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the beginning of this has a very "Symphony of the Night" feel to it. (not saying that's bad... I love the SoN soundtrack.) Just the first minute or so.

There seems to be a lot of great piano-oriented mixes getting submitted and accepted these days. I've always enjoyed hearing the piano backed up by modern instrumentation and synthesis.

The drums have a great groove to them, and the piano is well sequenced/recorded. Lots of change in the dynamics.. makes it more realistic and puts more feeling into it. Nice stuff :)


Well, this is just plain awesome. And I didn't expect anything less from my man, TO. Bladiator's pianowork mixed together with TO's great ambient music, created something that you just don't see every day. Great work guys.

You guys...




Nice freakin' work. *mumbles to self about how 'my time will come, my time will come'*

Yeah... so I need to appologize, that post was very self-centered. This is your moment you guys, soak it up. This is a beautiful fusion of two talented and different styles and it works, dare I say, perfectly.

You guys have come a long way, I'm excited to see where you're going, and this song is a triumph for you both.

I'm proud to call you both my friends.


Awesome work guys. This song has it going. Great piano, and while I'm usually rather anti-social when it comes to any drums in a piece, I didn't mind them here. Probably because you avoided the pitfall I hate most of all: using drums to PROVIDE the beat when the instrument itself should be able to handle that on its own. The piano here clearly handled its own dynamics well, with plenty of rhythm, and the backbeat merely accentuated it, with a bit of variation so it didn't get monotonous. I like! I like!

Good job.


Damn fellas I heard Blad talk about this now and then but I didn't expect it to be so well awesome and nice. I am really really enjoying this one (A nice change from both your very fast made PRC entrees :wink:).

Weird transitioning to me at 2:30 but fell through great with blad's piano of love.

Awesome work guys the ending was marvellous.


We've been having plenty of cool stuff lately.

I like the way this track sets each of the mixer's strengths to a specific area [foreground/background; main melody/driving synths] and blends them perfectly. I've always loved synthetic/acoustic-esque juxtapositions, especially when they mesh together so well as shown here.

Great job, TO & Bladiator. I'm eager to see more stuff from both of you. :)


I'm going to start off this message by saying that the Wormhole level in Final Doom: Evilution (TNT) had one the most touching songs in it that I ever heard. That level's music was so heartwarming and great, and the level was awesome to play through too - as with the whole game. Though it was very modest, I loved the original song so much, and don't think anything could really come close to matching how great the original makes me feel. That being said... here's what I have to say about this remix...

People don't seem to be that picky when it comes to adding piano to a piece, and that you can throw just about anything together on the fly and it will work... but I am. This seems very disjointed to me, and the whole song doesn't flow very well; in my opinion. The piano also feels too bright and in-your-face. I would have added more effects to it and fade it down the frequency range at times to keep things interesting. As it is, I don't think it really adds to the song. It's kind of battling against it, for the most part.

The atmosphere in the background is nice though, and very true to the original. Those strings, synths and basses sound pretty good... but the foreground needs more variety than just a piano and loopy drums; and it needs melodies that flow better with the background (as the piano really trails out of sync with the music at times). I think the piano works good at 2:29-2:50, but needs a little work after that, especially with progression and build-up at 3:12. The ending also seems pretty abrupt, and leaves something to be desired.

So yeah, I'm pretty picky when it comes to piano, and in my opinion, it isn't mastered enough to fit with the music; though it does have some good ideas. It needs more fade-ins and variety in sound / volumes / pan rates to keep things interesting (though some sections did a good job at blending in sort of well; like at the 1 minute mark). The name "Clairvoyant Elegy" seemed too fancy, and didn't appeal to me too much either. I'll keep listening to it. If I have a sudden change of opinion... I'll post it, but for now, I'm sticking with labeling this "disjointed" and "the piano needs some major fixings". Meh, whatever. Thanks for remixing one of my favorite songs ever; guys. ;)


Ohh, this is just brilliant! I was a big fan of 'Final Doom: Evilution' and yeah, this was one of my favourite tunes from it. You guys have done exceptionally well, and TO, you've got some of the best Doom remixes I've ever heard, don't stop 'em comin'!! :D

Just one thing, however. Dj Pretzel commented in the main review about there being a strange transition at 1'47" and someone else mentioned one at 2'30". I'd like to point out that these "strange transitions" are exactly the same in the original song, so kudos to y'all for keeping it true to the original!!

So overall, great work fellas!! You've recreated a masterpiece (for a doom midi, anyways) and multiplied its emotional value by 500. Keep up the good work.

P.S. TO, KEEP THE DOOM COMIN'!! :):twisted::P

  • 3 weeks later...

I really love this song, especially since I have always clamored for a piano mix with cool instruments in it as well. And it happens to be Doom as well. Totally awesome, everyone I have made listen to it loves it as well.


This ReMix is absolutely amazing! I can't listen to it enough! The piano work combined with the drum work and the beautiful ambience are just so hypnotizing...

When I saw this forum, I wanted to listen to your mix again. As I browsed my media library, I began to freak out because I couldn't find it! I scanned my Doom mixes forever. I suddenly realized that it was a Final Doom mix and it would be in the "F"s alphabetically. I felt so relieved and happy to know that I had found it and that I could listen to it again!

This is one of my all-time favorite mixes. Keep up the good work you two. I love the mixes that come from both of you, and the combined talent is AMAZING!

  • 5 months later...

I already voted on this in the panel, but I was listening to it again. Really incredible stuff. I dare say, it has to be considered one of the best mixes on the site. TO don't let your head get bigger. :lol:

Blad is a closet Yanni fan, whether he admits it or not. The performance and style here is very reminscent of his works and fits the mix perfectly.

Dazzling mix.

Blad is a closet Yanni fan, whether he admits it or not. The performance and style here is very reminscent of his works and fits the mix perfectly.

Dazzling mix.

The piano is inspired by "The Rain Must Fall" by Yanni. Blad's quite open about his Yanni boneration. :wink:

I didn't know that. That's good to hear. 8) It worked out remarkably well in this context.

Blad is a closet Yanni fan, whether he admits it or not. The performance and style here is very reminscent of his works and fits the mix perfectly.

Dazzling mix.

The piano is inspired by "The Rain Must Fall" by Yanni. Blad's quite open about his Yanni boneration. :wink:

I didn't know that. That's good to hear. 8) It worked out remarkably well in this context.

It's true. I'm a big Yanni weenie. :cry:

  • 4 months later...

It's kinda sad that it takes a connection to furries for this track to grab my attention :lol:

Fantastic remix. The almost freestyle sounding playing of the piano is beautiful, and it's nice to hear that sort of thing in a mix where it's not absolutely necessary. And that fused with the base of the song makes this one of my top 50 tracks on this site.

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