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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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About the mirroring... how many megabytes are we talking about here? 80? 100? More?

More or less 100 MB. The files will be 128 or 160 kbps, and there's going to be something like 85-90 minutes of music, so...something around 100. Can you mirror for the project? :D


Not sure yet. I might be purchasing real webspace soon, if I can afford it. If I do, I can mirror. But it's not decided yet.

Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions.

I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie. ^_^

i STRONGLY disagree with the "hodgepodge" route for the project's artwork. as professional as this production is sounding, it should have consistent graphic reprentation that reflects the theme of the project, as well as the level of quality. to accept a mish-mash of art with one piece looking photo-realistic, another done with pastels, and another with a completely different font-style, to me would denote the project consisting of country, classical, and techno. yes, it's easy to just take the submissions you get and combine them, but if there's any art direction to be given for this is that there should be ONE SINGLE THEME for all the art, just as there is one single theme for the music, and that is the Chrono Trigger movie.

i do very much like the work that eon blue has done, but i think the overall theme could be tightened up a bit between the few of them. this site produces some amazingly professional work, and the art chosen to represent it should not be taken lightly.

Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions.

I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie. ^_^

i STRONGLY disagree with the "hodgepodge" route for the project's artwork. as professional as this production is sounding, it should have consistent graphic reprentation that reflects the theme of the project, as well as the level of quality. to accept a mish-mash of art with one piece looking photo-realistic, another done with pastels, and another with a completely different font-style, to me would denote the project consisting of country, classical, and techno. yes, it's easy to just take the submissions you get and combine them, but if there's any art direction to be given for this is that there should be ONE SINGLE THEME for all the art, just as there is one single theme for the music, and that is the Chrono Trigger movie.

i do very much like the work that eon blue has done, but i think the overall theme could be tightened up a bit between the few of them. this site produces some amazingly professional work, and the art chosen to represent it should not be taken lightly.

... especially now that we have a single audio technician handling production. That will make all of the tracks on the album feel a bit more consistent with each other. I personally think it would be good to reflect that consistency in the album art.

However, that's only one guy's opinion.

Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions.

I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie. ^_^

i STRONGLY disagree with the "hodgepodge" route for the project's artwork. as professional as this production is sounding, it should have consistent graphic reprentation that reflects the theme of the project, as well as the level of quality. to accept a mish-mash of art with one piece looking photo-realistic, another done with pastels, and another with a completely different font-style, to me would denote the project consisting of country, classical, and techno. yes, it's easy to just take the submissions you get and combine them, but if there's any art direction to be given for this is that there should be ONE SINGLE THEME for all the art, just as there is one single theme for the music, and that is the Chrono Trigger movie.

i do very much like the work that eon blue has done, but i think the overall theme could be tightened up a bit between the few of them. this site produces some amazingly professional work, and the art chosen to represent it should not be taken lightly.

... especially now that we have a single audio technician handling production. That will make all of the tracks on the album feel a bit more consistent with each other. I personally think it would be good to reflect that consistency in the album art.

However, that's only one guy's opinion.

I agree with the consistency thing.

Well, it's not like the music from this project is all of one style anyway, so what makes the artwork need to be any different? I personally think the "hodgepodge" effect would be an interesting way to go about the entire thing...I mean, it represents the album itself, right? My two cents, however...any good album art that can convince me will still get a fair shot, because if there's one thing that can be said about me, it's that I'm open to suggestions.

I see your point. People can still choose to go the "hodgepodge" route even if there are matching album arts offered, right? I just think that we'll get comments on professionalism if we don't at least offer some matching stuff, and there are probably more people out there who would prefer the coordinated look. No biggie. ^_^

i STRONGLY disagree with the "hodgepodge" route for the project's artwork. as professional as this production is sounding, it should have consistent graphic reprentation that reflects the theme of the project, as well as the level of quality. to accept a mish-mash of art with one piece looking photo-realistic, another done with pastels, and another with a completely different font-style, to me would denote the project consisting of country, classical, and techno. yes, it's easy to just take the submissions you get and combine them, but if there's any art direction to be given for this is that there should be ONE SINGLE THEME for all the art, just as there is one single theme for the music, and that is the Chrono Trigger movie.

i do very much like the work that eon blue has done, but i think the overall theme could be tightened up a bit between the few of them. this site produces some amazingly professional work, and the art chosen to represent it should not be taken lightly.

... especially now that we have a single audio technician handling production. That will make all of the tracks on the album feel a bit more consistent with each other. I personally think it would be good to reflect that consistency in the album art.

However, that's only one guy's opinion.

I agree with the consistency thing.

Yeah, in retrospect, a lot of these points make sense. As long as a single consistent high-quality album design is found, it'll be included.

