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That moment in the Face Shrine when you first read the tablet and you find out the island is all just a dream...That will always live on as one of the greatest moments in gaming.

I was starting to think I was the only one. That moment definitely had a chilling effect, and having played the game at a pretty young age, I'd say that was pretty much the first plot twist I ever encountered in a videogame. With both Majora and Awakening, I always felt a little uneasy, but in a good way. The atmospheres they established were haunting in a way, and I think I found that compelling.

I do, however, have to give SS credit for making what might have been a Windfish reference.

A little surprised you weren't too fond of Awakening, Bleck.

LA had a great plot and excellent dungeons but the bosses were mostly frustrating - and not in a difficulty sense, more like a 'okay now you have to bomb this face on the floor even though you have no more fucking bombs' sense - and it was very uhhhh meandering

whereas Majora's Mask had this bizarre and interesting world with a multitude of layered and, most importantly, real-time characters, Link's Awakening's world was basically a series of trading sequences and the characters were not so much characters (save Maron, I guess) as they were these sort of gameplay effigies where you exchange items for other items needed to progress

I mean I'm probably expecting a little bit much from a Gameboy game here, but I pretty much everything LA does well, another Zelda does much better


So I beat Skyward Sword yesterday. Pretty good, though not without its problems. But first, I absolutely LOVED the art style. Really fantastic character designs. I hope they stick with this style for future Zelda games. On the other hand, I couldn't stand the dungeons - they didn't feel inventive/creative enough to me, which is unfortunate, since Link's inventory this time around is superb (especially the whip, OH I LOVE THE WHIP). On top of that, they were realllyyyyy frustrating - not in the sense that they were difficult, but they felt tedious to me. I enjoyed Twilight Princess' dungeons a LOT more.

However, the boss battles are fucking amazing. Every single boss battle was a blast, and made good use of the motion plus swordplay. I haven't been this impressed with Zelda's boss battles since Ocarina of Time. That, coupled with the orchestrated boss tracks, made for good times.

On another note, apparently Groose is turning into a youtube fad/meme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4KcStmDqRg&feature=related


Anyone else underwhelmed by the music? I was thrilled like everyone else when they announced they were finally going orchestral, but ended up being disappointed by the results. I found that most of the songs were simply unremarkable, with some of the area and dungeon themes even bordering on annoying. Additionally, the full orchestral tunes (particularly the ones with brass) had a cheap / cartoon orchestra feeling to them. One of my friends who watched me play for awhile said the same thing.

Contrast that with Mario going orchestral in Super Mario Galaxy, which I thought they did an absolutely fantastic job with. Most of SMG's songs had really great, memorable melodies. With Zelda it was just... unmemorable background music.

Of course not enjoying the game that much could have contributed to me not caring for some of the themes...


I wasn't surprised the music was forgettable (except for the Lanayru Desert theme, especially when it switches back and forth when you're in the field of activated time stones), but I was really disappointed in how bland the harp tunes tended to be.


I thought SS' soundtrack was alright. It's not as good as LTTP, LA, OoT, or MM to me but I thought it was a bit better than WW and TP. Only place I felt it really disappointed hard was the end credits, Zelda was on a really stupid run where every console game since LTTP with the possible exception of MM has had amazing credits music, had to end eventually.

And with a few exceptions that I do love such as space junk galaxy and gusty garden galaxy I also feel like SMG was overhyped a little, good soundtrack but I didn't think it was amazing

The Silent Realm always freaked me out so much in the game.

Oh, and I have to agree: Wind Waker was good, but I didn't think it was as great as everyone else seems to.

The silent realms were probably my favorite aspect of Skyward Sword, and the only challenging aspect, at that. They did a damn good job of getting my heart pounding when I'd accidentally step in that stupid detection water or get too close to a hard-to-see Poe, and would then spend what felt like minutes running/sprinting while searching for a tear. The clingy clangy music helped out, of course.

Still, the soundtrack in general was meh. Funny how Groose's theme and its many variations stand out to me as the most memorable part of the soundtrack, but then again, Groose also miraculously ended up being one of the stronger parts of Skyward Sword. Him and "Grannie."


I initially felt the OST was pretty meh too, but in retrospect there are quite a few really nice songs in it. Unfortunately quite a few of them are only heard once or twice but I guess that's how things are. The ones I can think of that I liked were the silent realm songs (the nice calm ones not the omgtheyregoingtogetme one), the merchant song for the upgrade dude, and all the songs related to the desert. I really really enjoyed the end credits personally, I wish there was a standalone of the goddess theme like that.

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