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Once upon a time Nintendo tried something new. Luigi's Mansion is a great example of them trying something new, as well as Paper Mario. Both excellent games that tried to break the normal formula. But now Nintendo gets a free ride as far as innovation is concerned. No one seems to care that they just dont try anymore. Because the release a waggle stick that doesn't work well or a gimped tablet pc that more than likely wont work very well, Nintendo gets to ride on the way of stupid customers shelling out there money because they don't know or care to know.

Brushfire I don't know about your other stuff, but I'm with you on this the whole fucking way.

Nintendo is like that really cool kid you knew in college, but now he's a humorless bore who "grew up" and works in a cubicle.

We have seen like 3 Nintendo games from Wii U. Saying they aren't innovating anymore seems a bit exaggerated.

And if they created even more Mario franchises (like Paper Mario), people would say they are "milking Mario", so people would complain anyway!

I'm pretty sure I did the opposite of complaining when Paper Mario 1 came out. It was something like OOHOHOO YEAH BABY, MARIO DOES MORE THAN PLATFORMS.

And we're just referencing the recent past.. I'm hoping Wii U is more of a Nintendo 64 than a Wii when it's all said and done.

Posted (edited)
A PC actually allows people to view Nintendo games in 1080P, thanks to the miracle of Emulation. So PC beat Nintendo to it. Go figure.

Yeah because emulation is officially sanctioned and supported by Nintendo. /s

I want a Mario that tries something new beyond it's safe zone. Nintendo can do it. The Prime Trilogy is proof their IP's can "Grow up"

What was wrong with Galaxy 1 & 2? I enjoyed them *shrug*

Also... what was "kiddy" about freakin Metroid to begin with?

I've been saying that but Crowbar seems to not get it.

Uh you are not getting it. Upscaling does not technically make things look better.

Yes there are lots of games that render in less than 720p (mostly the big name high end cross platform games) and upscale to 1080p.

There are still tons of games that render at native 720p on both 360/PS3. I'd say roughly about 80% of them. http://forum.beyond3d.com/showthread.php?t=46241

Theres a few that even hit native 1080p (usually lower end affairs, like Echochrome, Fat Princess, Fifa Street 3, etc).

The real problem is games saying they are 1080p when they are just upscaled bizarre resolutions, 720, or worse.

At least Nintendo is honest, they said their first party launch titles will be native 720p in many interviews.

Now why anybody would think the Wii U running on newer hardware with more RAM and better GPU than 360/PS3 would not push out at least 720p is beyond me. It should technically be doing 1080p, but I think the resources needed for the 2nd screen are holding it back

You can build a good PC for the cost of a new 360 or PS3, you just have to be informed and frugal.

Who'd want to game on $200-300 PC? And pumping 1080p for that price? Not likely

And it won't play 360 or PS3 or Wii U exclusives. Or console-only games. Mentioning PC in a console thread at all is really quite irrelevent

I agree, but it was all done through PC emulation.

Uh since hes talking about jaggies, I'm pretty sure he isn't talking emu. You know in emulation you can turn it to render in native 720/1080/Infinite p right? And turn on AA? No scaling, No jaggies.

So when I give an opinion it's trolling.

"Wii U? lol P U! GET A PC!" is pretty trollin'

Mario games are the same no matter how you slice them

Oh yeah, Mario 1, 2/USA, 3, World, World 2, 64, Sunshine, Galaxy. All identical.

Well, besides the 720p screenshots Nintendo has released, and the interviews where they say their first party games are in native 720p, here is a technical breakdown from Digital Foundry:


An interesting article if you like reading technical breakdowns, though since they can't grab direct game feed yet, its still guestimations. Nothing mind blowing here, the Wii U again isn't a power house. But compared to Wii? Big leap.

Don't get me wrong.

Nintendo pisses me off like every other big company (every single one of the "Big 3" are failing in some respect). But I'm happier they've moved beyond waggle and back into traditional games, because the only games I really enjoyed on the Wii made almost no use of the waggle or would of been better without the waggle (or waggle that worked better). I'm hoping they'll return to form sometime this generation

Edited by Crowbar Man
Also Sin and Punishment 2, bringing back Kid Icarus, originally publishing Xenoblade, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower(which unfortunately never made it here), Wii Sports, and the list can go on.

Um only two of those games were made by nintendo companies.

Nintendo pisses me off like every other big company (every single one of the "Big 3" are failing in some respect). But I'm happier they've moved beyond waggle and back into traditional games, because the only games I really enjoyed on the Wii made almost no use of the waggle or would of been better without the waggle (or waggle that worked better). I'm hoping they'll return to form sometime this generation

I don't know, I think just like last generation, this launch is going to heavily rely on tablet tricks to make it through the holiday season.

I've already listed the games I'd be interested in, but I ain't holding my breath!

Posted (edited)

Oh im talking about the entire next cycle, not just launch. Yeah, launch is full of gimmick and cheap/quick to make games. Launches are usually pretty weak for any console. At least it has Pikmin 3

Edited by Crowbar Man
Um only two of those games were made by nintendo companies.

Two of them were internally developed by Nintendo but the rest were published by them(as I mentioned), which shows that they're looking for creative new ins wherever they can find 'em. Monolith Soft is also owned by Nintendo, and they're confirmed to be working on another new IP for the Wii U.


