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Aside from the repetitiveness this falls into in the second half, I'd say this piece is pretty jazzy in comparison to the rest of the stuff on OCR. I wouldn't go so far as to show this to some jazz heads and try to pass it off as true jazz, but whatever. Besides the point this piece is awesome. I loved the piano and flute, and what i heard of the bass was great too (Subwoofer broke, cant hear lows that well). I honestly dont know why some of the judges jumped on the quality of the recording, because it worked well with the style of the piece. I'd personally like to hear more "unorthodoxed" (well to OCR) songs like this. Great stuff.


Awesome, awesome stuff. Definitely one of the best pieces I've heard in awhile. It's amazing that it sounds this good and was performed live. The last couple songs I've praised so highly were true remixes, with heavy mastering and arranging, while this is just a few musicicians doing their thing without additional effects added later.


A jazz rendition of one of my all time favorite Megaman games. I like!! The efforts really show in this mix. Around 1.30 it really picks with a song that sounds somewhat like something out of Cowboy Bebop. Nice job to the one responsible for making this mix.


I'll admit, I'm not a big fan of Jazz. Maybe it's the pace of Jazz songs that never really harped on me, but the more I listen to this, the more I enjoy it.

The first 1:20 is good, I love the piano, it sounds powerful but accompanying at the same time. At 1:30 when things start to pick up, I liked hearing the flute come in at intervals before busting out the backround melody that plays. Around 3:15-3:38 is by far my favorite part of the song, where for me it feels everything falls into place and the remix goes back to the roots. The feeling of nostalgia is always key for myself when it comes to enjoying remixes.

Overall, I liked it. As I've said, not my favorite genre of music, and there certainly some quality issues with it, but I can't (and won't) deny the talent presented in this rendition. Good stuff.


Very nice. I felt a bit of out of tune weirdness at one point at the beginning, but I guess it was just my ears and not that big of a deal anyways... when the pan flute first plays its notes (before it gets into its main part) it seemed a bit dissonant to me...oh well.

Impressive mix. I love the pan flute. And, I love the pan flute. Very nice arrangement. Live? Who cares about EQ and recording quality. This sounds like its being played live at a jazz club and I'm enjoying every second of it. Good stuff here, Zoltan!


It's not bad... a bit repetitive towards the end though the theme is jazz... the repetitions almost become monotonous at the end... which isn't necessarily bad, but a bit outdated.

The 1st few seconds make the piece seem a bit muddled... so that needs to be cleared up, but besides that I would say this is a great piece... I've always liked rockman remixes =)!


Oh man... as a flutist myself, I can REALLY appreciate that flute there. That sounds like it's played on wood to me, one of the more awesome flute materials. When it kicked in, I was floored. For the introduction, when it was pure piano, I was leaning back in my chair, really enjoying the flowing swirls and eddies, and when the flute came it, I jerked into an upright position. As it started to really jam, I just had to drum along, rapping my knuckles on my computer desk.

The poor sound recording? So what. This ROCKS man... ROCKS. Pun not intended.

Woohoo! I gotta listen to this again, get out my flute and see if I can keep up!


Reminds me in a way of the Dr. Wily's Wedding track. Which is a good thing. Very lively and organic, not so mechanical and such. Even though I love electronic music, I have to toss out some mad props to the musicians who play live instruments this well. Well done. Definitely a keeper.


This track reminds me of the techno version titled Charging Up the Buster. I always liked that trance mix and thought it had something to do with Megaman, but I had no idea how correct I was. Charging Up the Buster was a remix of the title theme! After hearing the jazz version, I almost crapped my pants at this realization. It is a good jazz mix of the title theme.


Okay, the audio issues dont bother me in the least. This song is all about a new approach. A good one at that.

All of the playing of the instruments is masterful. You can tell Zoltan (straight up dude wheres my car reference) knows his stuff. The arrangment, which in my opinion, can make the difference between if a song is good or great, I truly excellent. I bet many of us would dirty our pants if we could play piano like that [cough]me[/uncough].

Tryly, and excellent peice. I would reccomend anyone who is a fan of jazz, or hell,a fan of music, to download this one.


Arrghh where have I heard this before??? I haven't played the Megaman games, but I know this tune...

Just enjoying the moment of trying to remember heh.

Ohhh.. yeah I've got a clip of Sonic anime scenes to this tune. Sweet.. I loved that clip and this mix works it nice.



The music feels the same was as I do when I encounter a great new videogame. Its hesitant at first as everyghing such as the rules become layered in front of your character. As the music progresses, feels as if you break through the boundries of caution, and throw the risk of collapsing to the wind. The new land opens up before you, as you begin to delve through these new relms meeting new people and traveling across these far off and mystical places.

That piano...is.. well.. wonderfully played... as for me?... lets just say I can't do Chopsticks...heh..


if i was megaman i would love to throw this into a diskman and kick some ass to it. its just so...melodic and at the same time i close my eyes and i can imagine this being the REAL intro if the music wasnt 8-bit. this encompasses everything about megaman from the sweet levels, to the severe bosses to the killer plot, and of course can anyone else see the blue bomber ducking dodging shooting kicking spinning punching drilling charging and creating mass mayhem through wily's compound to this? kudos to a job well done. I was having a shitty day til i heard this, now i cant stop listening to it and my face hurts from the grin that wont go away. I am not normally impressed by anything. This is fabulous.


This is more mellow then Blue lightning and 2003 yet that doesn't really matter that flute keeps buzzing in my head and that percussion is so well timed it's an awsome song and it makes me can't wait for ME to get a studio so I can make a Remix out of this song as well!!!Awsome mix man! :D


Wait wait wait....

I'm suddently a jazz fan! And not Utah...they stole Boozer those #$*&@#$&*#@&!

Anyway this is the second piece of multimedia that I've come across in two days that has just completely OWNED (the other being the Bourne Supremacy)

But seriously...this is REAL good. I've heard some good Megaman 3 intros...my favorite is still Slowbro's but this earned a silver medal. Nice WORK.

P.S. Can you teach me to play the piano like that?


Interesting Remix...

The beginning with the jazz-like piano intro is all right I guess. I mean it's not really what I would consider "jazz" along with my friends. But I guess you can't really seem to do so since the music that follows fits perfectly. The transition into a different style -> fade out and follow up with a more smooth jazzish~ style accompanied by a pan flute. Interesting way to follow up the small solo in the beginning. Don't know about what other people say but the more I hear it, the more I think it sounds jungleish. That's probably me though...


I am so glad that everyone else loves this song as much as I did! When Zoltan sent it to me all I could think about was circulating it.

Hopefully Zoltan will do some more for us. I have been trying to talk him into doing a protoman remix.


This mix is truly beautiful. I don't have a single negative thing to say about it, right now--I even love the decent-not-great sound quality; it makes it feel more, I don't know, real, somehow.


I'd question the "jazz" label, but this mix kicks so much ass it just doesn't matter. Very cool, and the repetition doesn't really matter all that much after one's listened to BlueLightning. I love the piano throughout the mix, as well as that flute. Very good.

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