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(pictured above at Video Games Live in 2005)

Didn't expect this at all... very sad news. As many of you know, Gary Coleman was in Diff'rent Strokes, popular for the whole "What you talkin' bout, Willis" line... He was also in Postal 2, which I never played, but is a notable video game appearance. I was always a fan from seeing him on other stuff, and he was even in commercials. I don't remember what for exactly but I remember him in the commercials. He was hilarious.



^link added so it happened

Taken from kotaku: In addition to his Postal 2 cameo and promotional work, Coleman was also the voice of Kenny Falmouth in The Curse of Monkey Island.

Everybody's got a special kind of story, everybody's got a time to shine. Don't matter what ya got; not a lot? So what! They'll have their's, you'll have yours, and I'll have mine, and together we'll be fine.

RIP Gary. <3

WAIT!! That is the Diff'rent Strokes theme!!

Austin St. John was the only 40 year-old Power Ranger

Not to hijack this thread away from Gary Coleman, but I just checked wikipedia and the dude is only 34 now. Maybe I'm missing some type of in-joke here or something though?


NNOOOOO! Aww man I'm gonna miss that guy. I hope this summer doesn't turn into another celebrity death extravaganza...

Austin St. John was the only 40 year-old Power Ranger.

The Red Ranger? He was the youngest cast on that show which I, as an 8 year old, thought was weird since he was the leader. He's probably not even 40 now.

EDIT: He's not. Thanks Ralphis!


Bleck wins this thread.

The Red Ranger? He was the youngest cast on that show which I' date=' as an 8 year old, thought was weird since he was the leader. He's probably not even 40 now.

EDIT: He's not. Thanks Ralphis![/quote']

I heard he's doing porn or something now. I'm too scared to look it up to confirm though.

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