another DS (like lite/DSi/DSiXL), so I will play even the DSi exclusives, wich I missed. That alone is awesome.

There are so many rumors about what it should do, but I'm waiting the E3 for the really truth.

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