Really, all that I have to say is that I don't want to condone Nintendo's stupidity anymore. Cartridges against Playstation, mini discs = low data = lack of 3rd party= more money to competitors, shitty online, lack of enough backward compatibility... costs you in the end. Smash Bros went from awesome tactics and creative fun to puppy dogs and gay tripping. Nobody wants gay tripping!

They have innovative minds, but they need technical minds; realists. Plus they need to hit a joint or do some LSD when they run outta ideas. You're too rich and healthy to be lazy.

Get well or get out, Nintendo. Consoles cost money, I wanna have fun and I am paying. Quit fucking around!

Cartridges against Playstation, even though everyone here is talking about how they want the next n64 clearly it didn't matter that much mini discs = low data = lack of 3rd party= more money to competitors had very little to do with mini discs shitty online, true lack of enough backward compatibility...there hasn't been a nintendo console that hasn't been backwards compatible since gamecube... there hasn't been a nintendo handheld that wasn't backwards compatible with the last iteration since literally ever. are you serious. costs you in the end. Smash Bros went from awesome tactics and creative fun to puppy dogs and gay tripping. Nobody wants gay tripping! puppy dogs and gay tripping. classy. while i am all for talking about how much i like melee over brawl, your description pretty much says 'i don't like it because it was colorful and child friendly. and it's gay.' if you'd said 'tripping and stupid air dodging' and/or a multitude of other deficiencies, fine.

They have innovative minds, but they need technical minds; realists. Plus they need to hit a joint or do some LSD when they run outta ideas. You're too rich and healthy to be lazy. doing drugs is cool and by talking about them you are by association cool. also you just said two COMPLETELY OPPOSING THINGS in two sentences that are right next to each other. 'you need to get technical minds to work on your product, and when they run out of ideas THEY SHOULD ALL GET HIGH BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT CREATIVE ENOUGH.'

Get well or get out, Nintendo. Consoles cost money, I wanna have fun and I am paying. i thought you didn't want to condone nintendo's behavior. you probably shouldn't buy one. Quit fucking around!

also, BY THE WAY, since this double standard seems to go completely un-talked about all the time, just about every 'first party' game on a sony or microsoft system is actually just published by sony or microsoft, and developed by an aquired developer. nintendo is really the only hardware company with consistent, significant in-house software development.


We don't need to go that far down the rabbit hole on bashing people, guys.

Salluz is objectively wrong, but his perception(wrong as it may be) is pretty heavy among many "gamers", and Nintendo isn't really free from blame. They'll innovate and do some cool stuff with their tech(see almost every Nintendo developed and/or published game on the Wii), but third parties for whatever reason don't follow suit.

The other problem is that in this generation, Microsoft and Sony(but mostly MS)were clearly the leaders of gamer mindshare, regardless of how well the Wii sold, and this is because of 2 key elements(though one much bigger than the other): a competent online gaming solution and a way to easily play with your friends(both in the case of MS), and more powerful hardware. While it's true that "grafix don't make teh games", hardware power can be used for things like better A.I., lighting, physics, even system stuff that just make games more immersive. easy to get into, and fun.

And let's be real here. You weren't going to get games like Bioshock or Assassin's Creed on the Wii. OK sure, many of you guys might not care about that series or other "hardcore" stuff, but plenty of gamers do, and Nintendo DID objectively fail to get those guys with the relatively weaker hardware and third-party support on the Wii.

The Nintendo Wii U has the potential, and it definitely seems poised to retake their position as king of the hardcore hill(or at least be a major player), but Nintendo DOES have an uphill battle, although nowhere as dire as some vocal minority might make it out to be, to win back that marketshare.


So how about that Wii U? I'm pretty dang anxious to explore a new system UI, which is one of my favorite things about getting a new system. That and that new console smell. Nerdgasmic!

Those of you planning on getting Mario at launch, are you going for the physical retail package or perhaps take advantage of the Premium Network reward program (bundled with the deluxe sku) and build up some points with the downloadable version? Even though I'll be in that program, the retail boxes are just so pretty and it IS the first Mario game pack-in since SM64 on the N64(No I'm not counting Luigi's Mansion; and yeah I know NSMB games aren't main series entries) so I'm more than likely going physical.


Nope, Reggie said there's more to be shown in the coming weeks. And yeah, the Mii Wara Wara (billboards with Miis around them) portion of MiiVerse is basically the splash screen when you first turn on the system. There's a button on the lower right side that leads to the Home Screen whose UI we haven't glimpsed at but is rumored to be a revamped Wii 'channel' style with a dash of the 3DS home menu thrown in.


I always love seeing the home menu/UI of a new system. Personally I think the Wii had probably the most user friendly UI ever, and I love all the little secrets and fun things you can do on the lesser-used channels like the Photo Channel. I hope Nintendo continues to put in a lot of easter eggs.

I'm probably going to get most of my games boxed, since I love boxart and displaying them on my shelf, but the one title that I for sure will get digitally is Wii Fit U. The biggest deterrent to using Wii Fit was having to take out the game in the wii, put it back in the case, take out Wii fit, put the disc in... it's easier just to get fat. The Wii fit Menu was great, though, I used that all the time. So having the full 'game' downloaded on the system will definitely give me more incentive to actually try and get fit.

Console publishers, for God's sake just let me buy a game at retail, then let me install the bloody thing on an HDD without needing the CD in the drive.

yeah that won't facilitate piracy at all

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