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I love Mario games too. I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt Nintendo to try and appeal more to other types of gamers, not just the family market and old-school Nintendo fans. No hate brother.

Posted (edited)

This whole "they need to make adult games" never makes sense to me. Nintendo hasn't ever done it in the past, why would they start now? They can publish and finance other things teams that do that kind of thing, why stop what they are good at to appeal to a smaller possible audience?

Nintendo doesn't make adult games on 3DS and thats selling well ... you know what they do make on 3DS?

Games! Lots of them! You know what is lacking on Wii U? Games!

Last Year they published/developed only 3 high profile games (Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, WW:HD (which was an HD port for WAY too much asking price, but still moved systems)), only published Wonderful 101 (wayyy to close to Pikmin 3, directly competing with themselves for no reason)

The year before all they had was Nintendo Land and NSMBU, and I wouldn't really call those high profile. They published LEGO City Undercover but i feel they didn't push that one as hard as they could of.

Thats it in almost 2 years span?

This year we have Smash, DKC, and Mario Kart, and a whole bunch of "Maybes" which probably be delayed and will turn into just these 3 games. These are good steps in the right direction, but this seems small for a company that has positioned themselves as the only reason to buy their console.

Edited by Crowbar Man

Those DLC shots are real, but they're the Japanese ones. I know at least the one on the right was edited for the American release. Ironically by hovering a beach towel over the bottom right corner of the screen, which hides the bikini bottom, but at the same time leaves it open for interpretation that she's not wearing anything down there, so...


I don't own a Wii U, but one title I'm looking out for is simply dubbed "X" at the moment. All I know about it is that the same people behind Xenogears and Xenoblade are behind it, and those are favorites of mine, so I'm hoping it's going to be good. I just hope that if they release it stateside that it doesn't become impossible to find like Xenoblade.

If X actually came out, it'd probably be the only reason I'd buy a Wii U. It's lack luster otherwise. 3DS, too, for that matter, but there have been a few titles that have come out I'm interested in. Nintendo seems to just be slipping behind these days.

Those DLC shots are real, but they're the Japanese ones. I know at least the one on the right was edited for the American release. Ironically by hovering a beach towel over the bottom right corner of the screen, which hides the bikini bottom, but at the same time leaves it open for interpretation that she's not wearing anything down there, so...

Classic way of dealing with censorship demands -- follow the demand to the letter, but twist it so that the result is actually less family-friendly than the original. If the censors are smart, sooner or later they stop asking.

This whole "they need to make adult games" never makes sense to me. Nintendo hasn't ever done it in the past, why would they start now? They can publish and finance other things teams that do that kind of thing, why stop what they are good at to appeal to a smaller possible audience?

Diversification. Tap into an untapped part of their market sector. Publish 1 new IP. Not go and change their current IP's. Hell they could create a new small studio underneath Nintendo and give it a fancy name. Have that studio be the name behind this new IP.

I could personally care less if they make mature games or not. Just giving an idea to improve their bottom line without sacrificing their rich tradition.


They could bring back Banjo Kazooie and have ten pre-orders committed by me.

I'd love a sequel to Nuts and Bolts using the Gamepad, but noo, instead of JonTron setting the record straight on that game, he put the nail in the franchise's coffin.

So, Nintendo, make a new IP like you did with Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion. I don't care about the commercial success of those amazing games, I just need more of them. On my Wii U.

one of those DLC's looks fake because I feel like I saw the original version of it.

what does "that's actually from a different DLC" mean, cuz I'm just an idiot who knows nothing about anything anyone is saying right now and I'm so confused

Fire Emblem: Awakening has a bunch of DLC, each coming in three parts. There's some Future DLC that's set in [spoilers]. And there's the Scramble DLC that's mostly there to build supports, though it does have some exclusive artwork. That artwork is from the Summer Scramble DLC.

Posted (edited)

I guess I should of specified in my earlier post M rated and not "for adults", technically most of Nintendo's games are "made for adults" (anybody should be able to enjoy regardless of age)

Thalzon: Nintendo didn't make either of those games. Silicon Knights made Eternal Darkness, and nSpace mostly made Geist. Nintendo published both, Nintendo does publish M rated games.

Also as a side note: Sadly neither games sold extremely well unfortunately, even for GC games.

As far as Fire Emblem (Rated T), is proof/evidence you can make a game that is mature (in the actual definition) and aimed at "adults" without having to resort to adding blood/gore/etc to push it to Mature (the rating). Though FE still cuts out the younger audiences, it hits a good range.

Diversification. Tap into an untapped part of their market sector. Publish 1 new IP. Not go and change their current IP's. Hell they could create a new small studio underneath Nintendo and give it a fancy name. Have that studio be the name behind this new IP.

Yes, the M rated market sure is an untapped resource :/ (sarcasm) Besides, Nintendo apparently doesn't have enough resources to make all the IPs people actually want from them ("Make us starfox! Make us Metroid! Make us Fzero! etcetc"), spending time to make yet another M rated IP (that none of their fans would probably even bother with) is probably a waste of time.

Besides, they can publish M rated titles if they feel like it, it just hasn't done them very well in the past. 3rd parties are dumping M rated games all over the Wii U, they aren't selling either.

Edited by Crowbar Man

"E for Everyone" DOES mean that a game could be enjoyed by adults, but it doesn't mean it will be enjoyed by adults. The target audience for most Nintendo games is young people. Even if there was a T-rated Nintendo title, I could assure you they would be targeting the 13 year olds rather than the 18 year olds. It's that soft image that made Nintendo not a power player in the hardcore gaming market despite attempts to market Wii U towards hardcore gamers early on.

