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It's a shame, really. Fans are what are keeping fantastic concepts and franchises like this alive these days, especially with the amount of work that now-professionally-skilled people have put into what they loved in their childhood. Sega has had their ass handed to them with fan remakes as of late, with this one and that Sonic HD demo from last year. It is one thing to lose face because your fans did what you couldn't, but to destroy potential sales of the originals via Sega Compilation Albums by taking down the project?

I never understood why companies do that. It is free publicity, and unless Sega intends to offer a deal to the people who made the game in order to sell it pro, they should have left it up.

I can only assume that Sega is just angry and bitter that time and time again people show how nearly everyone BUT Sega is better at handling Sega's franchises than Sega itself.

That didn't last long. You'd think this was a Square-Enix project with how fast it was taken down.

I see what you did there

I can only assume that Sega is just angry and bitter that time and time again people show how nearly everyone BUT Sega is better at handling Sega's franchises than Sega itself.

*clicks facebook like button one million times*


Hai Sega. How about hiring some competent people to handle your old franchises?

Instead of, you know, serving your fans the usual cash-in compilations of old games, quickly ported to disc with no additions?

But you were proly still busy trying to help Sonic make that jump to 3D that nobody wants him to make.

This is possibly the best SoR game (n)ever made. Let's hope Sega offer them to port the remake (or develop a brand new SoR) for xlive or psn.

That would be the best happy-ending ever in the history of indie gaming (yet sadly the most unlikely to happen).

Goddamn you internet - I was mid download and it crapped out on me. Now it's not available anymore.

*sigh* I guess I better wait for the inevitable torrent to come by...

As I said earlier, they're already there :x



“SEGA is committed to supporting any fans that take an interest in our games, and where possible we do so by involving them in Beta tests and other development, marketing or research opportunities,” said the unnamed contact on the record with Kotaku. “However we need to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances.”

So you want to charge $3 for a shitty iOS port of a game from a series you have absolutely no intention of upgrading or reviving in any way, but want to remove the fan project that people has spent years of their life working on that wouldn't even work on that shitty iPhone? *raises middle finger at whoever made that decision*

Also, I love love LOVE how the word "audio" is not mentioned anywhere in that sentence.


In defense of Sega, while the streets of rage series is indeed loved, and the remake is quite good, it still is Sega's IP. Unless there's a written contract to reproduce the game, even for free, it's subject to IP laws. It sucks that all that hard work is gone, but if Bombergames is up to the task, they have a completely built brawler engine with massive branching paths. It shouldn't be too hard to remove the IP problem from the game. Just a truckload of artwork.

While fan projects are cool, they aren't original property when they're remakes like this. As an independent developer, instead of remaking games, make games in the spirit of the game you're trying to revive. Maybe you'll have a hit on your hands, and can make money.

I realize this whole problem started with a supposed green light from Sega itself, and most of the outrage is the sudden backtracking on Sega's word. But if this had been a separate IP project, while it wouldn't have gotten the same sort of press, still would have done well, and they could still offer it.


I posted this hypothesis on Kotaku, I figure I'll repost it here, see what you guys say.

Here's a different theory.

Perhaps Sega WANTED these guys to get the game out.

THEN "legally pull it" to save face.

We're both winners! The game is out, and Sega doesn't look weird with them being free about their IP.


Well someone has stated they didn't do it to save face but theres a secretive conversation going on between sega and bombergames, now wether this is conjecture or actual truth it may be sega talking to them and maybe involve giving them a lease to it, to port it and sell it at a profit perhaps?

Either way the main reason is due to them porting SOR2 to iphone right now

So yeah maybe right now it was to protect their IP

But i gotta admit this just doesn't seem like something sega would normally do,

Its uncharacteristic.

Can't wait till Sonic 2 HD is released just to see the reaction from them.

But i gotta admit this just doesn't seem like something sega would normally do,

Its uncharacteristic.

Sega hasn't been Sega for many years. Even I have to admit, they're a shell of what they once were, and as such, what they used to do and allow no longer applies. They've driven Sonic into the ground, release iffy emulation-driven ports of their older games, and just don't put as much effort to basically anything they do anymore.

Sega of the 1980s and 1990s is dead. This new entity calling itself Sega these days is a very different beast.

Sega hasn't been Sega for many years. Even I have to admit, they're a shell of what they once were, and as such, what they used to do and allow no longer applies. They've driven Sonic into the ground, release iffy emulation-driven ports of their older games, and just don't put as much effort to basically anything they do anymore.

Sega of the 1980s and 1990s is dead. This new entity calling itself Sega these days is a very different beast.

Sad but true...

  • 3 weeks later...

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