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Who the fuck really thinks Wendy's is as good as Five Guys? Wendy's burgers are a fucking grease pit. At least at FG you get fresh cut fries and a burger that hasn't been sitting around since 11 am or cooked in 20 gallons of grease.

Also, Mcribs are awesome. Fuck the haters on those too.

Who the fuck really thinks Wendy's is as good as Five Guys? Wendy's burgers are a fucking grease pit.

every single one of these burger joints is a god damned grease pit you fat fucking slob


I dig me a McRib once in a while. It's not incredibly amazing, but it's tasty.

Also, Five Guys is my absolute favorite burger joint. That is, aside from perhaps Fuddruckers, but Fudd's is even more expensive. So Five Guys it is. Plus (and I don't know if this is the case everywhere else), the closest Five Guys to me (actually 14 miles away *sob*) has that awesome soda fountain where you can choose any flavor of any drink you want. That is epic.

Finally: Show me a Wendy's burger that has mushrooms, bacon, jalapenos, Pepper Jack cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and ketchup, and I'll show you a cheaper Five Guys burger that tastes better, has better-quality meat, and is cooked on a better grill. You just can't get what Five Guys offers at a fast food joint.


Let's just skip the flavor, salt and calorie talk for a moment.

Let's discuss what they use to make the meat part of the McRib. And I use "meat" loosely, since it's technically more membranes and interstitual tissue than anything else.

From this article, I quote:

Ooof. What's the meat made of?

Pig innards and plenty of salt. Typically, "restructured meat product" includes pig bits like tripe, heart, and scalded stomach, says Whet Moser at Chicago Magazine, citing a 1995 article by Robert Mandigo, a professor at the University of Nebraska. These parts are cooked and blended with salt and water to extract salt-soluble proteins, which act as a "glue" that helps bind the reshaped meat together.

You're paying how much for ground-up pig organs that glues itself together? And you were all worrying about the sodium content before...

I wonder how many of you are going to keep eating McRibs after reading that.

If you're going to eat fast food, at least eat something with some actual meat content in it. Chemically reconstituted stomach protein is not food.

Posted (edited)
Oh, Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell. Enchirito, Nacho, Burrito...

This thread has reached critical mass for awesomeness.

I wonder how many of you are going to keep eating McRibs after reading that.

If you're going to eat fast food, at least eat something with some actual meat content in it. Chemically reconstituted stomach protein is not food.

We. Don't. Care. Because. It. Tastes. AMAZING.

Edited by Modus
I can't believe it isn't, everyone seemed crazy about Macca's in my time there.

Yes, but Maccas doesn't offer the McRibs here. We got the McFeast recently, but our Large is about the size of your medium, I believe. Not to mention we don't have supersize, our Wendys only does Icecream and hot dogs, we have no Taco Bell, and something called a HEALTH MINISTRY. And state-provided healthcare. If everyone ate the kind of crap you guys seem to consume, then there would be no state-provided healthcare. Make sense?

Posted (edited)
Makes you feel sorry for all the religions not allowed by their God to eat anything from a pig.

Also vegetarians and all the myriad variations thereof.

Also, ever notice how the most unhealthy things are the most delicious? It's a bit messed up, if you ask me.

Healthy = Eh, pretty good, but not delicious.

Unhealthy = Pretty tasty, pretty delicious.

Extremely unhealthy = OHMAHGAWD THIS IS SO DAMN GOOOD!!!!!

Edited by Mirby
Also vegetarians and all the myriad variations thereof.

Also, ever notice how the most unhealthy things are the most delicious? It's a bit messed up, if you ask me.

Healthy = Eh, pretty good, but not delicious.

Unhealthy = Pretty tasty, pretty delicious.

Extremely unhealthy = OHMAHGAWD THIS IS SO DAMN GOOOD!!!!!

By myriad of variations of vegetarians, you refer to the people who refuse to eat anything unless they see it die or fall from a tree in front of them, right?

And yes, I have noticed that, but it's not always true. I make ice-cream now and then, everyone I know loves it. But it's not that unhealthy. However, whenever I eat at McDonalds or KFC, I get either a Quarter Pounder or a Tower Burger, respectfully, and those things are awesome. However, being 17, I have something controlling my fast-food intake. It lives in my hip pocket. It's called my wallet. It's normally empty, because I buy a Sonic comic once every two weeks (only one place in my region sells them, and it's a 40 minute drive or train ride) and, because I play Pokemon regularly, every time I get or see another Shiny Pokemon, I buy another pack of Pokemon cards (not to mention whenever a new set comes out....). And now my friends and I are going to build Spartan armor out of foam....I'm not going to be able to eat junk for a LONG time...except pizza, my parents give me money for pizza during exam times....like the next month.


I say eat it! In the name of science or something! It's an exploration of what commercialization and exploitation without any regard to possible unintended consequences does to the food industry as we know it! (I'm just starting to watch Food Inc., by the way)

I've never had a McRib myself, though. :razz: I just felt a need so say it. I do enjoy fast food once in a while. Just one won't hurt you in the long run, or at least I don't think so. I'd say no to eating brains, blood, and any filtration system, though; an organ dedicated to collecting and breaking down toxins isn't very appetizing (I've had pate, too lazy to put the accent on e).

Now, excuse me while I try to find something in the kitchen which might have been selectively bred to be bigger and/or tastier, more controllable, etc. It's what we've done as civilizations for years (remember Punnett squares, by the way?).

Although, I find genetic modification a bit scary for some unknown reason :whatevaa:: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenic_maize

I think that's enough off topic ranting. :razz:

Oh, yeah:

If you're going to eat fast food, at least eat something with some actual meat content in it. Chemically reconstituted stomach protein is not food.

It isn't chemically reconstituted; As it said, it's salt soluble, and they use that along with water to extract it. Choose your word choice wisely.

Quote from your quote:

These parts are cooked and blended with salt and water to extract salt-soluble proteins, which act as a "glue" that helps bind the reshaped meat together.

It's just protein, if you think about it. There's some in most of anything we eat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_in_nutrition#Sources

A potato has 4 grams, even. Although, with a recommended uptake of 0.8g/Kg of body weight, you might be eating a few too many potatoes. :-P

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