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Copying/pasting this post I made on Facebook.

I've been making joke posts about the whole thing today but after seeing some genuinely sad faces I HAVE to make this post. As someone who spent a whole year lamenting a breakup, I know it can feel REALLY shitty to be single at times. Really, I do. But it's not that big a deal whether you're single or not! What's SO bad about being single? If you're upset about it because it doesn't fill some kind of void in your life, then you're looking at it all wrong. Until you can learn to be happy on your own, then how can you be strong enough to provide and support someone else? Use the time you have to yourself now to make you a better, more capable spouse in the long run, and just enjoy having a lot of free time to yourself, it means more than you know! I'm sure a lot of you have heard this SAME advice a million times before, but I know from experience that it's all true, even if you may not realize it yet. Don't be jealous of those who do have someone in their life either, be a good friend and be happy for them and support them! Be happy that someday you'll be in the same position they are! If you honest to goodness want to go out and do something for V-day, either stop being spineless and ask out that babe/dude you like, or go out with a bunch of your single pals and hang out! I'd probably have arranged something like that myself if I wasn't going to be busy putting my computer together today.

In short, live life, be happy for what it is, and be excellent to each other. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


I used to be quite bitter about being single myself. Though I found after about 3 years of being single, I really came to understand myself on an emotional level. Sure it was rough at times, but I felt much more ready for someone to be in my life again on a romantic level. There's a lot of inner insight you can gain when you can devote a lot of your focus inwards, rather than outwards. (Though I am not saying to close yourself off completely to others, of course!)

It just so happens that someone has recently come into my life shortly before Valentine's day. Its nothing too serious yet, however, and I honestly feel its just another day today. Even before I had this new girl in my life though, I wasn't dreading Valentine's day. To some it may be a day to show that little bit of extra affection towards someone special, and perhaps some even get carried away with it, but to many it needn't be more than just another day in the life. Don't let yourself get too caught up in the heartbreak.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, I guess I'm echoing what Luke has already said to some degree, because that is some wise shit.

Have a good one friends.


As a single and generally moody guy today reading both amphibious's and luke's replys has cheered me up abit about valentines day, watching die hard after work made me feel better too,

Theres 3 mins left of the day so i hope all the couples enjoyed it.

Single people, your awesome too. :3


Best part about Valentine's Day is all the emo FB updates. I was bitterly single last year (not this year yay), and I still got a kick out of that shit.

I'll just post here what I posted on FB last year:

"Year 70 of the Cosmic Era. Due to the Bloody Valentine Tragedy tensions between Earth and the ZAFT Organization suddenly developed into a full scale war. It seemed a foregone conclusion that the Earth forces with its superior numbers would prove victorious, but these initial assessments proved to be false. Almost eleven months have passed since the conflict began, with no end in sight."


Why does everyone have to be cynical and ironic in regards to Valentine's Day? Doesn't anyone know how to be genuine anymore?

I dressed up with the wife. We went out for a walk on the town and we ate at a fancy restaurant on the river. No irony, no comment on society, no bullshit. Just proper adult fun.

Dammit, people, I know you have nothing to live for but don't ruin it for the rest of us.


I dressed up with the wife. We went out for a walk on the town and we ate at a fancy restaurant on the river. No irony, no comment on society, no bullshit. Just proper adult fun.

Your definition of proper adult fun with the wife varies greatly from mine.

Best part about Valentine's Day is all the emo FB updates. I was bitterly single last year (not this year yay), and I still got a kick out of that shit.

not having a Facebook, what I find funny is the men in the cvs/walgreens, convenience stores, and gas stations looking around hurriedly grabbing the closest thing that could be interpreted as a thoughtful gift.

as for my v-day activities, My girlfriend and I celebrated it on the prior Saturday with simple gifts. I gave a tea mug and puzzle book and received the epoch blueprints poster(!) from fangamer.com then spent the day together, taking her 6 year old step brother to phantom menace in theaters, then watching robot chicken episode III at home, and then "return to me" (cute movie btw)

all in all, it was respectable adult fun. ;)

not having a Facebook, what I find funny is the men in the cvs/walgreens, convenience stores, and gas stations looking around hurriedly grabbing the closest thing that could be interpreted as a thoughtful gift.

I was talking to my girlfriend about this one. The guys grabbing flowers at the last minute and such. She was judging them. BUT, flowers last maybe 5 or 6 days tops so if you want to maximize the life of the flowers, you've gotta buy them on Valentine's Day. Every day you buy them earlier is one less day the girl is going to get to enjoy them. So, buying them at the last minute is the most efficient way to handle it.

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