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OCR00360 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Ghost of St. Helens"


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Donkey Kong Country 2 'Ghost of St. Helens'

Ahh, a Peeples tune. Scott does some excellent work, and this is no exception.

This mix is a sort of creepy tune with distant, echoed samples, and strings in the background.

About half way through the mix, there is a part that's less creepy, almost happy sounding, and then it goes back to creepy with some interesting flute samples.

Great work here. I really like this track.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heres another reason to get every Peeples song =D. It starts with a dark ambient feel, then the Peeples beat kicks in and you get taken away...o ya. This is how i think the lava stage music shoudl ahve really sounded, with that optimistic feel, instead of its...lets go kill some badguys for the hell of it feel, wich even this songs pokes at in the middle. Nice contrast and synths. I give it a 10/10, highly recommended.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Smooth if unexpected transition there. Nice samples, synth, whatever you use, in this mix. Professional. Great percussion, they keep the listener's rythmn in the right place (with some help from the bass) without being so heavy as to detract from other parts, have enough variation (as well as not being too conspicuous) to keep me from saying my favorite criticism, "too repetitive". Ending feels kinda weak, I'd like it if it looped back on itself smoothly, but not a big deal.

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This is good stuff, very good. Quality showing throughout. Like the opening, very spooky though the transition was very nicely done and the percussion involved is totally awesome, perhaps not just the variety but the timing of everything for me was perfectly correct. I don't think ive heard many ReMix's as good'a quality overall than this and although this is not my fave ReMix or my fave DKC ReMix this is excellent and Peeples has shown that he can really produce a mix worthy of being one of the very best in OCR and that is how much i appreciate this ReMix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chilly. And being that, it makes this a cool remix! An awesome rendition of the Lava level, which happened to be my second favorite besides the Brambles level. Got a lot of relaxing themes, flutey stuff, bass things, etc. Not thinking too much right now, as it's nearly midnight here. Loved this one, and I think I'll listen to it tonight as I drift off.

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  • 1 year later...

You can't beat DKC music(or DKC2 music, they're one-n-the same). No sir, and this mix just adds to the awesome-nicity of the game. I adore the simplicity of this remix. It's like cottoncandy for the soul, baby! Absolutely scrumptious track *feels ashamed for corny review*

~^~Mary_mari's seal of approval~^~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, yes!! The Lava Stage!!

When I heard this remix, I remembered original music.

This music was, for me, Dixie and Diddy in top of a flying balloon.

I heard this music in 1996 for the first time. Something was new. I had passed of the first boss who was a giant bird with pirate hat.After that I found a place with an uncommon melody.

THE LAVA´S STAGE MELODY! Good Work, Peeples!!!!

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It's seems as though I'm the only one so far to say this, but I didn't really enjoy it that much.

Don't get me wrong, the original was a great tune that eased you nicely into the second world, but at places the music goes a little out of tune, and the creepy notes at the begining and end of the remix don't work too well.

Sorry, but this is at maximum an average remix. If you really (and I repeat: really) loved the original, then you might find some enjoyment from this. For me though, it isn't much fun. 5/10

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Hot-Head Bop, so we finally meet again.

A very nice remix. instead of a groovy synth, it´s a electric guitar with a bass. It´s not a SNES-piano, it´s a flute. It´s not a fire sea, it´s ocr. And it´s not Diddy, it´s St Helen sponsored by Peeples.

Quite a radical change if you see it that way. :roll:

Great stuff, dude. :D

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The lava stage... great beat, excellent melody, intense drumbeats. This is what happens to it once Scott Peeples has remixed it to some of its finest. The asian themes inserted to the "lost feeling" phrases were a great idea, and it almost sounded like a samurai stand-off. This is proof that Peeples has struck again with drums of masters, and yet still doesn't disclude the original themes that has started the whole thing. I really hope that you create another masterpiece soon, Scott Peeples. This is definetely one of my favorites.

Final Grade: 10 out of 10

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  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...

Cool atmospheric beginning, very excellent set up and once things get going, it's pretty good. Texture-wise, I think it's a little on the sparse side, but still an enjoyable mix, and was well ahead of the pack when it was first released. Time has been decent to it, especially the intro, but I think nowadays the meat of the track would need to be kicked up a bit. A good way about that would be to layer some additional samples in to thicken some of the sounds. Additional parts wouldn't really be required, the arrangement is pretty nice as-is.

A good track that just needs a little bit of corn starch to thicken up the sounds.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Just like the original Hot-Head Bop, this piece is very heavily reliant on atmosphere. I agree with OA that this could benefit from a nice fleshing out in the middle sections, but as is, the sort of minimalist sound it has going works for it.

I especially like the atmospheric sections at the beginning and end, they really add a lot to this track (the ending especially :-)). Really nice and fleshy-sounding compared to the rest of the piece.

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As a person who likes atmosphere in their mix, this is a very solid song. It's not flawless though. It does loose some of its strength between the middle and the end. It switches from a murky sense of danger to a little more generic sense of atmosphere. The same atmospheric weight is there, but the actual flavor feels nullified by some of the instrumental and style choices.

Still, this is an interesting little mix and I like it.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Really could have sworn that I reviewed this already, but oh well. I really enjoyed the darker, spooky intro and Asian sounding outro. Those really caught my attention and the beat sounded great all the way through. It's a cool atmospheric ReMix that keeps things interesting. Love it.

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  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00360 - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Ghost of St. Helens"

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