ALSO...and this is important...the two CDS will have different names. They are:

-Disc the First: Fire/Light (Tracks 1-14)

-Disc the Second: Shadow\Ice (Tracks 15-25 [including the four special audition tracks])

I think the names and distributions of music work well with each other...the first CD is music of the past, present, and future, with the music more based on light and hope, more on the main characters. The second CD is based almost exclusively in Zeal, and is more based on ice and despair, appealing more towards the evil characters, the trip into darkness. So I think it'll work out.



Yeah, in retrospect, a lot of these points make sense. As long as a single consistent high-quality album design is found, it'll be included.

ALSO...and this is important...the two CDS will have different names. They are:

-Disc the First: Fire/Light (Tracks 1-14)

-Disc the Second: Shadow\Ice (Tracks 15-25 [including the four special audition tracks])

I think the names and distributions of music work well with each other...the first CD is music of the past, present, and future, with the music more based on light and hope, more on the main characters. The second CD is based almost exclusively in Zeal, and is more based on ice and despair, appealing more towards the evil characters, the trip into darkness. So I think it'll work out.



Hehe, the titles sound like they could be the next generation of Pokemon titles. :lol:

I like them though. I think they could fit pretty darn well.


I vote we get Eon Blue to do official, matching CD art. His cover is gorgeous, and I doubt it'd take him too long to produce some matching stuff. It doesn't have to be quite as fancy as the main pic.

I heard on the VGDJ thread that this project is scheduled to be released Tuesday? Is that true? If so, we have to get cracking! :D


Did a Wikipedia page for the project based on a template from CyberSkull's edits to my Relics of the Chozo Wiki entry (which I also updated). Check it out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrono_Symphonic, and of course Andrew, Zeal or anyone else that can genuinely contribute to the page is encouraged to fix any potential inaccuracies and provide additional details for the project, most notably the script, which deserves a thorough, but brief & separate section immediately after the text I wrote.

If you don't have a Wikipedia account, register one so I know who's making changes. Feel free to make edits, but try to keep the formatting so far intact, to stay consistent with the other projects covered so far. I'll be checking on it of course. OMG, iz dis 0ne Sim Fonik?


Holy crap, Liontamer. That's amazing. Really, that is AMAZING. I had no idea that people were so gung-ho about the project. I am VERY flattered.

I'll make edits as necessary, but that pretty much sums up what any reader needs to hear to get them interested. Thanks a LOT. This'll be freaking sweet.



I got a fanmail, from some guy in Germany, who at first thought that I had made the entire project, just because I made the website. I then explained it all to him, and then he told me to let the rest of you read his mail. I will post all the mails:


well... i don't know what to say... i saw the trailer and loved it the

very moment i enjoyed

your recreation of the music.

i love CHRONO TRIGGER with every particle of my existence and played it

maybe about

70 times (a guess but close to the real number!).

i enjoy the music since 1995 and can't stop to listen to it, so if there

is any way i can lend you

a hand... please tell me.


markus schlüter - germany

Heh, I would thank you with all my heart, but it's not my work. I only made the website for the project. The trailer was put together by the project leader, Claado Shou, and the music was made by many many talented people, from the forums of http://www.ocremix.org, so I can't take credit for anything really. I'm just happy to have made my small contribution to such a great project.
would you please send the info to Claado Shou and some of the other

people - of course,

only if that isn't too much work - because i don't have any idea how to

find out there names

and e-mail addresses.


markus schlüter

ps.: if there wasn't the website i wouldn't have found the page and info

so my honest thanks to you, too. ;)


That is very cool, StarZander. I didn't realize somebody could watch the trailer and not have heard about the project elsewhere (has it spread that far?) but I still appreciate his enthusiasm.

That reminds me, I need to redo the trailer with the new website addresses and all for the official project page...I should get on that in a few days...

As for Red Omen's suggestion, it would be awesome if Liontamer would invite us to his radio show. I mean, I'm always free, especially Saturdays.




Unfortunately VGF isn't on anymore as Larry's not in Atlanta either (for over 3 months now or so). So... sorry about that.

Markus Schlüter... Germany... That name sounds familiar. But I don't know where to put it. Really. Mabye it's just my imagination.

Hm... new Trailer? But please different cuts and stuff. That really didn't fit to the music in my opinion. heh. And I'm still not mentioned on the Page, Claado. ;)

*still on listening through the songs, will post tonight - sorry for the delay... Hemophiliac... get your WIP to me, will ya? ;)1*

Unfortunately VGF isn't on anymore as Larry's not in Atlanta either (for over 3 months now or so). So... sorry about that.

Hmm, that's too bad. Would've been nice to get some radio coverage from the Oji-man himself.

Hm... new Trailer? But please different cuts and stuff. That really didn't fit to the music in my opinion. heh. And I'm still not mentioned on the Page, Claado. ;)

Well, those were honestly the only good scenes from the CT cutscenes, so there's nothing I can do about that. As for the website page, StarZander should have updated it by now...several days ago, in fact...

