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Posted (edited)
There were a lot of scalpers with the Wii... I think a lot more people are probably going to jump at this opportunity.. it makes sense.

I'm not doubting that the scalpers exist but I don't think they're the main reason the reserves are sold out, as DS's post implies ("scalpers have eaten up all the preorders") I think legitimate buyers are out in full force. I've read a lot more posts than I thought I would of people excited about their preorder and ready to get their hands on the system than I thought I would. I believe there is tangible hype building up from legitimate buyers hoping to own the system.

Either way, a system sold is a system sold. If in fact that the 'opportunistic scalper' situation is like the one 6 years ago (or occuring with earlier anticipation, as you're suggesting) can't be a bad thing for Nintendo.

Edited by ocre

Anyone who's been following this. Can they confirm the Bayonetta 2 rumor? I've seen it from only one source at this point i'm hoping its a rumor. (I wouldnt mind it on Wii U but i would HATE if it went exclusive...)

Posted (edited)

Um. It's never been a rumor. Reggie spoke it into being a few days ago.

It's being published by Nintendo and will be Wii U exclusive.

If you're sour that you have to buy a new console for it, consder that you would need a new console to play it even if it were multiplatform.

Not the first time that has happened. Similar situation to Resident Evil 4 doing well on GameCube and Resident Evil 5 never hitting a Nintendo system.

You'll live.

At the very least, you can take a wait an see approach to see if anything else pops up on Wii U that would justify adopting it as a secondary system.

Edited by ocre

If you wanna be mad at anyone, be mad at SEGA. They've shown time and time again that they have no idea how to manage their IPs, whereas Nintendo actually knows what to acquire, what it's worth, and how to market it. Bayonetta 2 might not even exist right now if it weren't for Nintendo.


Sega unfortunately has had yet another string of terrible management. Some folks like to say that for the most part they'll be focusing their efforts on mobile/social and f2p games in the future (as well as their other big generator of income, the coin-op) - which is what is happening to a lot of Japanese companies. To which I can only sadface.

If you wanna be mad at anyone, be mad at SEGA. They've shown time and time again that they have no idea how to manage their IPs, whereas Nintendo actually knows what to acquire, what it's worth, and how to market it. Bayonetta 2 might not even exist right now if it weren't for Nintendo.

I'll have to correct you on this.

Bayonetta 2 would NOT exist AT ALL if it weren't for Nintendo; everyone else passed on it.

I'll have to correct you on this.

Bayonetta 2 would NOT exist AT ALL if it weren't for Nintendo; everyone else passed on it.

Which totally blows my mind. They created a legendary character and controversy aside (of which there was considerable). The game was very fun and very solid in control.

The fact of the matter is this: Affording a new console isnt exactly easy for me right now. And probably a lot of people on here. I am VERY upset with Sega now that this is confirmed. I am not a console loyalist by any standard. I've owned damn near all of them outside this current generation and if i had had the money to do it right I'd have a PS3 and Wii. But the fact that its an exclusive to Wii U is a mistake imo. A lot of people have been waiting on a sequel. And were expecting a 360 or PS3 i believe. The Wii U was an interesting thing for me to begin with. This is a HUGE coup for the Wii. But i did not believe Nintendo would be able to pull this trigger.

I know the reasons behind it and i can only hope it doesn't corrupt a very good formula.

Which totally blows my mind. They created a legendary character and controversy aside (of which there was considerable). The game was very fun and very solid in control.

The fact of the matter is this: Affording a new console isnt exactly easy for me right now. And probably a lot of people on here. I am VERY upset with Sega now that this is confirmed. I am not a console loyalist by any standard. I've owned damn near all of them outside this current generation and if i had had the money to do it right I'd have a PS3 and Wii. But the fact that its an exclusive to Wii U is a mistake imo. A lot of people have been waiting on a sequel. And were expecting a 360 or PS3 i believe. The Wii U was an interesting thing for me to begin with. This is a HUGE coup for the Wii. But i did not believe Nintendo would be able to pull this trigger.

I know the reasons behind it and i can only hope it doesn't corrupt a very good formula.

Considering they're taking an immense amount of care in keeping everything that made Bayonetta, well, Bayonetta, in the sequel, I don't think there's much to worry about there.

Which totally blows my mind. They created a legendary character and controversy aside (of which there was considerable). The game was very fun and very solid in control.

The fact of the matter is this: Affording a new console isnt exactly easy for me right now. And probably a lot of people on here. I am VERY upset with Sega now that this is confirmed. I am not a console loyalist by any standard. I've owned damn near all of them outside this current generation and if i had had the money to do it right I'd have a PS3 and Wii. But the fact that its an exclusive to Wii U is a mistake imo. A lot of people have been waiting on a sequel. And were expecting a 360 or PS3 i believe. The Wii U was an interesting thing for me to begin with. This is a HUGE coup for the Wii. But i did not believe Nintendo would be able to pull this trigger.

I know the reasons behind it and i can only hope it doesn't corrupt a very good formula.

At least your Bayonetta universe will continue right? Better than nothing, means somewhere down the line you'll have a chance to play the game.

I played MGS4 episodically at my friends because I didn't have a PS3, even if you don't have a Wii U personally it doesn't mean you will be deprived the chance to play it at somepoint.

Besides it's not like Nintendo can corrupt the formula much, Platinum games is still behind it, Nintendo just picked it up and gave them the cash injection of life.

Yeah, a lot of people are saying 'man, I hope Nintendo doesn't ruin Bayonetta', because this is apparently something they can do as publisher.

that's better than the moron i saw who swore the game was gonna fail so they were gonna port it.

because that is apparently something nintendo will do as publisher

Well, you don't really need to get another system right at the launch anyway.

Why are you talking about "need?"

I want a black one at launch. I want to play the new Mario game and Nintendoland when they come out. I'm disappointed that all the pre-orders at major retailers are sold out. I was hoping to avoid having to line up at Target again at 4 in the morning like I did when the Wii came out. It looks like that's what I'm going to be doing.


That's where I'm hitting a road block. I reserved a system, just for the peace of mind that I won't have to wait for one on launch day, but I'm having a hard time deciding what game to buy for it (other than the pack in, of course.) I'm not really excited for Lego games, the latest 2D Mario platformers have kind of bored me, ZombiiU looks like fun, but it's hard for me to justify a $50 game purchase anymore that isn't a Nintendo franchise.

Posted (edited)

Actually Wii U games will retail for $59.99.

You want the system on day 1 but don't find Mario compelling lately, you're afraid ZombiU may end up being another Red Steel, and you're not into Lego. How do you feel about Rayman? Call of Duty? Assassin's Creed? The Wonderful 101(Project P-100) I think is a launch widow title.

Pikmin 3 releases some time after the system launch too, I'm betting January but it could come out in December. It's a launch "window" title so, at latest March. I think it'll definitely be worth a day 1 buy.

Here's a list of retail launch titles.

For launch titles, I'm getting NSMBU, ZombiU and Rayman Legends.

Also many people may not realize but 1st Party Nintendo games like NSMBU will be available to download off the Wii u eShop on day 1, so there's that option if you don't haw to have the physical box(which are amazingly beautiful).

Edited by ocre

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