djpretzel Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Hawke Edge Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 I really enjoyed Drop and Roll, and this follows well in terms of flavor and style. Quite enjoyable... I especially liked when 2:30 when strings got involved, while still maintaining the background beat without sounding, well, weird. Now, in search to find the original.... Quote
Claado Shou Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 Wow. This sounds like a video game theme if it was done by The Crystal Method. Incredibly professional, very much like Vegas' "High Roller", a personal favorite of TCM. Keep that sh*t up. Quote
PianoMan Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 I really love Asian melodies...and with a touch of some kickass percussion in this, it really makes for an interesting genre mix. Definitely one of my favorites. Keep it up. I found the original right here. It's from VG Music. Quote
Icct Hedrix Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 The intro is very solid. Coming in with a dramatic phase in, I knew it was going to be a toe tapping mix. Great job with mixing up the the beats. Thinking back on it though the drums were a little loud, but I could still hear just about everything the mix threw at me. The scratching bits thrown in were just icing on an already delicious cake. This is a very solid mix Quote
YoshMaster Posted August 15, 2004 Posted August 15, 2004 I REALLY love this guy!!! Drop and Roll has been making everyone in my appartement crazy because I've been playing it on loop for DAYS!!! no really and in my car it just gives me a incridible adrenaline rush! this one is less of an adrenaline rush but there is still the "funky beats" as I like to call it that makes it great!!! Love your work and if you continue like that you may become my #1 remixer:P Quote
Kujila Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 GOD BLESS YOU MAN! Finally a Raiden II remix! Raiden II has awesome music, and this mix is absolutely wonderful This guy deserves 20 bux Quote
Coucou Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 Excellent electro sounds. They create a very original climax. Thanks. Quote
zircon Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 This is a pretty cool mix; sort of like a toned down Drop and Roll (which I loved) with more 'real' elements. Great synthwork and drumwork, which I've told tefnek already. Arrangement and mastering are good as well. My only complaint is that the main drumloops used here are virtually identical to the loops used in Drop and Roll, only they have (apparently) less effects. It's not a big deal though since the loops were good to begin with. Quote
tefnek Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 thanks guys for the comments. zircon, i dont know if you mean premade loops when you say loops, but i programmed the drums in both songs using one-shot samples (and totally different samples as well). i did however use a similar technique to process my drums. so i hope the similarity you see is just my style Quote
zircon Posted August 16, 2004 Posted August 16, 2004 thanks guys for the comments.zircon, i dont know if you mean premade loops when you say loops, but i programmed the drums in both songs using one-shot samples (and totally different samples as well). i did however use a similar technique to process my drums. so i hope the similarity you see is just my style nah, wasn't implying that you used premade loops. I meant the drum patterns themselves were very similar (ie. when the bass drums, snares, and hats struck). The sound of the drums from the two songs were definitely different, of course. Quote
Flare4War Posted August 17, 2004 Posted August 17, 2004 This mix started and ended well. There were times when I thought it was alittle too busy, where I would have rather just hearing the theme. There was also a spot or two where I thought the percussion was too explicit. Over all, well done. I like it. Quote
DJBobtheGoat Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Seriously, visit Tefnek's site. He has some great music on there. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 Oh my This IS cool ! Amazing work gonna check out all his tunes and so should you Seriously, visit Tefnek's site. He has some great music on there. I did . And it's a gold mine ...NO a diamond mine Quote
flipt Posted August 26, 2004 Posted August 26, 2004 I really don't like the background sound. I think this mix would have been better without it, permaps something a little less explicit and whacky sounding - but there are some parts in it that are really cool, especially starting at 2:28 and the stuff around 3:00. 6/10. Quote
Jean Quad Van Damage Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 This is aweful nice. Amazing how all the remixes for the starship shoot em ups grab my attention, and take me for an awesome ride. This one is just so nice. So serene, and calming for me...I love it. Quote
blueblazer1224 Posted October 7, 2004 Posted October 7, 2004 this song is amazing. The sound is crisp and clean the whole way through. The beat and the melody go perfectly together and the scratching effects add a nice touch. I stand in awe of your skill. Keep em coming man. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted July 25, 2007 Posted July 25, 2007 I can hear the similarities to Drop and roll here pretty easily, but I am of the opinion that this is a serious step up, and a better mix overall. Not merely relying on a super-repetitive (though badass) beat, there is a lot more room for the rest of the track. The levels are great and the break down to the uber-distorted synth is easily my favorite part of the track. I haven't heard the original, so I am not completely sure of the interpretation, but it sound far enough removed from a straight ahead shooter for me to make the logical leaps. Nice big beats with some melody; can't ask for much more than that. Quote
42 Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 This reminds me of Knuckle's asteroid stage theme in Sonic Adventure 2. I really like those twinkling star bit notes in the back ground. The more I listen to this, the more I like it. There's a lot going on here, changes in speed, style, dynamics, etc. but also everything feels layered, which is interesting. Ultimately it doesn't do anything to drastic or explosively, but I like it, it feels mellow and very purposeful. Quote
Black_Doom Posted May 16, 2020 Posted May 16, 2020 Oh, this is really lovely! This sort-of uplifting dreamy techno soundscape is just perfect. I can totally agree that there's nothing too outstanding or mind-blowing in terms of arrangement, but on the other hand there's a plenty of variety and subtle details here and there (like scratches and twinkling sounds) that made me appreciate this track. The beat may be repeating a lot, sure, but I don't care at all. The groove is super catchy and I love it! And boy, that phat, almost guitar-sounding synth at 3-minute mark is so good. Defenitely spiced the things up a bit. Very solid stuff overall! Quote
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