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Oh God, you guys. This year easily topped last year, and last year was already amazing. Everyone I met/re-met/ was just great, I really don't have any words to convey how happy I am to spend time talking/hanging out/getting drunk off my ass with you people. Much love to everyone!

ps i had better see shnabubula and ae's piano version of break yo neck from 7am this morning on youtube


ZOMG it was so great to meet everyone in person!

Fucking awesome times all around. Despite that I managed to lose basically all of my electronic devices and then have them miraculously returned to me, getting wasted evry night and staying up til the sun rises, and all around being a total MAG noob, it was the best shit ever.

Is it MAG 10 yet?


Everything was off the chain and I loved every minute of it!! Lots of favorite moments, Secret of Mana composer Hiroki Kikuta's panel comes to mind as one of them. And it was really cool meeting even more of the folks here. I'm gonna do everything I can do this next year and onward.

What/where is the best place to see as much media from this event as possible?

Probably Facebook albums.

Damn, that was best MAGfest yet! There's never enough time to do everything and see everyone, but this year was the closest.

I disagree a bit. The big problem is that there were too many people for the hotel. There's no question there needs to be a bigger one next year, hopefully in DC proper.

But yes, MAGFest was great. I personally missed more events than I would have liked, but things picked up during the last night (and lunch today), so it's all good. I also had a panel I ran on educational gaming. Thanks to Prophetik and BardicKnowledge for coming out. Hopefully we'll get a better time next year.

So, who's already looking to PAX East? :)!!

I disagree a bit. The big problem is that there were too many people for the hotel. There's no question there needs to be a bigger one next year, hopefully in DC proper.

Yep, they're moving it next year AFAIK. Still, the elevators weren't any slower than last year, food wasn't any harder to get, and there were only more dealers to see, more games to play and more friends to hang out with. Compared to Otakon, which barely has any breathing room, even this latest mag was still very comfortable in size. Parking was the worst of it.


As always, MAG rocked my face off. I was super happy that we decided to get a room this year, because in addition to having a place to leave our stuff, the jamming/gaming party in our room on Saturday night made me the happiest I've been in a long time. I could have used another day or two to see people, but part of why MAG is so fun is because we don't get to see each other that often.


I'm definitely going through Post-Mag Depression... *sobs* :-( I'm so grateful I got to go to this! Missed the panels on Thursday because of the insane badge line...but next year I'll make sure to come on Wednesday and leave on Monday!!

It was a pleasure being with so many of you. 4 days is really not enough time to be with all of you. I will post my videos and pictures really soon. I love you guys... I mean it. It's incredibly important that I do Mag every year so I will work hard towards that goal!

For now, it's back to the Wild ARMs project... I need Stevo around as soon as possible please. ;-)


So I just woke up after almost 12 hours of sleep - this MAGFest was unbelievably crazy! Unfortunately you end up having to miss stuff with so much great stuff always going on, but that's what happens when you have an overwhelmingly great time.

Pics will go up sometime tomorrow night probably - stay tuned for some great memories! I didn't take as many pics as I could've though as hey, I gotta enjoy the moments too.

As always, MAG rocked my face off. I was super happy that we decided to get a room this year, because in addition to having a place to leave our stuff, the jamming/gaming party in our room on Saturday night made me the happiest I've been in a long time. I could have used another day or two to see people, but part of why MAG is so fun is because we don't get to see each other that often.

when you guys played the goo goo dolls I basically cried

even though it only came through as a garbled speakerphone mess, it was amazing to feel like I was almost actually there

...next year is going to pwn

So, for everyone checking this thread while at MAG...

Wes sort of NO OVERRIDE'd going to IHOP this time around, and some of us could use a little variety. Plans are still gonna be worked out today, I figure, but I'm gonna go ahead and suggest what Amy posted a little while back:

Busboys & Poets (Shirlington)

Address: 4251 South Campbell Ave, Arlington, VA 22206

Phone: (703) 379-9757

Website: http://www.busboysandpoets.com/about_shirlington.php

There's a parking garage in the Shirlington Village area where the restaurant is, behind the Cake Love and Signature Theater.

Directions from the Hilton:

- Head north on N Beauregard St. for 1.4 miles (away from the hotel and towards the 'overflow lot' / NVCC) [N Beauregard becomes S Walter Reid]

- Turn right on S Arlington Mill Dr.

- After about half a mile, the Shirlington Village area will be on the right. To get to the parking garage, turn right on S Randolph St., and then the first driveway right after Campbell Ave.

The plus side is that if Busboys isn't an option, there's a bunch of other restaurants right there. See y'all at the con. KF

I should also mention thanks Amy for the wonderful suggestion! This place was pretty good, even if service was slow - it was Sunday at brunch time though, so not too surprising.

My pictures are now up here: http://bahamutwc.com/images/MAGFest 9.rar

Enjoy the 461 MB rar!

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