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Hmmmmmm, I don't have access to my computer right now, so I can't really show off any CD labels I've down short of RoFL, and I'm sure DS is familiar with most if not all of my wallpapers. I'll try to get access to my computer today and post some shizzle dizzles.

In the meantime:


That's what you get. BBL!

Edit: And not that my wallpapers are an accurate example of what I'm fully capable of because...I'm usually pretty confined for what I want to do with my wallpapers so that my desktop icons fit right, and everythings not too cluttered yadda yadda...but I suppose that's kind of a given. >_>


i'd like to take a shot at it but i'll have to wait til tommarow because all my better illustrator stuff is on my computer at school. although i'm kinda busy so i have no clue why i'm taking on even more work... then again come next week i won't have nearly as much on my plate. what kind of deadline am i looking to have? i'm only asking because i'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to this stuff


Wow, i knew my artworks -and doodles- were ok, but impressive? Isn't it a bit too much? lol

Just don't give up guys, it doesn't mean because DarkeSword likes my work right now that i'll be the one to do the CD cover. To help people who wanna try drawing Kirby, there's the picture gallery of Kirby's Rainbow Resort for some models. I hope this site'll be of help for you too guys :3

Edit: Took me about 5 minutes to realize what RotS meant in Darke's post :roll:

Edit2: Before i forget, if anyone's trying to refer to me as he or she, i'm a she. Just so you know =P


Thanks ^^;

I don't think I'll bother with this any more though... I mean, I could show DS my uber-impressive portfolio and completely blow him away, but i'm just too lazy.

Gotta worry about assignments more than a cd cover right now anyways :P

Good luck Vilecat, your work's awesome!


Let the man title his project as he wants.

Okay, here's my bid. I don't draw Kirby very often, so I'm not great at him in specific, but I daresay I have the necessary skills.

Here's something that I did rather too quickly in Photoshop when I should have been writing an essay. It would look a little better if I had given it proper time.

This is a little doodle that I did when I should have been doing math.

And this is my "masterpiece" to date. The best comic I've ever done, it was a school project over the summer two years ago. Unfortunately I haven't done so many comics since then. :( Anyway, I have some other (non-Kirby) pieces that I rather like, so if you want to see them, I'll scan them after I get my work done. :)

And StarZander, those are cool. I especially like "Slight Impossibility."

It's just not the kind of thing you'd see on a real life cd case, which is probably the kind of thing DS wants.

You're right.


This work is much better than the first version (For the front part).

My work? If you looked fully at my post, i've posted a draft of an idea i got. It's near the very bottom :)

Wow! That's really good. :wink:

Why am I reaminded of Perfect Kirby?

And this is my "masterpiece" to date. The best comic I've ever done, it was a school project over the summer two years ago. Unfortunately I haven't done so many comics since then. :( Anyway, (non-Kirby) pieces that I rather like, so if you want to see them, I'll scan them after I get my work done. :)

Truly a masterpiece. I salute you.

Ps: Bab5 sucked. ;)


I'm horribly sorry that most of the artwork I'll be linking will be on deviantart. XD

Erm you might remember me from a few month back from the horrible Kirby cover that I did (http://www.deviantart.com/view/12418954/).

Still, I'd love to try out for a much better one this time. Without futhur ado, here's a 'best of, Nintendo related' of my artwork;

2 Koopa Kids, Done in Illustrator;


Paper Symphonia (Horrible Crossover Madness). Illustrator.


Paper Symponia part deux; Raine steals Gombella's monster book. Illustrator strikes again.


X-naut BREAKDANCE. X-naut promo posters. Done in 3d Studio Max, touched up in Photoshop.


Sadra. Sonic's heir in the future. Quick 3d Modeling job. 3D studio Max.


Paper Maria my current 'masterpiece'. Most of the main cast of Paper Mario with a gender switch. Be afraid of Prince Peach. Be very afraid. Background in Illustrator, Main artwork done in Photoshop.


And, of course, ther's the 3D Nintendo. Done in 3D max.


That's about it for video game related artwork, I think. ^^


xP I love the paper-looking Koopa Kids you did Pixle. I can't really CG with a computer, i'm used to soft pastels and such. And the cover wasn't horrible, just not suiting the overall feel of the project =P

Txai's Kirby does remind me of Perfect Kirby too O.o;;


OKAY, so uh, my computer kind of ate itself last Wednesday. I was carrying it down the steps to my porch to bring it to my parents' place over spring break, and I slipped on the ice, landed on the bottom step on my tailbone, and the computer landed on my chest and broke a couple ribs. Later found out that this fried my videocard. Soooooo... I think what I'm going to try to do is get FL Studio installed on my new machine (the one I'm using right now) and then pull the song file off of my other hard drive to finish it up.

Sorry for the delay :(


OK, I know this is crappy, but I was bored, so I tossed it out here in case you don't get anything better.


If you would like to comment, feel free to; I might work on it if I get ideas.

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