*e-mails StarZander*



There are lots of other radio shows, I think. I've been meaning to get on one for the Compendium or something. Maybe I can hitch a ride with the Symphonic crew if an opportunity opens up.

There are lots of other radio shows, I think. I've been meaning to get on one for the Compendium or something. Maybe I can hitch a ride with the Symphonic crew if an opportunity opens up.

VGDJ is probably the best place to announce it out loud to the community, and I think that'll be the only pre-release radio show we can do. It would be nice to do others afterwards, sort of a post-reveal advertising scheme ( :twisted: ) but it's all up in the air right now.

And I don't know what Rayza and Aurora would think of having both of us on there, ZeaLitY, though you've been the only person here the entire time from the beginning, and the Compendium is our partner-in-crime...might be an appropriate pairing.

We'll see what happens.




I'm posting the first CD for postproduction now, and the second one later due to my lack of sleep (and I still have to listen to like 5-7 songs). Sorry about that. I'll also post after the second postproduction info where to put the "now" finished WIPs/RAWs or how to contact me for questions.

You have time till Thuesday 8th September, if that's not possible then till 10th September LATEST! No late deals please. We have a tight timelimit. Thanks for your efforts with the changes. Now on to the infos:



:arrow:Postproduction state - 06SEP2005

Stuff that is still WIP is marked as [WIP]

Stuff to change is marked as

Stuff finished and ready for mastering is marked as [MASTER]

I mention the stuff that could be changed as brief form. I know that behind all tracks are a meaning and I don't want to limit your artistic skills. But as engineer in the postproduction and mastering section I have to have an open ear too. Especially if he project has to sound as one. So please accept my wishes and please change them with care. Thanks.


If we really want to have a total unified "soundtrack" I would have asked you to change the pannings of the orchestra too (not only to remove the reverb in the RAW file for Convolution Reverb). But due to the fact that a lot of you are using different orchestras (free SF2s, Garritan, EWQL Orchestra, Miroslav Philharmonik, Hardware and software mixed, etc) it's almost impossible to do so. The next thing I'm asking you is on a totally volunteery base. You don't have to do it, but it'd help the overall project sound. Else the whole CD sounds like a "moving experimental orchestra", which can sound interesting too (for example, the Akira OST had changing positions from the choir to let it sound more rich and interesting - Japan and Germany recently did a "moving experimental orchestra" too with asian sounds moving around in the room and part of the orchestra shuffling seatings). But I guess Claado had some certain "soundideas" in mind. And the variating pannings totally shuffles that around.

Keep in mind, it's not a must for you to do it. It's on a volunteery base. But if you agree to do so, please have an ear (and eye) on the following:

- Piano in the center, lower piano note sound is panned to the left, the higher to the right

- Percussion (all types, toms and Taiko count to that too) spreaded in the center "behind" the strings and brass section

- Harp to the left side of the orchestra

The brass and woodwind section also changes in most of the tracks. Let's just pretend that this is a "big orchestra" and that there can be some changes in the sound too. Let us also pretend that the mixing engineer had certain settings for the songs planned (sometimes brass louder, sometimes more quiet - sometimes the woodwinds a bit more left panned, sometimes center, etc). We're not uber-professionals and not perfect either. But we at least give our best, do we? ;)



01 - Sephfire - Inciting Incident

- Taikos/Toms more quiet and in the back (at least around 3dB less), they're just too dominant and that doesn't work here. The part around 1:00 to 1:15 is more the sound it should have (or at 2:30). If it's still too dominant, please add a "slight" reverb to drown it a bit

- Hats and Triangle a bit more quiet - remember this is an orchestra

- give the lower string section a bit more volume (a subtile +1dB should do it)

02 - Sephfire and SirRus - Morning Sunlight

- The Piano could be louder (maybe +3dB max?) and less reverb please

- the part till 1:20 is okay, but then the pizzicato strings drown in the mix. Spread them out a bit (pan) and make them a bit louder too

- Second Piano part a bit louder (+1,5dB to +2dB max I'd say) and less reverb.

- The piano at the end drowns again, too (around 3:30)

- Maybe the woodwinds (flute) at 4:00 also a bit louder.

03 - DarkeSword - Blue Skies over Guardia

*I know this song is on OCR already, still I ask you to change it, please - adds a bit more variation to the project too as this song is already known for a long time now*

- definately turn down the ride and let it drown more in the back (it sounds too synthetic IMO too)

- please use different claps (maybe I can find some orchestra claps for that purpose - I keep you informed)

- Piano maybe a tad louder (+1dB to +1,5dB max)

- No Fade out please. Can you do a sudden ending? Adds power, keeps up the "happyness" of this track and is a better start for the next track

04 - Sleepy Emp - To Lands Unknown

*this is more the sound I have in mind of an orchestra. Is this really a tracker only?!*

- can you please remove the fade in?