Posted (edited)
"E for Everyone" DOES mean that a game could be enjoyed by adults, but it doesn't mean it will be enjoyed by adults.

erm... same can be said for any rating.

"M for Mature" means only adults should play it, but it doesn't mean it "will be" enjoyed by adults. Enjoyment is subjective to the individual. It is just a rating. However, an M suggests it shouldn't be sold or played by anybody less than 18, therefore the scope of audience shrinks significantly over T or E. Real adults shouldn't care what the rating is anyways, its a label to keep certain games away from kids.

Also, Nintendo still pretty much only makes hardcore games 80% of the time. Just because they aren't spitting out COD clones like every other company doesn't make SM3DW, MK, Smash, Pikmin 3, etc any less "hardcore" titles. They opened up the casual market with their "Wii" label series, but not too much outside of that

The problem is A) they don't have enough of those right now and B) a large portion of the market thinks only M rated games, or COD/Halo/GTA clones are "hardcore"

Nintendo can fix A... I'm not sure how to fix B. I think the market is in the wrong personally and the modern demographic is a little ehhh.. but more Nintendo games might help. "Be like everybody and become soulless" isn't the answer.

So Wii U News:

Mario Kart 8 is heading towards us in May. Seems further away than I thought but I hope they get it right. Can't wait!

Nintendo will be making Smartphone apps to advertise their products and provide more on the go information, but NOT making games for Smartphones. This makes sense, there are already PlayStation and Xbox apps.

Kinda big news (though maybe a little late now)

DS (not 3DS) games are coming to VC on Wii U.

Now... I really hope they somehow increase the native resolution, because a 256 × 192 polygonal game on a 1080p screen isn't going to look pretty.

Too bad no 3DS/DS attachment that lets you play 3DS/DS games on Wii U :/ THAT would sell units.

Edited by Crowbar Man
However, an M suggests it shouldn't be sold or played by anybody less than 18, therefore the scope of audience shrinks significantly over T or E. Real adults shouldn't care what the rating is anyways

The law is that if you are under 17, you cannot legally purchase an M rated game without a parent or guardian, despite the fact that I know plenty of 10 year olds playing all those games.

It's really a matter of if it's just violence and possibly profanity, or if it's sexual. If it's sexual, the likelihood of 10 year olds playing it is lower, at least where I live. If it's just a whole bunch of shooting people or aliens, yeah sure whatever, 10 year olds everywhere playing the game.

It's only AO that's entirely off limits for anyone under 18, especially the younger ones. Does that rating even exist anymore? Does any game actually have it anymore?

Posted (edited)

Ignore this and skip to the Wii U stuff below unless you are bored:

It actually isn't against the law (in the US, where the ESRB is), the ESRB will just fine the crap out of any store caught doing it, and repeated offenses means that store could be banned from receiving products I believe. There are a lot of reasons we don't want the government involved with what games can be sold, and many laws have been struck down to try to MAKE it against the law since the ESRB is a private organization (somewhere along there its also unconstitutional).

Little known fact: This is the same for movies & the MPAA ratings (not gov controlled, private, not illegal just fined by MPAA, etc), but for some reason people still want games to be controlled by the government... :/

And yeah, unfortunately plenty of underage kids play M games. I'd say they are probably the most excited by blood and gore etc than any adult would be. That is why "M for Mature" is kinda a joke in a way a label, because it has nothing to do with maturity.

AO games kinda don't exist anymore since you can only sell them on PC and online (no major retail chain will carry AO games anymore, and no consoles manufacturer will license an AO game). Most people wouldn't bother to pay the ESRB to rate them at that point, because the point of an ESRB rating is to sell a product on a store shelf.

Fun Fact: A DVD can go "unrated" (meaning basically anywhere from G to NC-17 but they didn't wan to pay for a rating/rerating) and retailers will still sell a movie, but nobody will sell an unrated game.

But all that is a little off subject. WAY off subject. Sorry!

Repeat of the other post:


Wii Fit U on Feb 1st (Retail)

DKC:TF still on for Feb. 13.

MK8 in May.

A Nintendo smartphone app is in the works

More stuff that can use that NFC in the GamePad

Quicker Boot/Game Selection for faster game boot up (Alternative to the one we have now?)

Wii U VC is adding Nintendo DS games

Which btw I think they could have a bunch of options for the DS on VC, like top screen = TV, bottom screen = GamePad, all on the tv, or all on the gamepad...

The only example slide of DS on Wii U showed Sudoku using sideways "Book" style on the GamePad though. Hopefully better 3D native resolution, but no word. We'll see!

Edited by Crowbar Man

Against my better judgment, I did a system transfer from my Wii...and apparently it only bothered to copy save data from my physically owned games (sans Mario Kart Wii?) and the "rights" to download Wii shop stuff that I'd downloaded before. The downloaded games themselves were all deleted, along with their save data. So I have to spend time redownloading them all, and their save data is gone.

...Was that supposed to happen? Because I don't remember it telling me that would happen.

Against my better judgment, I did a system transfer from my Wii...and apparently it only bothered to copy save data from my physically owned games (sans Mario Kart Wii?) and the "rights" to download Wii shop stuff that I'd downloaded before. The downloaded games themselves were all deleted, along with their save data. So I have to spend time redownloading them all, and their save data is gone.

...Was that supposed to happen? Because I don't remember it telling me that would happen.

Didn't happen when I transferred. I had After Years on my Wii and it transferred over. You have to switch to classic mode for it to show up though.

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