Level 99 Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 QFT.can we just let sonic die already? No, because Sega keeps making money off of selling the same original 3 1/2 games on every goddamn platform, and Sonic fanboys will buy any new game that comes out despite their saying "NO FUCKING WAY". To them, Sonic is an addiction. An addiction they can't stop. Let's start a non-profit organization to help these people! Obligatory: Both of these, yes. Quote
Nekofrog Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 Sonic: Unleashed was actually good if you discount the werehog levels (seriously, don't tell me wasn't fun). Sonic Colours was basically Sonic Unleashed without the werehog levels, so it was a good, if a bit short game. I think cautious optimism could be warranted this time around. 1 "okay" game and another "slightly-more-okay" game does not warrant caution optimism. It warrants more "go the fuck away, Sonic". Quote
Bleck Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 sonic unleashed and sonic colours only appear to be good because of the comparison to every other sonic game which is basically like comparing any single thing to a lump of shit Quote
Nekofrog Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 sonic unleashed and sonic colours only appear to be good because of the comparison to every other sonic game which is basically like comparing any single thing to a lump of shit thats what i just fucking said Quote
Cinderwild Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 But Bleck said it so much better than you, and without potty words. Quote
south pacific islander Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 sonic unleashed and sonic colours only appear to be good because of the comparison to every other sonic game which is basically like comparing any single thing to a lump of shit The sonic team is slowly making progress. By slow I mean molasses on sandpaper slow. Quote
Benjamin Briggs Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 dey took ur jerbs! whoa old sonic's nose is long Quote
Jonnas Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 sonic unleashed and sonic colours only appear to be good because of the comparison to every other sonic game which is basically like comparing any single thing to a lump of shit I didn't play any of the 3D Sonic games before Unleashed, but I liked it (at least the Wii/PS2 version). Werehog levels and unnecessary plot aside, the game was ace. I'd give it 7 in 10 (because flaws are still there. But Unleashed is peculiar, in that the good parts, the mediocre parts and the horrible parts are distinct, they never intersect in-game). I have yet to play Colours, however, but I am psyched for it. And this "Generations" thing... I'm not holding my breath until we have more info. Quote
Salluz Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 Sonic: Unleashed was actually good if you discount the werehog levels (seriously, don't tell me wasn't fun). Sonic Colours was basically Sonic Unleashed without the werehog levels, so it was a good, if a bit short game. I think cautious optimism could be warranted this time around. THIS. Sonic Unleashed was a fun, yet underrated game, with the exception of the Werehog bullshit and the corny dialogue. Sonic is for everyone, not just kids, Sega. That's why it's rated E for Everyone. You're getting away on a technicality there, you jerksock.And while I don't MIND SA2, it was a schizophrenic mess that needed some serious mechanical polish and a more refined level design. Also no racing levels, goddamn they were terrible. This, but it was less schizophrenic than say, the first, even though people liked it. At least you didn't get lost in Adventure Fields, the game had more mood, and the treasure hunting had been simplified. Quote
Deathtank Posted May 19, 2011 Posted May 19, 2011 I think this game is gonna be awesome guys! http://foros.3dgames.com.ar/accion-y-aventura.6/691491.sonic-generations.html Quote
SonicThHedgog Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 Game looks great and its comming to pc just like sonic heros , and no matter what people everyone will bash sonic, thats whats in these days so let it just rest people Quote
The Derrit Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 somehow this actually looks nice there's no wonky run animations or weird looking physics or anything huh Quote
ambinate Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 i think this has the potential to not be totally shitty (i thought sonic colors was fun and the new stuff in this is using that engine i think?), but i'm curious to see what will happen when they start incorporating levels from the 3d sonic games. they'll have to do a lot of redesigning to make them work in either of these gameplay styles, so maybe they won't suck? but they might just still suck. Quote
Modus Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 So what can I say to my little brother that will make him not talk to me about this game? I kinda like him so I don't think I want to threaten him with his life again. Quote
Brushfire Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/classic-style-sonic-generations/714051 http://www.gametrailers.com/video/modern-style-sonic-generations/714053 Quote
KyleJCrb Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 Holy crap, that gameplay footage looks fantastic. I haven't been excited about a Sonic game in years, but this is definitely sparking my interest. Classic Sonic's gameplay is what Sonic 4 should have been. Also, one very nice thing: Classic Sonic is QUIET. Not a peep. Awesome. Quote
Gollgagh Posted May 20, 2011 Posted May 20, 2011 Also, one very nice thing: Classic Sonic is QUIET. Not a peep. Awesome. haha yeah I noticed that when it moved to modern Sonic Quote
Deathtank Posted May 21, 2011 Posted May 21, 2011 I love this new sonic game but, if Sega has to "revive" old games and renew them to have success, that means they ran out of new fresh ideas??? Quote
Gollgagh Posted May 21, 2011 Posted May 21, 2011 lol no, they can shit out a new sonic game with whatever shit they want in it and it will sell sonic isn't exactly the pinnacle of fresh ideas anyway though so idk what you're trying to say Quote
Toadofsky Posted May 21, 2011 Posted May 21, 2011 Ooooorrr...Just give him to Nintendo. I'd like to see what they could do with him. Seeing the kind of stuff Nintendo has put out as of late, I doubt he'd be in any better shape with them. Miyamoto seems to hate making games in 2D, so you wouldn't get a Sonic game in the right dimension format. And, Sakamoto would get into Sonic's masculinity issues, and Tails immaturity. I think I just talked about recent Final Fantasy characters.... Quote
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