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Wow, just wow. I absolutely love the direction OcR is going with vocals, they really prove the invincibility of our remixers' competence. This track is just a perfect demonstration. I already loved Daniel's compositional work, I had no idea he had such a singing talent to go with it, very impressive!

This is worth listening to many many times, keep it up.


Well, I haven't posted a review in a while, but this one just begs for one:

- Excellent singing.

- I disagree with the pretz: zyko kicks huge amounts of ass in this.

- And I must say, this is the first track that Vig has truly impressed me with. That ending is killer.

Great, great job all around.


Well, I've had this on loop since download. I must say, it's EASILY one of my new personal favs. Truly, a fantastic song. Congrats to all.


Unique piece. Borderlines on rock and something unique. Nice guitarwork, the vocals are good at times, though I still cringe in a few areas.

What's up with the rap though? Puts me off this piece. I guess you have to like that stuff.

Background music is good without it. That guitar is just outstanding. So crisp and clear. Nice work. :nicework:

Unique piece. Borderlines on rock and something unique. Nice guitarwork, the vocals are good at times, though I still cringe in a few areas.

What's up with the rap though? Puts me off this piece. I guess you have to like that stuff.

Background music is good without it. That guitar is just outstanding. So crisp and clear. Nice work. :nicework:

That is truth for me. :)

But I do not understand...

... Which stage they had made? :?


Been a while since I wrote a review... since a lot of people seem to be asking, I believe the source song is Lorenzo's Soil/ISO 2000. Anyway, this is some good, subtly cool/gritty stuff. It's got a meloncholy feel without being lethargic - especially with the rap section and the nice guitar towards the end. Speaking of which, zyko does a good job on the rap - it sounds quite natural and flows well with the song. Daniel also does a good job of putting emotion into his singing while making it sound believable, and the slight echo effect suits the overall feel well. Vigilante's guitar compliments and accents without being overpowering - very nicely done. I like how the subtle synths do a good job of setting the mood as well. The drums don't stand out too well alongside all the other outstanding material, but they're not bad at all and as djp said, the fills are tasty. Very well-produced, and definately something different for OCR.


Excellent track. Really. Blows me away.

Reminds me of Gorillaz's "Clint Eastwood" at times. Guitarwork is superb, and the instruments are chilling, ambient and give a confined feeling along with the echoing of Dan's voice.

Nice work, all three of you. Certainly my favorite lyrical remix now.

Edit: By the way, just so's y'all know, Lea was right. It's Lorenzen's Soil, as stated here in bold letters:



This song really lends itself well to depressing visual scenes much like one would find in the night of a back alley somewhere.

Dan B's vocals really make this song great, but I felt zyko's rapping was a bit out of place. Still a great song though; I'll be listening to it for a long while.


Wow. I don't post, but this was an awesome remix. I typically hate lyrics, but this was a very well done piece. Heck, I typically hate rap, but you guys did that very well. Still, personally, I think I would prefer it without the rap.

Amazing job across the board! Congrats guys.


Wow. Listening to this mix was surreal. I mean, if you had told me this was an Earthworm Jim 2 remix I would have checked the phone books for the nearest asylum. I have to say that no mix is perfect and I can find a couple gripes with it. Don't get me wrong on the vocals, I love them. They're up there with the best, quite possibly, the best. However, I felt they wavered a little. It's a great voice but it sounds like it could get some more polish and be outstanding. If he doesn't already, DB should take some vocal lessons. He'd benefit greatly from them.

As far as the rap goes, it fits in quite well. It makes me think of maybe a collab between U2 and Snoop Dogg. I bet that'd really kick ass. Anyway, the rap is done really well but I have to say that every time I listen I wince really bad on the word "fervorous." It's the way he REALLY enunciates each syllable that bothers me. I think on that particular word, less is more. heh

Don't take my griping as disliking the song. On a scale of ten, it'd be at least a 9.5 easily. I'm just making a suggestion here and there to help improve those little nuances that prevent the mix from being that perfect ten. Well done.



THis song is really amazing. The electro rock and the first section of vocals is just great. I love it at 1:25. Then comes the awesome rap. It sounds like that group "faithless" and their song "Insomnia". The way the rap moves in and just wow.. thank god that agents haven't found you yet. because then this stuff wouldn't be free =D


its awesome... i mean the mix of singing and the rapping...i was a bit put off to hear that before listening to it, but i listen to it.. it reminded me heavily of the gorillaz and i thought it worked well in there, id like to hear more collaborative ideas from the 3


I've listened to this song 42 times. The singing is just perfect, although zyko's rapping initially bothered me, it's starting to sound quite cohesive. Excellent production.


The rapping reminds me of "Insomnia", as someone said above. I don't know if it fits in, but I don't mind it.

The voice is massively awesome, though. There's so much emotion at the last verse, and he doesn't remind me of any other singer...that's good, because so many voices have been trademarked nowadays. Great job, a 9 outta 10.

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