- Harp maybe a tad louder (+0,2dB to +0,5dB)

- you can go a bit more wild on the snare (make it louder, it doesn't hurt the song, hehe - maybe up to +2dB max?)

05 - Lunarheart - Darkness Duelling

- please add at least 2sec of silence before the track, cause the low taiko sounds so sudden like "in your face". Or try this: 2 taiko hits without the piano before you set in with the track, also with a bit "silence" before the first hit

- can you pan the strings out a bit? The track is a bit too strong mixed to the left side (violin 1 and violin 2 to left, viola in middle, cello and contrabass to right - like a modern orchestra seating)

06 - ZAS - Lucca's Arrival

- please give me at least 1-2sec of silence before the track

- the viola could be a tad more quiet, while the cello's and contrabass could use a volume boost (viola -0,5dB, cello/bass +0,5dB), else the lower section totally drowns in the mix

- the xylophone a bit less reverb please

07 - Claado Shou - Revelation of Fire

- the violins a bit louder, while the drums could be more quiet (especially in the middle section)

08 - Red Omen - Hymn of Valor

- The trills with the snare compared to the others could be more dynamic. Not as loud as the regular hits (and fluctuating in velocity)

- the faggot at the beginning and the brass could be a tad louder, the change to the louder section at 0:40 sounds totally strange this way.

- the snaresection starting at 0:40 could be a bit more quiet. It's a supporting beat - okay it should visualise a marching type effect (as with military snares), still it could be more quiet.

- the violins at 1:55 louder. At least +1dB to +2dB (they drown in the mix)

- The sudden push at 2:54 could use a bit more more timpani action

- the horns at that time too, not the trumpets!

09 - EllyWu2 - Frog's Intervention

- Maybe the piano a tad more quiet (-0,5dB to -1dB max) and less reverb (see the "master reverb" thing in the top of the post)

- Harp to the left please, at the moment the song is really a bit too "center paced" (small panning changes would do, widen it out a bit)

- a bit more emphasis on the horns around 1:50 might help raise the "glorious aspect" of Frog (well he's a knight!), same at around, 2:34 - which drowns a bit here

- add more silence at the end so that the natural reverb can run out properly

10 - PLBenjaminZ - Denadoro Climb

- I usually love widened and lofi sounding pianos, but can you narrow it a bit and make a tad louder? A tad louder would be more important, maybe even remove the mud from it (which means, better clean than a lofi piano - at least IMO - sounds better at the ending too)

- This songs sounds like a popsong atm. Can you turn down the "drum type" thing at the beginning? Just a tad. It's a bit persitant at the moment.

- maybe it's just me, but the stringsection in the middlepart (1:40 to 2:00) a bit louder? Not needed but maybe a different sound? What do you think?

11 - EllyWu2 - The Masamune

*I just love the tom/taiko work! The dynamic in the song is really good!*

- Piano maybe a tad... really only a tad (0,5dB to 1dB) louder

- Maybe the section from 0:48 t0 0:52 (the transition) a bit more supporting with the brass. Sounds a bit strange IMO

12 - MV - Darkest Omen

- maybe the snare a bit more quiet (a tad, max -1dB)

- the snare roll sounds cutted off at 0:30 is that normal?

13 - Sephfire - Confronting the Mystic

*a pity that this track is so short - Magus IS an important chara in the game*

- Same issue as track 1: the toms/taiko/BD is just too persistant. Could you push the drums (also the hats) a bit more in the back and pan them out a bit? Sounds a bit dead center (try to let the taiko-type thing sound as if it comes from the sides... left and right)

- the cabasa-thing (at the beginning) maybe a bit more subtile mixed? Maybe it's just me.

- One thing to let it sound more dramatic (IMO) is the flute in the middlesection (around 1:10) - a bit louder? Around +1dB. A try can never hurt.

14 - BliziHiZake - Door to the End of Time

- maybe the harp a tad louder (first section)

- The Xylophone/Glockenspiel thingy a bit more quiet, please (around -1dB perhaps?!)

- try to push the piano in the middle (or a bit of center to the right). It really competes with the harp

- maybe the timpanis more supporting than "attacking". The synthetic beat also a bit more quiet? (around -1dB max here)

- the solo violin to a bit to the right (just a bit away from the center)

EDIT: Updated 06SEP2005


Frog's Intervention isn't a WIP...that's the whole song. If the version you have is 3:41, then that's all there is to it. Really.

Anyway, I'll PM mixers when I reawaken. Just got back from "The 40-Year Old Virgin" (funniest movie I think I've ever seen in a theatre) and now I really need to sleep. So see you all tomorrow.



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