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First, this song is absolutely amazing, and very well organized and smooth.

Second, my Mom being a orchestral music teacher, who is constantly being cut through different schools all over the state, due to budget cuts, it hurts. I have been at both ends of the spectrum in extracurricular activities at school, playing sports and being in musical programs. But this was also before our economy has gone to hell causing wide-spread massive budget cuts throughout our school systems.

My advice for you guys, stick together, continue writing music outside of school, continue remixing! You guys have already proved how amazing you are, and there are plenty of opportunities for you guys to play your music at gigs and venues! I feel that you guys should spread your sound for everyone just to see what we're all missing just by cutting some schools music programs.

I wish you guys luck, and I hope to see some more of your music on here!


Can't say I'm familiar with the source, but I love how this carribean styled song is done. The song doesn't seem to try to delve deep into rearranging from what I can tell by the relatively static arrangement, but it carries the flavor well and has enough subtleties to carry it through.

  • 2 weeks later...
Sounds like old-school OneUp Mushrooms. Good stuff.

This. In particular the Mario Kart album, which is probably why the remix in hand always makes me think of Super Mario Kart.

Relaxing and upbeat at the same time. Nice work, guys.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Very tropical in a jazzy kind of way, nice. Funny thing is I just got finished with a class that went over Afro-Cuban music and this would have fit right in. It's got a good beat to get your toe tapping, and I could relax and lay back to this with a nice cold drink. Yeah, this is so good, I like it. Shame to hear about the cuts, though.

  • 3 years later...

Definitely feeling the tropical laid-back atmosphere the guys tried to create here. And I love it! It takes me mentally somere to Brazil or Bahamas. I also want to dance a lot when I hear this tune. I even shake my body a bit. Whenever and wherever I hear it. Even in a bus :D Very sweet!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02125 - Ristar "Fiesta Amongst the Trees"

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