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OCRA-0020 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream

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Really enjoyed working on this and the other tracks are absolutely fantastic. I think the desired atmospheric result was definitely achieved.

Big thanks to prophetik and the other artists and staff for finally getting this awesome project to completion :smile:

i bet its good
im on the first song so far, and damn, man. as someone said somewhere else, um, this is good.

final impressions will come in approximately one hour

edit: holy wow animal counterpoint. this album is making me dislike many previous ocr albums i was mostly indifferent to. hell this album is defining what an album really should be.


minor grips so far:

threshold of a dream should've been first

i dont think prophetik should've put up descriptions for each tracks. personally i would've just laid the track out to the listener and let them think of it for themselves. but that's just me.

edit: holy wow animal counterpoint. this album is making me dislike many previous ocr albums i was mostly indifferent to. hell this album is defining what an album really should be.


listen to that one on repeat for an hour or two. it gets really, really, really trippy quickly.

minor grips so far:

threshold of a dream should've been first

i dont think prophetik should've put up descriptions for each tracks. personally i would've just laid the track out to the listener and let them think of it for themselves. but that's just me.

i felt that theophany's track set the tone of the album the best. and i felt bad making my track first when i had five of them, plus a bonus, plus having major input on development on another two or three, on the project already.

as for descriptions, i've always wanted to do that. not everyone can attend the listening party. and you can just not read it, too =)


yeah i ended up not reading them eventually (im still not done with the album, im halfway through)

call me odd but i totally got a dark side of the moon vibe from certain parts of the album. and one thing i love about dsotm is that you can technically take some of the trippier songs on that album and interpret it in your own fashion. there's an official interpretation for each track, but it's interesting to read and hear what people think each track and the ordering of the album was supposed to convey. but that's just me. im probably the only one who was reminded of dark side.


edit: holy wow animal counterpoint. this album is making me dislike many previous ocr albums i was mostly indifferent to. hell this album is defining what an album really should be

Ditto to all three points here. This album is a gem. Most surprising is how consistent the quality is throughout even though some of the tracks are separated by several years.

The tracks that made me go 'wow' on first listen were Lucidic, Animal Counterpoint, Spare Key, and House of Frogs. But it's meant to be listened to as a whole, and I will indeed save it for a pensive rainy day. Thanks for making this!


I listened to the entire album once today by Audiosurfing it, stealing all of the Pro high scores with my favorite "car", Vegas. Woot!

Seriously though, playing tracks that are mostly uphill and high traffic is awesome. You get a sense of flow when playing audiosurf that isn't immediately apparent otherwise.

Great great work to everyone involved again!


I gotta say, when I first saw the genre restrictions in place for this album, I was very skeptical. However, you guys have come up with a pretty solid and enjoyable album, altho its not without its down points.

I've gotta say that I particularly enjoyed the first 4 tracks, fish and prophets collab, and bens tal tal heights mix. Other were good, some were meh, and overall an inconsistency of remixer experience levels and some tracks being considerably older than others did hurt the overall package slightly.

Overall a solid album tho, and very well done to the people involved, and to prophetik for directing it :D

One thing I've been wanting to ask about this however (separate to my thoughts on the album as a whole) - there was some tracks where I didn't here the sources of the tracks at all, and I know the OST better than any other. One that I found particularly to be far from the source was prophetik's animal counterpoint - which while it was a cool minimalist/additive experimental track, I didn't hear anything relating to that theme at all... I wondered where the source in that track was prophetik, because it sounds like you just recorded some random sax ostinatos, layered them together and stuck the animal village name on it, which doesn't really constitute as a remix in my book :P

yeah i ended up not reading them eventually (im still not done with the album, im halfway through)

call me odd but i totally got a dark side of the moon vibe from certain parts of the album. and one thing i love about dsotm is that you can technically take some of the trippier songs on that album and interpret it in your own fashion. there's an official interpretation for each track, but it's interesting to read and hear what people think each track and the ordering of the album was supposed to convey. but that's just me. im probably the only one who was reminded of dark side.

I wasn't specifically reminded of it but I could see it. I was really reminded of relics of the chozo here, although it doesn't go as far as to fade in/out tracks, it's stylistic consistency creates a similar sense of being a single entity rather than a random collection of remixes, very nice.

One thing I've been wanting to ask about this however (separate to my thoughts on the album as a whole) - there was some tracks where I didn't here the sources of the tracks at all, and I know the OST better than any other. One that I found particularly to be far from the source was prophetik's animal counterpoint - which while it was a cool minimalist/additive experimental track, I didn't hear anything relating to that theme at all... I wondered where the source in that track was prophetik, because it sounds like you just recorded some random sax ostinatos, layered them together and stuck the animal village name on it, which doesn't really constitute as a remix in my book :P

not quite. i'm actually a little offended that you think that i'd do something like that. just because it's not blatantly obvious what the remix melody is doesn't mean that i just made something up.

i practiced something called additive minimalism in this piece - also known as pointillism. basically, the melody isn't in one specific instrument, but it swings between lots of different instruments, each playing one or two notes. so, while the melody is played in full by the first soprano sax right before the chords come back in - eighths D A, 16ths D E F# G eighths A D, one measure of 3/4, basically - it's played by the first three soprano saxes right as soon as they come in and play their section of the ostinado fully.

if you'd all like, i can post an annotated score that explains where it's coming from, and where the melody shows up. but rest assured - if animal counterpoint was in 3/4, this is what it'd sound like. it's only one bar of 4/4 music repeated endlessly in-game, anyways.

like i said to some other people - LISTEN. this project wasn't meant to be like other projects, where a five-year-old can listen and pick out the tune. it's meant to be more introspective, requiring active listening. i thought that i was actually a little too obvious with the theme in AC, so if you're not picking it up even then, i guess i was wrong :<

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